Out-of-the-box dashboards

Adobe Commerce Intelligence includes out-of-the-box dashboards to provide insight into your business. With dashboards, you can check on the health of essential metrics such as user lifetime revenue, number of repeat purchases, top products purchased over a given time period, and more. These pre-configured dashboards were created to help you make informed business decisions.

Access to these dashboards depends on your account type and your access level. If you do not see these dashboards, contact support.

Report availability

For the Customers and Executive Summary dashboards, some reports are only available depending on your store’s checkout configuration. Specifically, if your store allows guest checkout or does not allow guest checkout.

Customers (guest checkout allowed)

The Customers (guest checkout allowed) dashboard provides information about your customer base, such as their purchase behavior. This dashboard can help you improve customer retention and determine which customers bring in the highest revenue.


Orders by New Customers (Past 30 Days)
Orders in the past 30 days from customers who have never previously placed an order.
Orders by Existing Customers (Past 30 Days)
Orders in the past 30 days from customers who have previously placed at least one order.
Total Unique Customers (Past 30 Days)
Count of unique customers placing orders in the past 30 days.
Orders by New vs Existing Customers
Number of orders by customers with no previous orders versus customers with at least one previous order.
Subsequent Order Probability (All Time)
The likelihood that customers who have placed an order places another one.
% of Customers with Multiple Orders (All Time)
Percent of all customers that have placed more than one order.
Median Time Between Orders (All Time)
Median amount of time each customer takes between placing one order and the next.
Subsequent Order Probability
The likelihood that customers who have placed an order places another order, broken out by order number. That is, the percent of customers with one order who place a second, percent with two who place a third, and so on.
Time Between Orders
The average and median time customers take between orders, broken out by order number (that is, the time between orders one and two, two and three, and so on).
Number of Customers - Lifetime Orders
For a given number of orders placed in a customer’s lifetime, the number of customers who have placed that many orders and the percent of the entire customer base that number represents.
One-Time Customers who Bought 3-6 Months Ago
Customers who made their first and only purchase between three and six months ago.
Avg LTV by First Order
Compares the cumulative average customer lifetime revenue across cohorts. Cohorts are defined by the month in which a customer first made a purchase. For example, a Jan 2020 cohort shows cumulative average LTV for customers whose first purchase was in January 2020.
Customer's First 30 Day vs Lifetime Revenue
Comparison of average revenue from customers in the 30 days after their first purchase versus in their entire lifetime. Each bubble corresponds to a shipping region, and the size of each bubble represents the number of customers acquired from that region.

Customers (no guest checkout allowed)

The Customers (no guest checkout allowed) dashboard provides information about your customer base, such as their purchase behavior and conversions from account registrations to order placements. This dashboard can help you improve customer retention and determine which customers bring in the highest revenue.


Account Registration (Past 30 Days)
The number of people who registered for an account with your store in the past 30 days.
Accounts Registered (Past 30 Days) with 1 or More Orders
The number of people who registered for an account with your store in the past 30 days, and also placed at least one order.
% Conversion from Registration to First Order (Past 30 Days)
Percent of accounts registered in past 30 days that have placed an order.
% Conversion from Registration to First Order
Percent of accounts registered that have made an order, by month of registration.
Orders by New vs Existing Customers
Number of orders by customers with no previous orders versus customers with at least one previous order.
Subsequent Order Probability (All Time)
The likelihood that customers who have placed an order places another one.
% of Customers with Multiple Orders (All Time)
Percent of all customers that have placed more than one order.
Median Time Between Orders (All Time)
Median amount of time each customer takes between placing one order and the next.
Subsequent Order Probability
The likelihood that customers who have placed an order places another one, broken out by order number. That is, percent of customers with one order who place a second, percent with two who place a third, and so on.
Time Between Orders
The average and median time customers take between orders, broken out by order number (that is, the time between orders one and two, two and three, and so on).
Number of Customers - Lifetime Orders
For a given number of orders placed in a customer’s lifetime, the number of customers who have placed that many orders and the percent of the entire customer base that number represents.
One-Time Customers who Bought 3-6 Months Ago
Customers who made their first and only purchase between three and six months ago.
Avg LTV by First Order
Compares the cumulative average customer lifetime revenue across cohorts. Cohorts are defined by the month in which a customer first made a purchase. For example, a Jan 2020 cohort shows cumulative average LTV for customers whose first purchase was in January 2020.
Customer's First 30 Day vs Lifetime Revenue
Comparison of average revenue from customers in the 30 days after their first purchase versus in their entire lifetime. Each bubble corresponds to a shipping region, and the size of each bubble represents the number of customers acquired from that region.

Executive Summary (guest checkout allowed)

The Executive Summary (guest checkout allowed) dashboard gives you a succinct picture of how the business is doing in terms of orders and revenue. This dashboard is designed for executives to get an overall understanding of business performance, but can be insightful for others as well.


Revenue (Current Month)
The revenue that has been generated by your store for the current month. In this case, revenue is defined as the final price paid by a customer on an order.
Revenue (Past 6 Months by Day)
Total daily revenue, overlaid with the average daily revenue for the previous seven days. In this case, revenue is defined as the final price paid by a customer on an order.
% Change in Revenue (MoM MTD)
Comparison of revenue the current month (so far) versus the same portion of the previous month.
Revenue from New vs Existing Customers (Current Month)
Revenue for the current month (so far) attributed to new (first-time) customers versus existing customers (placing second or later order).
Average Order Value (Current Month)
Daily average value of orders placed in the current month (so far). Order value is defined as the final price paid by a customer on an order.
Orders (Current Month)
The number of orders placed in your store for the current month (so far).
% Change in Orders (MoM MTD)
Comparison of the number of orders for the current month (so far) versus the same portion of the previous month.
Orders by New Customers (Current Month)
Orders for the current month from customers who have never previously placed an order.
Orders by Existing Customers (Current Month)
Orders for the current month from customers who have previously placed at least one order.
Orders by New vs Existing Customers (Current Year by Week)
Number of orders by customers with no previous orders vs. by customers with at least one previous order, for each week of the current year (so far).

