Experience Cloud release notes - May 2024

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  • Release notes and product documentation
  • Support Knowledge Base articles
  • Upcoming events on Experience League
  • Latest video tutorials

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May 2024

Latest update: May 30, 2024

Icon Experience League events and updates events

Learn about exciting events on Experience League. It’s a great place to learn, interact, and get answers from product experts at Adobe!

Events on Experience League

Updated May 30, 2024

  • EXPERIENCES BY YOU | Videos | Experiences by You features content created by everyday users who have attained a level of expertise and influence with their Adobe DX solutions. find the inspiration needed to level up your product expertise. | Available on-demand

See upcoming events or browse past event recordings on Experience League.

Icon Adobe Content Supply Chain content-supply-chain

See Content Supply Chain for the latest tutorials on Experience League.

Icon Certification certification

Attention all Adobe certification candidates! Visit the Experience Cloud Certification site on Experience League.


The Experience Cloud Certification site is your one-stop shop for all Experience Cloud certification-related content and is updated regularly with:

  • Available certifications
  • Certification renewals for Adobe applications
  • Certification program updates

And more! Head over to Adobe Certification on Experience League and start your certification journey today!

Icon Adobe System Status status

Learn about the latest features and updates in Adobe System Status.


Adobe System Status provides detailed information, status updates, and email notifications about Adobe products and services. Get notified about outages, disruptions, and maintenance events. Check it out at status.adobe.com.

Release date: April 11, 2024

What’s new

  • Subscription Help page
  • Notification improvements
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Feature Description
Subscription Help page
  • A dedicated help page to guide new subscribers in setting up their proactive notification profile and preferences.
  • Adobe Status overview page > Help menu has a new menu item (How to subscribe) that points to this new page.
  • All the Adobe surfaces that reference Adobe Status subscriptions are now pointing to the new help page.
Notification improvements
  • Improved CSO closed notifications via email and Slack
Bug fixes
  • Better environment filters on Adobe Connect, Adobe Marketo and Adobe Sign product pages.
  • Clicks on the 40-day history grid lands on the respective day and with relevant events for that day.
  • Interface improvements

For recent release notes, see:

Icon Experience Cloud - central interface and administration ecloud

Learn about Experience Cloud central interface components and administration. Manage products and users, configure profile settings and preferences, search Experience Cloud objects, and manage cookies.


Not updated.

For help on Experience Cloud central interface components, see the Experience Cloud Interface and Administration Guide (includes Customer Attributes, Experience Cloud Assets, and Audiences).

Icon Experience Platform platform

Find latest release information and new documentation for Experience Platform and Mobile SDK. View new tutorials and Knowledge Base articles on Experience League.


New Experience Platform tutorials and courses tutorials-aep

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Experience Platform.

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Published Applications Name Type Description
May 2024 Experience Platform, Audience Manager Set up Audience Manager with Platform Web SDK Article Learn how to set up Adobe Audience Manager using the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK and validate the implementation using a cookie destination.
May 2024 Experience Platform, Analytics Set up Adobe Analytics with Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK Article Learn how to set up Adobe Analytics using Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK, create tag rules to send data to Adobe Analytics, and validate that Analytics is capturing data as expected.
May 2024 Experience Platform Applications built on Experience Platform Video Learn about the applications built natively on top of Adobe Experience Platform: Customer Journey Analytics, Real-Time Customer Data Platform, Journey Optimizer, and Mix Modeler.
May 2024 Experience Platform, Journey Optimizer Set up Journey Optimizer web channel with Web SDK Article Learn how to implement the Adobe Journey Optimizer web channel using the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK.
May 2024 Experience Platform, Journey Optimizer Set up Decision Management with Platform Web SDK Article Learn how to implement Adobe Journey Optimizer’s Decision Management capability using Platform Web SDK.
May 2024 Experience Platform Pseudonymous profile and Experience Event expirations Video Learn how to configure expiration settings for pseudonymous profiles and events in Experience Platform and the benefits.
May 2024 Data Collection, Experience Platform Stack tag rules Video Learn how to stack rules a tag property. Rule stacking uses the order feature in tag rule events to sequence rules so you can manage scalable tag implementations.
May 2024 Experience Platform Configure a datastream Article Learn how to configure a datastream for Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK.
May 2024 Experience Platform Create an XDM schema for web data Article Learn how to create an XDM schema for web data in the Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection interface.
May 2024 Experience Platform Configure an identity namespace Article Learn how to configure identity namespaces to use with Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK.
May 2024 Experience Platform Validate Web SDK implementations with Experience Platform Debugger Video Learn how to validate your Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK implementation with the Adobe Experience Platform Debugger.
May 2024 Experience Platform Validate Web SDK implementations with Experience Platform Assurance Article Learn how to validate your Platform Web SDK implementation with Adobe Experience Platform Assurance. This lesson is part of the Implement Adobe Experience Cloud with Web SDK tutorial.
May 2024 Experience Platform Create tag rules Article Learn how to send events to the Adobe Experience Platform Edge Network with your XDM object using tag rules.
May 2024 Experience Platform Install Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK tag extension Article Learn how to install and configure the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK tag extension.
May 2024 Experience Platform Stream data to Experience Platform with Web SDK Article Learn how to stream web data to Adobe Experience Platform with Platform Web SDK.
May 2024 Experience Platform Implement Adobe Experience Cloud with Web SDK tutorial Article Learn how to implement Experience Cloud applications using Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK.
May 2024 Experience Platform Set up event forwarding with Platform Web SDK data Video Learn how to use event forwarding with Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK data.
May 2024 Experience Platform Set up consent with Platform Web SDK Article Learn how to configure the privacy settings of the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK tag extension.
May 2024 Experience Platform Set up Adobe Target with Platform Web SDK Article Learn how to implement Adobe Target using the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK. Learn how to deliver experiences and how to pass additional parameters to Target.
May 2024 Experience Platform Create data elements Article Learn how to create data elements in tags for content, commerce, and identity data on the Luma demo site.
May 2024 Experience Platform Create identities Article Learn how to capture identities with the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK. Capture both unauthenticated and authenticated identity data on the Luma demo site.
May 2024 Experience Platform Key capabilities of Adobe Experience Platform Updated video Learn about the key capabilities of Experience Platform and how they bring value to your business.
May 2024 Experience Platform Integrations between Adobe Experience Platform and Adobe Experience Cloud applications Video Learn about how Experience Platform integrates with Experience Cloud applications.
May 2024 Experience Platform Key use cases of Adobe Experience Platform Video Get an overview of the five key use cases of Experience Platform-Intelligent Re-engagement, “Don’t Lose” Campaigns, Customer Conversion Optimization, Contextual Recognition, and One-Time Value to Lifetime Value.

