Filter Options

This topic explores a few special operators used in filters when creating a report or creating a metric.

Filter Operators

  • LIKE for pattern matching. This must be used with the wildcard characters % (for a wildcard with a variable number of letters) or _ (for a wildcard single letter). For example, the restriction LIKE \_ake% would return true for Jake Stein, Jake Smith, or Fake Smith. It would return false for Drake Smith.

  • NOT LIKE is similar to pattern matching above, but checks for which patterns do not match.

  • IS checks if the column is NULL, or empty.

  • IS NOT is similar to the IS operator above, but checks for non-NULL columns.

  • IN checks for a value’s presence in a comma-separated list. (for example, “Color IN red,orange” is the equivalent of color equal to red OR color equal to orange).

  • NOT IN is similar to IN above, but checks for a value’s absence.
