Install and set up the Adobe Campaign Client
The following video explains how to download and install the Adobe Campaign Client console, create and manage your connections to multiple environments, and verify access to the Adobe Campaign Client console.
In this module you’ll learn to download and install the Campaign Client console, create and manage your connections to multiple environments and verify access to the Campaign Client console. The Campaign Client console is a lightweight, browser-based application that is installed on your system. There are no limitations to the number of client console installations you can have. So you can install this on both your laptop and your desktop. The client console is using the web services APIs to connect to the Campaign application server. The application server is executing the workflows and rendering the dynamic content and deliveries and the application server accesses the database which contains the data mart, the campaign configurations and the system tables. Within the client console you can manage your connections to multiple environments. In a typical deployment, you may have a development environment, a staging environment and a production environment. From the client console, you can simply add a connection for each environment to which you’re connecting. You can connect to multiple environments simultaneously by opening multiple sessions of the client console. In a moment, I’ll walk you through downloading, installing and configuring the Campaign Client console. To complete the steps along with me, you’ll need to make sure you have the following before proceeding.
A supported Windows operating system. To get the most up to date list of supported Windows operating systems you’ll need to consult the Adobe Campaign Classic compatibility matrix, which you’ll find in the Campaign Classic online documentation. You’ll also need to access a browser connected to the Internet. The URL to access the setup-client.exe of the client console and the user login credentials provided to you for your instance of Campaign. You’ll need to obtain the URL and login credentials from your administrator. To download the Campaign client installer, open a browser and enter the URL you were provided to access the client-setup.exe, Login using the credentials you were provided. Note that the login, username and password are both case sensitive.
A list of supported operating systems is provided on this page as well as the required disk space to install the client console. Make sure you meet these requirements before proceeding. Download the executable by clicking the download link.
Now go to the location where you saved the file, mine is in my downloads folder. The setup.exe is here, so setup-client. So double click to run that. Now we just need to walk through this setup wizard to get through the full installation process. So click Next. You need to choose an installation folder for your client console. I’m just going to keep the default location but if you want to change that, go ahead and click the folder here and select your location, click Next. There’s nothing to change here. So just go ahead and click Next.
In here, you could choose to only install this for your own user. I’m going to keep the default to make this program accessible to all users. So pick the option that’s best for you, click Next and then Finish and Finish once again to complete the installation. Now let’s open the client console. Go to the start menu.
You should have a Campaign Classic v7 Client folder and then go ahead and click Campaign Client Console.
So we’ve opened the client console but now we need to configure our links to the different instances of Campaign. So up here in the right corner there’s a link here. So click on that.
This connection dialog is where you configure the server connection settings to all your Campaign instances, go ahead and click Add and then select connection and set a name for your Campaign instance. So in this case, mine is Campaign016. So I’m going to call this Campaign016 but I’m also going to add Video Recording just so I know which instance this is used for and then hit tab or enter. Now over here on the right, so we have the label again, so we could either change it there or there. We also have the URL. So go ahead and enter the URL for your Campaign instance. Now this is similar to or it’s essentially the instance or the URL you used earlier but it doesn’t have that last part of /nl/jsp/install.jsp. So it’s basically the first part which points to your Campaign instance. Now go ahead and click OK.
Now we need to add in our login credentials again. So these would be the same credentials you used earlier to download the installer and you can also select to remember this password. Now only use this option if you’re the only one accessing your computer just for security reasons. Now go ahead and click Login.
Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see the homepage. So this means you’ve successfully installed and set up your Campaign Client console. So now let’s go back to the login dialog and I’ll show you how to manage multiple connections. To go back to the login page, let’s first disconnect. So there’s an option here in the top left to disconnect.
Now click on the server link once more and in here you can add, so click Add and this time I’m going to select folder and I’m going to call this Training.
So you can use these folders to organize your multiple connections. So let’s take the one that we already created and drag it over into the training folder. So now you can see I’ve created this structure where I can create multiple links to my instances within folders so I can organize them properly.
For as an example, let’s create a new one. So with the Training folder selected, click Add connection and let’s call this one just Campaign22 and what I typically do is I’ll just copy the URL Because they all follow the same pattern for my situation and then just do 22 for example tab and now we’ve got two connections within that folder. This completes the exercise of downloading, installing and setting up the Campaign Client console. -