Create a preference center

Learn how to create a preference center using Adobe Campaign’s web application editor.

Adobe Campaign Classic enables you to design and host a variety of web pages on its servers, including online surveys, preference centers and un-subscription pages. This video will demonstrate how to navigate Adobe Campaigns web application editor by creating a preference center. By default, the out of the box web application templates are stored under the path: Resources, Templates, Web Application Templates. To create a new subscription page based on a template, go to the Resource folder, then Online, and finally to the Web Applications folder and select a new icon in the top right. We will be using a template called Newsletter Subscription. Click on the web application. Open the edit tab and update the internal name to something unique and meaningful. In this example, we will use promo subs. The internal name will be used as part of the web application’s URL. In the web application workflow, you will find four workflow activities. These activities will dictate the possible actions a visitor can make when visiting your web application. The freeloading activity conciliates the web page visitors with existing profiles stored in Adobe’s recipient database. Once a freeloading activity identifies a visitor’s existing profile, or as an anonymous visitor, subscription activity will load the subscription page. This activity enables visitors to enter their profile data and select communication preferences. The storage activity picks up the user inputs from the subscription page and stores it into the corresponding table field. You need to set up the reconciliation field so that the activity can update the correct profile, or create a new profile if there is no match. If your existing recipients are stored in a specific folder, you can set the search folder to the said recipient folder. In our case, we are using the training folder. If you want to create your new recipients in a specific folder, you can set your creation folder to a new location, or simply select the same folder as in this search folder. The inactivity simply ends the workflow tasks. To design or personalize the subscription page, double click on the subscription activity to begin editing. You’ll find a default subscription page that contains an input field for the last name, email address and phone number, as well as a checkbox to subscribe to a newsletter. If you’re an advanced user with experience in web development, you can go to the Source tab to edit the page. However, for the sake of this example, we will be using the point and click editor tools instead. When you click on different elements on the web page, the menu bar will display attributes that can be edited. The text dialogue that appears above an input field, allows you to delete, duplicate or change its style. If you click on an image field, you’ll be able to upload a new image and insert a new link and caption. You can also modify style, such as the image dimension. Clicking on an input field or a checkbox, allows you to map it to an attribute in the recipient’s table. Click on the input field under last name. We will check to confirm that the field is properly mapped with the recipient’s last name. Click on the checkbox. We will use Adobe campaign services and subscription features, to map our subscriptions to an Adobe newsletter. It is important to make sure that the subscription checkbox is set to non-mandatory, otherwise the tool will generate a message that the box is not checked. To personalize a subscription page, hover the zone that contains an input field and a label. Then click on the zone to open the dialogue. Click on Duplicate. Click on Page Elements to duplicate or modify their attributes and functionalities. In the duplicated zone, change the Label to first name. We also need to change the mapping for a new input field. Map the input field to the corresponding recipients tables first name attributes.
Next, add subscription boxes. You can add as many subscription check boxes as needed. In this example, we have added subscription boxes to receive newsletters about other Adobe products. Of course, we also change the labels accordingly. To preview the subscription page and a web browser, save the web application and navigate through the Preview tab to see the results. If you want to display the page as seen by an existing recipient, use the Profile dropdown list to select the recipients profile. Otherwise, you’ll see the page from the perspective of an anonymous visitor. If you’re satisfied with the results, go to the Web application dashboard and publish the page. Use the public URL in the dashboard, to simulate a scenario. Log in with your credentials. Click I subscribe on the web form. Go back to Adobe campaign. You can see that the recipient was properly added in the recipients folder. -

For more information see the detailed documentation on Creating a landing page.
