Send and validate proofs

Learn how to send and validate a proof.

Welcome to Adobe Campaign Classic. In this module, we’ll be looking at how to Send and Validate Proofs. By the end of the module, you’ll know how to set up and deliver a Proof for an Email Delivery. The reason for sending Proofs is for allowing the content to be rendered and viewed by either internal or external entity, giving them the ability to review and sign off on the content. These Proofs go hand in hand with content approval steps and are most appropriate for Email Deliveries. Let’s dive right into it and follow along with me on your own instance of Campaign Classic. Let’s create our own Proof for sending. In the edit tab, select Advanced Campaign Parameters and navigate to the approvals tab. Make sure enable content approval is ticked and you have a review attached. Select yourself for this demo. Approvals are covered in depth in a different video. All you need to know is this sets up deliveries to request approval on the content. To enable Proofs, select the Change the Proof validation settings and make sure enable the sending of Proofs email is selected. Let’s close this window and navigate to our Dashboard. I have an Email Delivery already created. Go ahead and make your own. Once done, go back to the Dashboard and select Open. In the Email Delivery, select the To link and navigate to the target of Proofs. In the targeting mode, you want to have the definition of a specific Proof target selected. For this demo, we want to select ourselves. Do this by selecting the Add button, a recipient, and select your name. Click OK to complete this. We also need to make sure Proof sending is enabled on this Delivery. Navigate to the Approvals tab from this Properties.
And we should see enabled content approval selected and we also need to make sure that Enable Proof sending is selected. If this is done, close your window, else, select it. Now just add some simple content and click Save.
We are now ready to submit our Email Delivery. Select OK. As you can see, we are now able to approve this Delivery, that we would like to see our Proof. We should receive two emails. Let’s have a look at them.
The first email we receive is the Proof. If you open it, we can see the content fully rendered from the end users perspective. The second email we received is the approval request. In this mail, you have all the details on the Campaign and the particular Delivery. You have this link asking to approve or reject the content based on your review of the Proof. We cover these approvals in another video. Let’s select the link which will open up a new tab and direct us to the login page to your credentials.
You agree to the simple form requesting an action on the Delivery. Let’s select Reject for now.
Your action has been sent. If we now navigate back to Adobe Campaign Classic, go to our Campaign Dashboard and select Refresh, you will see our Delivery has been rejected. As an operator, you will see this and have the ability to edit the content until it is of a satisfactory standard. Follow any feedback from the approver and resubmit. If we select this rejected status, here you will see the time stamp of when it was rejected and any other details that comes with it, such as the comments. An action we can do is reset the content.
We have now successfully reset the content, select Close and now we’re in a position to re-edit and submit the content again. Once done, you can resubmit the content and follow the same process as before until it gets approved. There is another way to send Proofs that doesn’t require submitting the content for approval. Select Open on your Delivery and select this button on the top left that says Send a Proof. This window will pop up asking to select a target, similar to the settings on the Delivery properties. It is already pre-filled with my user from those settings, but you can add whoever is required for sending Proofs. Now, we just select the Analyze button to perform the same analysis on all our recipients, but on our Proof target instead. We can see the logs from the analysis and if you are happy with these results, select confirm Delivery and select yes to confirm the Delivery. It says the Delivery has started and if we go to our emails, we should now see the Proof.
Here we are with our new Proof that was sent. Same as before, except it is not prompting the user for approval. This is a great way to test the Proof and get a few iterations down before you commit to a full Delivery. You should now be able to Send and Validate a Proof in an Email Delivery. Thank you, and I’ll see you next time. -