Query data

Learn how to query data using the query editor.

Welcome to Adobe Campaign Classic. In this video, we are going to discuss about the steps to create a query. The first step is to choose a data table. In the document type window, select the table that contains the data you intend to query. Use the filter field or filters button to filter the data if necessary. Choose a data to extract is the next step. Choose a data to display from the data to extract window. The first two fields will make up the output columns. Choose age, then the primary key, email domain and city for instance. The choices that we did here will determine how the results are arranged. To reorder the columns, you can use these blue arrows, the bars that you can see to arrange them. A formula can be added when expression or an aggregate function can be processed. To change it, click the expression column box, this one as you can see here. Then choose the edit expression to do this. Data from output columns can be grouped. To do so, choose yes in the group column of the data to extract window. The output of this function revolves around a selected grouping axis. This section is an illustration of a query with grouping. You may group by and choose what has been grouped using the handle group things group by plus having function. The output columns hold fields are affected by this function. You may deduplicate the identical results found in the output column using remove duplicate functions here. Click on next. The next step that comes up is sorting the data. Sorting columns content is possible in sorting window. Change the column order using the arrows. The sorting columns allows for a quick sort and arranges column information either in ascending or descending order. Data is arranged using the descending sort in descending order from Z to A. The greatest numbers are displayed at the head of the list, which is helpful when examining record sales, for instance. The next step that comes up is the data filtering. You may narrow your search by filtering the data in the query editor. The filters that are available depend on the table that the query refers to. You may specify how to filter the data together by choosing the filtering criteria option, which gives you access to the target item section. Choose the variables, operators and values needed to generate the formula that will be tested in order to pick the data in order to establish a new filter. Multiple conditions may be combined. To utilize previously stored filters, you can see the add button at the top. You can see that and click on the predefined filters to choose the one you want. Let’s select gender as either male or female. As in this example, we are going to select the female to recover all the female recipients. To see the results of the filtering criteria, click the preview tab. In this instance, the name, first name and email address of each female recipients are shown. Users who are familiar with the SQL language can click here to generate the SQL query and examine the query as the SQL. The next step is data formatting. You may set the data formatting panel after setting up the restriction filters. You may modify the upper or lower keys of the column, rearrange the output columns and convert the data using this window. It also enables you to use a calculated field to apply a formula to the outcome. You may switch the case of a column labeled using transformation column. You have a choice. Switch to lower case or upper case or first letter in upper case. The next and the last step is view data. In the data preview window, to obtain the results of your inquiry, click start the data preview. It is accessible in XML or as columns. To examine the query in SQL format, select the generated SQL queries tab.
Based on recipient’s age, the data is sorted here. Summarizing the points that we learned. First, they were to select the data table, then to sort and extract the data, filter and format it and finally display the result. Thank you.