Executive Summary (no guest checkout allowed)

The Executive Summary (no guest checkout allowed) dashboard gives you a succinct picture of how the business is doing in terms of orders, revenue, and account registrations. This dashboard is designed for executives to get an overall understanding of business performance, but can be insightful for others as well.


Revenue (Current Month)
The revenue that has been generated by your store this month. In this case, revenue is defined as the final price paid by a customer on an order.
Revenue (Past 6 Months by Day)
Total daily revenue, overlaid with the average daily revenue for the previous seven days. In this case, revenue is defined as the final price paid by a customer on an order.
% Change in Revenue (MoM MTD)
Comparison of revenue so far this month versus the same portion of the previous month.
Revenue from New vs Existing Customers (Current Month)
Revenue for the current month (so far) attributed to new (first-time) customers versus existing customers (placing second or later order).
Average Order Value (Current Month)
Daily average value of orders placed in the current month (so far). Order value is defined as the final price paid by a customer on an order.
Orders (Current Month)
The number of orders placed in your store for the current month (so far).
% Change in Orders (MoM MTD)
Comparison of the number of orders for the current month (so far) versus the same portion of the previous month.
Account Registrations (Current Month)
The number of newly registered accounts so far this month.
% Conversion from Registration to First Order (Current Month)
The percent of accounts registered so far this month that have placed an order.
% Conversion from Registration to First Order (Current Year by Week)
The percent of accounts registered each week so far this year that have placed an order.


The Orders dashboard provides insights on transactional volume of orders, their status, coupon codes used, revenue generated, and the payment methods used. For example, you can track the fulfillment process and ensure that there are no issues or bottleneck occurrences.

The reports on this dashboard are available for accounts connected to stores with either type of configuration (guest checkout, no guest checkout).


Orders (Past 30 Days)
The number of orders that were placed with your store in the past 30 days.
Revenue (Past 30 Days)
The revenue that has been generated by your store in the past 30 days. Revenue is defined as the final price paid by a customer on an order.
Average Order Value (Past 30 Days)
Average value of orders made in the past 30 days. Order value is defined as the final price paid by a customer on an order.
The number of orders placed in your store each month.
Revenue by Payment Method
The revenue that has been generated by your store, split out by payment method. Revenue is defined as the final price paid by a customer on an order.
AOV by New vs Existing Customers
Monthly average value of orders made in your store, split by orders made by customers with no previous orders versus customers with at least one previous order. Order value is defined as the final price paid by a customer on an order.
% Orders by Status (Past 30 Days)
Percent of orders from each day in the past 30 days that are currently in each order status.
Incomplete Orders (Created more than 1 Day Ago)
A list of all orders placed more than one day ago that are still in an incomplete status (not canceled or complete).
Orders Per Hour (Past 7 Days)
Order volume by day by hour.
Revenue Details (Past 30 Days)
Daily revenue breakdown for the past 30 days into all components of the total revenue value.
Order Details by Coupon Code (Past 30 Days)
For each coupon code offered by your store, details about how that coupon code was used and what returns it brought in during the past 30 days.
% Orders with Coupon (Past 30 Days)
The percentage of orders placed in the past 30 days that used a coupon versus those that did not.


The Products dashboard shows general product performance in terms of products ordered, their Gross Merchandise Value (GMV), and top products purchased and refunded. It can help you to balance purchases and returns, and to determine product success and popularity. Your store must be configured to track refunds for those charts to be populated.

The reports on this dashboard are available for accounts connected to stores with either type of configuration (guest checkout, no guest checkout).


GMV (Past 30 Days)
The gross merchandise value of all products sold in the past 30 days. GMV is defined as the quantity ordered multiplied by the base price for each product.
% GMV (Past 30 Days) Refunded
Percent of GMV for products purchased in that last 30 days that resulted in a refund.
Product Quantity Ordered (Past 30 Days)
Total quantity of items ordered in the past 30 days.
% Purchased Products (Past 30 Days) Refunded
Percent of items purchased in the last 30 days that resulted in a refund.
Gross Merchandise Value
The gross merchandise value of all products sold, by month. GMV is defined as the quantity ordered multiplied by the base price for each product.
Purchases vs Refund Rate per Product (Past 30 Days)
For each product, a comparison of the total number ordered in the past 30 days versus the rate at which the product was refunded. The size of each bubble represents the refund rate.
Product Performance Details (Past 30 Days)
Detailed information on sales and subsequent refunds in the past 30 days, by product sku and product name.
Top Purchased Products by GMV (Past 30 Days)
Products sold in the past 30 days that brought in the most revenue (top 10).
Top Refunded Products by GMV (Past 30 Days)
Products purchased in the past 30 days that resulted in the most GMV lost due to refunds (top 10).
Top Purchased Products by Quantity (Past 30 Days)
Products sold in the past 30 Days in the greatest numbers (top 10).
Top Refunded Products by Quantity (Past 30 Days)
Products purchased in the past 30 days that resulted in the greatest quantity refunded (top 10).