New Experience Platform support knowledge base kb-aep

New articles and updates to existing articles for Experience Platform.

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Published Name Type Description
April 2024 AEP - Adobe Experience Platform Use Case Playbooks menu is missing New article Learn about the solution for when the Playbooks menu is missing from your sandbox.

Icon Real-Time Customer Data Platform rtcdp

Find the latest tutorials for Real-Time Customer Data Platform on Experience League.

Icon Analytics analytics

Find the latest release information for Adobe Analytics and AppMeasurement. View new tutorials and courses on Experience League.


Analytics release date: May 15, 2024

AppMeasurement appm

Release version: 2.26.0

New Analytics tutorials and courses tutorials-analytics

New or updated videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Analytics.

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Published Name Type Description
May 2024 Unlocking analytical insight: Harnessing the power of annotations Article Discover the crucial role Annotations play in Adobe Analysis Workspace and gain practical tips for maximizing their usage. Elevate your data understanding and collaboration to new heights,extracting richer analytical insights along the way.
May 2024 Starting your first project in Analysis Workspace Video Learn how to create new Analysis Workspace projects, either from scratch or by leveraging templates.
May 2024 Overview of Cohort tables in Analysis Workspace Updated video Learn about the Rolling Calculation setting within Cohort tables for analyzing cohorts period-over-period. Understand how the same users are retained (or churn) over time.
May 2024 Churn Analysis with Cohort tables Updated video Learn about Retention and Churn with Cohort tables. While Retention shows how many users are retained over time, the Churn option depicts how many users were lost.
May 2024 Cohort table settings Updated video Learn about the settings that let you customize your view of Retention or Churn.
May 2024 Building data culture and a better solution design reference Article Revolutionize your data strategy and empower your team to create a solid solution design reference (SDR) document. Eliminate measurement gaps and foster a collaborative data culture through step-by-step methodologies.
May 2024 Cohort Analysis in Analysis Workspace Updated video Learn how to build a Cohort Analysis table in Analysis Workspace.

New Adobe Analytics support knowledge base kb-analytics

New articles and updates to existing articles for Analytics.

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Published Name Type Description
April 2024 The “visit_num”, “visit_page_num” and other parameters are displayed as “0” in Data Feed columns New article Learn about when in the Data Feed columns, some data, such as “visit_num” and “visit_page_num” are displayed as “0”.
April 2024 Report Builder’s calendar still loading after you selected Fixed Dates New article Learn about how Report Builder’s calendar may still be loaded after you selected [Fixed Dates].

Icon Customer Journey Analytics cja

Find the latest release information for Customer Journey Analytics. View new tutorials and courses on Experience League.


Customer Journey Analytics release date: May 15, 2024

Icon Streaming Media Analytics sma

Find the latest release information for Streaming Media Analytics. View new tutorials and courses on Experience League.


Icon Adobe Experience Manager aem

New features, fixes, and updates in Experience Manager. Adobe recommends customers with On-Premise deployments to deploy the latest patches to ensure higher stability, security, and performance.


Experience Manager Release Information

All Experience Manager release notes are maintained at the following pages:

New Experience Manager tutorials and courses tutorials-aem

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Experience Manager.

