Design email delivery content

Learn how to configure, personalize, and test email delivery content. Understand how to use templates, upload images, add emoticons, and embed bar codes and QR codes.

Welcome to Adobe Campaign Classic. In this video we are going to explain how to define the email content. I have a delivery window open here which has an email template. As you can see in the email parameters we have the from, to, attachments and subject fields. To define the name and address of the sender which will appear in the header of the message sent, you can click on the from link. Once we click on the from link an email header parameter pop-up opens. In this pop-up we can enter all the information required to create the email message headers. This information can also be personalized. To do this use the buttons to the right of the input fields which are shown here in yellow to insert the personalization fields. For example in the from field if we need these specific details of the message or the recipient we can select the required field and insert it there. Similarly for the subject we can enter the script for the subject in the pop-up window. Here also we can add personalization fields for the recipient or for any of the values given here. In this example when the message is being sent whatever the specific recipients first name is there that will be replacing this value shown here. The subject is mandatory. Coming to the message content. The content of the message is defined in this lower section of the delivery configuration window. It can be defined as HTML content as well as text content. To import HTML content we can click on the open button here which will give us access to all the local files on our system. Once we select a HTML file we can load it directly by clicking on Open. Apart from the HTML tab where we can open and load the HTML content we also have the source sub tab where we can directly paste the HTML code. In the preview sub tab we can view the rendering of the content for each recipient. The personalization fields and the conditional elements of the content will be replaced with the corresponding information. In the HTML sub tab we also have some personalization tools and formatting parameters which we will use such as we have text formatting for changing the text to bold, italic, underlined. We have insertion of lists such as bullet points. We can insert a hypertext link.
We can also insert images from a local file or from the library. When we click on from the library this option will show us all the images that are readily available in Adobe campaign server. We also have text alignment such as left, mid, center as well as right alignment. We also have different styles which are available in HTML. We have a spell checker. In the HTML content we can also add personalization fields as we have done in the headers for from as well as subject. We can select any of the options given here and select the corresponding fields that we would like to add. This is an example for the loaded HTML content where we have opened a HTML file from the local system. This HTML content has some personalization fields as we can see there’s the recipient first name as well as last name here and we can also add a personalization field. In the preview sub tab which is here we can check for the personalization which is test personalization which is here. We can check for a specific content. We can also check for the content that we would like to add. We can also add a specific content here and some of the HTML fields are here in the preview sub tab which is here we can check for the personalization which is test personalization which is here. We can check for a specific recipient or a specific seed address. to the fields which we have selected an example for that will be for the previous HTML content that we have loaded. If we select the personalization field for specific recipient as the email address shown here which reads tea. Then the rendering of the message will change to wherever the personalization fields were scripted we have replaced those values with the values for the first and the last names of the recipient. Similarly, the subject also has changed wherever the personalization fields were present those details the corresponding details have been included there. And the remaining content of the HTML is also changed accordingly. Also import a text content to do so we can move to the text content tab and similar to the HTML content we can click on the open icon and load a text file from our local system and click on open once we click on Open, the file loads to this window. We also have a preview sub tab here which will show the rendering of the text content similar rules apply here we can add personalization fields in this text content as well as well as in the preview we can check for personalization for specific recipient or seed address. In this window we can see that we have loaded a text file from our system and that content is being shown in this tab in the text tab. This text content also has some personalization fields such as the recipient’s first name and last name as well as the recipient’s location for the city. When we check for personalization in the preview tab and select a specific recipient we will see this content being replaced. You can also define the content of this delivery using the content management forms directly in this delivery wizard. To do this you must reference the publication template of the content management to be used which is basically a template for how you would like your form or your content to appear. We can click on properties here click on the advanced tab in the advanced tab click on a template choose from one of the existing templates. And then click on OK. Once we have done that an additional tab called the edit tab opens where you can enter the content that will be integrated and formatted according to the content management rules. Once we click on the Edit tab, this sort of window opens up which shows the sub fields which were present in the content management template that we have selected and we can enter the required information or make certain changes here. Apart from that, once we move to the HTML tab we can also insert emoticons. So we have an emoticon pop-up window which opens once we click on the emoticons icon and you can see the required emoticon that will be inserted in the HTML content. Coming to adding images the HTML format email delvies can contain images. Images can be a local image or an image from a server or any image stored in the Adobe Campaign public resources library. Access the public resources library go to the explorer in resources go to online and online click on public resources that will show you the images that are already available. In order to insert an image you can click on the Image icon here you can select it from a local file or from the library. This can also be done by using the tracking and images icon in the toolbar which is shown above here. To manage images via the delivery result we can click on this icon a pop-up opens up and this pop-up click on the images tab. Once you click on the images tab you will see the images that were already detected here. Select upload images in the images tab you can choose whether you wish to include the images in the email message. You can upload images manually without waiting for the delivery analysis phase. To do this click on the upload images straightaway icon which is present here. You can specify another path for access to the images on the tracking server. This can be done by images URL which is present here. When you open HTML content with included images in the delivery wizard a message like this shows up which gives you the option of uploading the images immediately according to the delivery parameters. The image access paths are modified during the manual uploading or when sending messages. If we click on the source tab we can check whether the images are coming from a local directory or website. So here we can see that the source of the images is on the C drive so we can say that they have been present on the local computer. Each of the images detected in the tracking and images we can see that there’s a status displayed here which shows not yet online. There are three different types of statuses which can be displayed. If the image is stored locally or located on another server even if the server is not located on the local server. It will be detected as not yet online. If the image has already been uploaded earlier while creating another delivery then it will be detected as already online. You can define URLs for which the image detection is not enabled. In that case uploading these images from the server will be detected as not yet online. During the analysis phase the images are automatically uploaded to the server so that they are accessible from the exterior except for the local images which must be uploaded beforehand. When you are collaboratively working using Adobe campaign you can upload the images to the server. Once the images are online you can view the changes to their names and paths from the server. You can also see that the images are being uploaded to the server. Now work ahead and upload the images so that they can be viewed by other Adobe campaign operators. In order to do this you can click on upload the images straightaway link here to upload the images onto the server. Once the images are online you can view the changes to their names and paths from the source tab. So in the Source tab we can see that the links to the images have changed. It is showing an online link which is a URL. Whereas previously it showed a path to the C drive of local computer. You can also select if you want to include the images in the email. You can show us which images to include in the corresponding column. Once we click on include the images in the email here we have an inclusion of images which gives us two options whether we want to embed in the email or not. Apart from images we can also insert a personalized barcode. In the HTML tab we can go to the personalization fields and the personalization field click on include and click on barcode. Several different types of barcodes are available according to the common standards. Click on a specific type. Add a value which will be generated according to the personalized fields. The personalized fields are not mandatory. Once we enter a personalized field this value will be placed during the barcode generation during the delivery and analysis phase. We can also have the width and height of the barcode changed so that the display or the appearance of the barcode will change accordingly in the HTML and the rendering. Once the barcode has been inserted in the preview tab you can see how it is being rendered and you can also check it for personalization for a specific recipient. In case the barcode’s value is incorrect then a cross is going to be displayed and then the required corrections can be made. With this we conclude the topic of defining email content in Adobe Campaign.