How to import profiles
This video explains how to import profiles in Adobe Campaign Classic.
Welcome to Adobe Campaign. In this video you will learn how to import profiles in Adobe Campaign. First from the home page click the Campaigns tab, in the Jobs category click Create, select the New import action, a new window is displayed on screen, here you can select an import template. In this video we will use the default one. Add a short description and select the folder in which the import will be stored.
Click Next, select the source file to import. The preview of the first lines of the file is automatically updated. You can click the file format link to configure your file. In the new window displayed on screen you can define every aspect of your file format, for example the encoding or the columns. For each of them you can edit the label, the data type or choose to ignore one column in particular. When done editing click Ok, then Next. In the field mapping window use the magic wand button to associate the fields of the source with the fields of the database. The magic wand can find almost every destination pass but it may fail. You can manually add a destination path by selecting Town and using the expression button. Select the right destination path, if needed you can add a transformation to your fields. To do so select a blank field after the destination path. When done click Next. In the Reconciliation window select two fields which will be used as reconciliation keys to update the database. Adobe Campaign will use these reconciliation keys when inputting the file to identify any profiles that are already in the instance. In this video we choose to use the Last name of the recipients as the first reconciliation key and the Email as the second reconciliation key. You can choose what Adobe Campaign has to do in case of error. Choose how to update the data. When done click Next. In this window you can choose where to import the recipients, for example Adobe Campaign can import them into a specific folder.
Click Ok when you’ve selected the correct folder. You can also add imported recipients to a list.
When done click Next. Click Start button to import your file to Adobe Campaign. Once the import has finished click the Close button. If you want to check the import results click the Explorer button click the Content tab to access your recipients. You now know how to import profiles in Adobe Campaign. Thanks for watching. -