Executing a campaign

Learn how to execute a campaign, review an email delivery and the delivery properties.

Welcome to Adobe Campaign Classic. In this module, we will be looking at how to execute a Campaign. By the end of this module, you will know how to execute a Campaign by starting a workflow, looking at delivery analysis and monitoring progress. You will learn how to review the delivery results and take a look at the delivery properties available at your disposal.
Now, follow along as we begin to create our own Campaign.
First, we need to create a Campaign. Go to the Campaigns tab and select Campaigns from the side panel.
Select this green Create button.
And from this window, provide a label of the new Campaign.
Now, select which program the Campaign resides via this window.
Programs are just collections of Campaigns. Here, you can create any folder you would like, but we will be using the default Campaigns folder.
You also have the ability to schedule the start and end dates of the Campaign. We were looking to scheduling later in this video, but we’ll cover more in another. Click okay to complete the Campaign creation.
For this demo, we will be executing a simple email delivery workflow. From our Campaign dashboard, select the Targeting and workflows tab.
Drag the email delivery into your workflow.
Double click, click continue.
I will enter some dummy text and assign a single recipient. This is all covered in a later video, but for now I will just assign myself.
Let’s take a look at the Scheduling button on the top.
By default deliveries, have no scheduler and will execute as soon as confirmation of the delivery has been given. If you would like to postpone the deliveries to a later date after the confirmation select the third radio button.
Here, you can select a contact date for when you would like the emails to be sent.
This means when all approvals are provided and the confirmation of the delivery is given, no emails will be sent until the specified contact date.
This second radio button lets you schedule a provisional analysis of the delivery.
For now, let’s keep to no schedule.
There is other scheduling you can apply in the workflow and we will cover some of these with the events driven Campaign in another video. Let’s have a look at the delivery properties you have available for delivery. Select the Properties button, and you agree to it with the first tab saying General. This is your basic tab where you can set a label for the delivery, which is just a user-friendly name given to all your deliveries.
You also have an internal name. This is useful if you will be performing some scripting and would like to reference this particular.
A delivery code can also be assigned to a delivery. The name of delivery and its code appear in the list of deliveries, but cannot be seen by the recipients.
The delivery nature is very useful for delivery tracking as you can filter based on these criteria in your delivery list.
You can also add a description in the delivery if you’d like to provide some helpful information on the state and purpose of delivery.
You can also change the folder where your delivery can reside as well as the routing directory.
On the next tab, Analysis, you can compute the label delivery code and execution folder during the delivery analysis. You can use personalized fields such as today’s date to dynamically create a label which can be useful for reporting and tracking.
In your next tab, Personalization, using this link, you can change the name of attributes on a recipient. The next tab, Typology, you can search and sets the typology for the given delivery. Typologies are just a group of rule sets that get applied during the analysis such as blacklisting addresses.
The next tab, Delivery, you have this delivery priority. This option allows you to influence the sending of orders by stating their priority level in the delivery. Your message batch quantity. This option allows you to define the number of messages grouped within the same XML delivery package.
This waves tick box allows you to balance the load and you can divide deliveries into several batches.
Test SMTP delivery, just test the connection, but it doesn’t send the email. Archive just saves your emails once they are executed. Retries are pretty straightforward. As you can set the period of how long you want retries to occur if there is an error in the delivery and the max number of retries. In the Validity tab, you have the delivery duration. The delivery duration field lets you enter the limits for global delivery retries. This means that Adobe Campaign Classic sends messages beginning on the start dates and then for messages returning any error only regular configurable retries are performed until the validity limit is reached. On the SMTP tab, this contains config relating to the email protocol, giving you options to enforce encoding and how to handle bounced emails along with additional headers.
Variables, you can set up your own custom variables, which are accessible from within your delivery.
For example, you could create a text file in your workflow and then set it as a variable that you can reference in the attachment line, resulting in adding an attachment in your email from your workflow.
Here, you can set up various approval phases and attach review as to the process.
The final tab is the Advanced tab. Here, you can define a delivery outline and a service provider. A delivery outline denotes a structured set of elements created in the company and for a Campaign. In a delivery, the outline will be referenced in an extraction file when sent to a service provider.
The service provider in a simple sense, are technology vendors that offer enterprise level marketing. There is nothing we really want to change in here. So, we’ll just cancel this window. I’m happy with this delivery and we’ll click save.
We are currently in the being edited execution status. Once your workflow has been configured correctly, we will select the green Start button.
This would change the execution status to started. Let’s go to our Campaign dashboard to view the active delivery.
You have the options to open the delivery dashboard. There are also the options for approvals. We will cover this in another video, but for now I will approve both the content and the targeting.
You also have the option to stop this delivery if you so choose. This could be as a result of the analysis. Keep in mind that canceling or stopping the delivery are irreversible actions. You also have the option to cancel the entire Campaign as well with this button providing the Campaign is still in progress. Let’s open the Delivery window.
This is the Summary tab, which contains the characteristics of the delivery, such as the delivery status, the channel used, information about the sender, the subject and information concerning execution. Here, you can see how many emails are going to be sent and how many have been processed and how many have been successful, as we will see later.
Here, we can see the status is in the pending state with it being ready for delivery. Before we continue, we can do some analysis on the results by looking at the Audit tab.
Looking at the log, you are able to identify any errors or warnings giving you the chance to fix these before proceeding further. If you decided you were unhappy with the results of the analysis, you can cancel or stop the delivery as I showed earlier. If you are satisfied with the results, we’ll go ahead and confirm the delivery. Go back to the Summary and there’s a big green button, press okay.
Once confirmed, you have the option to pause or restart the delivery after emails start going out. Let’s go back to our Campaign dashboard. So, at the Close button we hit the refresh. We’ll see how delivery is still in progress. So, I hit refresh again. We can see a delivery is finished. Let’s open the delivery dashboard again.
You can now see, we have successfully processed all emails.
All of them have been a success. To get a brief overview of the results, let’s go to the Delivery tab.
Here, we can see the overall status of each email we sent.
We’re able to filter by status, by this Filter dropdown and select By Status.
We now have this dropdown where we can filter on any status we want such as sent, failed, and ignored and many others.
If you’d like some more detail of the results of the delivery, we can view them in the form of built-in reports. We’ve gone to Summary and click Reports on the top right of this window.
Here, we’re greeted with a few reports. Let’s look at the Delivery Throughput reports down here.
This report displays successes and errors per hour given a specific period. You should now be able to execute your own Campaign by starting workflows and performing monitoring and analysis. You should now be aware of how to view delivery results and know what delivery properties are available to you. Thank you and I will see you next time. -