Connect Google ECommerce

Requires Admin permissions.

You have steady flow of traffic and orders, which means you are effectively reaching and acquiring customers. But what are your most valuable referral channels? What is the average lifetime value of customers acquired from one source versus another? By connecting your order referral source data from Google ECommerce to Commerce Intelligence, you can build analyses that help you identify your most valuable marketing channels.

Get started by entering your Google ECommerce credentials into Commerce Intelligence:

  1. Go to the Connections page under Admin > Connections.

  2. Click Add a New Source, located on the right side of the screen above the Data Sources table.

  3. Click the Google ECommerce icon. This opens the Google ECommerce credentials page.

  4. Enter your Google Analytics credentials. At completion of the authorization process, you are redirected back to Commerce Intelligence.

  5. A list of profile IDs display. Check the profiles that you want to connect to Commerce Intelligence.

    If you have multiple profiles and need some help identifying which is which, refer to the **Connecting Multiple Google Analytics profiles section below.

  6. Changes are saved automatically, so click Back to Connections when you are finished.

Connecting multiple Google Analytics profiles to Commerce Intelligence

You may have multiple websites connected to a single Google Analytics account, identified by their own Google Analytics profile ID. In this case, you have the option of including all your profile IDs in Commerce Intelligence. Check the profile IDs you would like to include during the profile selection step.

To identify a particular website’s Google Analytics Profile ID:

  1. Log into Google Analytics.

  2. Go to the particular website’s Google Analytics dashboard.

  3. Look at the URL - the Profile ID corresponds to the eight numbers following p at the end of the line.**XXXXXXXX**/

Disconnecting Google ECommerce from Commerce Intelligence disconnect

  1. Visit your Google Analytics account settings page.
  2. Under the Security section, click edit next to Authorizing applications and sites.
  3. Click revoke access next to Commerce Intelligence.