Basic Coupon Code Analysis

Understanding the coupon performance of your business is an interesting way to segment your orders and better understand customer habits.

This topic documents the steps required to create this analysis to understand how coupon-acquired customers perform, see trends, and track individual coupon code usage.

Getting Started

First, a note about how coupon codes are tracked. If a customer applied a coupon to an order, three things happen:

  • A discount is reflected in the base_grand_total amount (your Revenue metric in Commerce Intelligence)
  • The coupon code is stored in the coupon_code field. If this field is NULL (empty), the order does not have a coupon associated with it.
  • The discounted amount is stored in base_discount_amount. Depending on your configuration, this value may appear negative or positive.

As of Commerce 2.4.7, a customer can apply more than one coupon code to an order. In this case:

  • All coupon codes applied are stored in the coupon_code field of sales_order_coupons. The first coupon code applied is also stored in the coupon_code field of sales_order. If this field is NULL (empty), the order does not have a coupon associated with it.

Building a Metric

The first step is to construct a new metric with the following steps:

  • Navigate to Manage Data > Metrics > Create New Metric.

  • Select the sales_order.

  • This metric performs a Sum on the base_discount_amount column, ordered by created_at.

    • Filters:

      • Add the Orders we count (Saved Filter Set)
      • Add the following:
        • coupon_codeIS NOT[NULL]
      • Give the metric a name, such as Coupon discount amount.

Creating your Dashboard

  • Once the metric has been created:

    • Navigate to Dashboards > Dashboard Options > Create New Dashboard**.
    • Give the dashboard a name such as _Coupon Analysis_.
  • This is where you create and add all the reports.

Building Reports

  • New Reports:
The Time Period** for each report is listed as All-time. Feel free to alter this to suit your analysis needs. Adobe recommends all reports on this dashboard cover the same time period, such as All time, Year-to-date, or Last 365 days.
  • Orders with coupons

    • Metric:Orders

      • Add filter:
        • [A] coupon_code IS NOT [NULL]
    • Time period: All time

    • Interval: None

    • Chart type:Number (scalar)

  • Orders without coupons

    • Metric: Orders

      • Add filter:
        • [A] coupon_code IS [NULL]
    • Time period: All time

    • Interval:None

    • Chart type:Number (scalar)

  • Net revenue from orders with coupons

    • Metric: Revenue

      • Add filter:
        • [A] coupon_code IS NOT [NULL]
    • Time period: All time

    • Interval: None

    • Chart type: Number (scalar)

  • Discounts from coupons

    • Metric: Coupon discount amount
    • Time period: All time
    • Interval: None
    • Chart type: Number (scalar)
  • Average lifetime revenue: Coupon acquired customers

    • Metric: Avg lifetime revenue

      • Add filter:
        • [A] Customer's first order's coupon_code IS NOT [NULL]
    • Time period: All time

    • Interval: None

    • Chart type: Number (scalar)

  • Average lifetime revenue: Non-coupon acquired customers

    • Metric: Avg lifetime revenue

      • Add filter:
        • [A] Customer's first order's coupon_code IS[NULL]
    • Time period: All time

    • Interval: None

    • Chart type: Number (scalar)

  • Coupon usage details (first time orders)

    • Metric 1: Orders

      • Add filter:

        • [A] coupon_code IS NOT[NULL]
        • [B] Customer's order number Equal to 1
    • Metric 2: Revenue

      • Add filter:

        • [A] coupon_code IS NOT[NULL]
        • [B] Customer's order number Equal to 1
      • Rename: Net revenue

    • Metric 3: Coupon discount amount

      • Add filter:

        • [A] coupon_code IS NOT[NULL]
        • [B] Customer's order number Equal to 1
    • Create formula: Gross revenue

      • Formula: (B – C)
      • Format: Currency
    • Create formula:% discounted

      • Formula: (C / (B - C))
      • Format: Percentage
    • Create formula: Average order discount

      • Formula: (C / A)
      • Format: Percentage
    • Time period: All time

    • Interval: None

    • Chart type: Table

  • Average lifetime revenue by first order coupon

    • Metric:Avg lifetime revenue

      • Add filter:
        • [A] coupon_code IS[NULL]
    • Time period: All time

    • Interval: None

    • Chart type: Number (scalar)

  • Coupon usage details (first time orders)

    • Metric: Avg lifetime revenue

      • Add filter:
        • [A] Customer's first order's coupon_code IS NOT [NULL]
    • Time period: All time

    • Interval: None

    • Group by: Customer's first order's coupon_code

    • Chart type:Column

  • New customers by coupon / non-coupon acquisition

    • Metric 1: New customers

      • Add filter:

        • [A] Customer's first order's coupon_code IS NOT [NULL]
      • Rename: Coupon acquisition customer

    • Metric 2: New customers

      • Add filter:

        • [A] coupon_code IS[NULL]
      • Rename: Non-coupon acquisition customer

    • Time period: All time

    • Interval: By Month

    • Chart type: Stacked Column

After building the reports, refer to the image at the top of this topic for how you can organize the reports on your dashboard.

As of Adobe Commerce 2.4.7, customers can use the quote_coupons and sales_order_coupons tables to get insights on how customer use multiple coupons.