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Published Applications Name Type Description
May 2024 AEM Sites Cloud 5 season 3 Videos Season three helps you learn about AEM Edge Delivery service through in-depth interviews with experts who have worked on complicated projects.
May 2024 AEM Sites Cloud 5 - Integrate AEM Assets document authoring Video Explore how to integrate AEM Assets with document authoring to deliver exceptional experiences with Edge Delivery Services.
May 2024 AEM Sites Generate Variations - Prompt templates in Edge Delivery Services Video Explore how to use the generative AI prompt templates in Edge Delivery Services document authoring for generating content variations.
May 2024 AEM Sites Generate Variations - Custom prompt templates in Edge Delivery Services Video Explore how to build the custom prompt templates for Generate Variations in Edge Delivery Services document authoring.
May 2024 AEM Sites Generate Variations - Save custom prompt templates in Edge Delivery Services Video Explore how to save the generative AI custom prompt templates in Edge Delivery Services document authoring for generating content variations.
May 2024 AEM Sites Configure Sidekick for Generate Variations in Edge Delivery Services Video Explore how to configure sidekick for Generate Variations in Edge Delivery Services document authoring.
May 2024 AEM Assets Export assets Article Learn how to export assets to your local machine using a customizable Node.js script. This export script provides an example of how to programmatically download assets from AEM using AEM Assets HTTP APIs, specifically focusing on the original renditions to ensure the highest quality.
May 2024 AEM Forms Using GuideBridge API to POST form data Article Use Save and Resume for a form to save the progress of filling out the form and resume it later.
May 2024 AEM Sites Generative AI in AEM Sites Video Explore the new Generative AI features available in AEM Sites document authoring.
May 2024 AEM Forms Fill out a PDF form using ChatBot Video Learn how to fill out a PDF form using Chatbot.
May 2024 AEM Headless Protecting content in AEM Headless Article Learn how to protect content in AEM Headless.
May 2024 AEM CS Advanced networking Article Learn about AEM as a Cloud Service’s advanced networking options.
May 2024 AEM CS Flexible port egress Video Learn how to set up and use flexible port egress to support external connections from AEM as a Cloud Service to external services.
May 2024 AEM Assets AEM Assets and Adobe Express Video Discover how to effortlessly create and edit content within Adobe Experience Manager Assets using Adobe Express.
May 2024 AEM Assets Metadata-Driven Permissions Article Learn to restrict access based on asset metadata properties rather than folder structure.
May 2024 AEM CS Blocking DoS and DDoS attacks using traffic filter rules Article Learn how to block Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks using rate limit traffic filter rules and other strategies at the AEM as a Cloud Service (AEMCS) managed CDN.

New Experience Manager support knowledge base kb-aem

New articles and updates to existing articles for Experience Manager.

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Published Name Type Description
April 2024 Convert URLs to lowercase and docx to HTML using Apache rewrite rules New article Learn about the steps to learn how to convert URLs to lowercase and docx extensions to HTML using the Apache rewrite rules in the AEM Dispatcher.
April 2024 Understanding and Resolving Immediate Image Expiration in Browser Caches with Dynamics Media New article Learn how images on websites sometimes disappear or fail to load despite being available. This article explores why this happens and how Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) and TTL (Time-To-Live) settings play a role.
April 2024 AEM: Partial page load with TooManyCallsException New article Learn how to resolve the error with TooManyCallsException, increase by a small increment (500) the value of Number of Calls per Request in the Apache Sling Main Servlet bundle.
April 2024 Granting access to Felix console for non-admin users New article Learn how the Apache Sling Web Console security provider OSGI component facilitates authentication for AEM users.
April 2024 Analyzing the request.log file for traffic patterns New article Learn about how to analyze request.log by generating a traffic graph and then generating cross-references to the output of the request.log and rlog.jar tools.
April 2024 How to find conflicts when getting OakState0001 error in AEM New article Learn about the OakState0001 error in the Adobe Experience Manager. Refer to the steps outlined in this article to identify any conflicts.
April 2024 The initial node doesn’t get replicated when publishing templates New article Learn about the unique behavior of the initial node in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) templates and why it doesn’t replicate onto the publish environment during the publishing process.
April 2024 Maximum character limit for environment variables in the AEMaaCS’s Cloud Manager New article Learn about the details on the maximum character limits for environment variables in Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service’s (AEMaaCS) Cloud Manager across various environments, including staging, production, and development.
April 2024 Marcom - Revision cleanup doesn’t show under daily maintenance - AEM New article Learn about the visibility of the Revision Clean Up task in the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) UI under Daily Maintenance, particularly after an upgrade to SP17, and provides insights into the management of Revision Garbage Collection when using MongoDB as a datastore.
April 2024 Disabling full-text search by mime type with custom Tika configuration in AEM New article Learn about how to customize the Tika configuration to disable full-text search based on file mime types.
April 2024 Scene7: Select the poster frame or video thumbnail New article Learn how to specify a specific video thumbnail or poster image in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) in the context of Scene7, now known as Dynamic Media.
April 2024 How to add stricthostcheck in AEMaaCS Dispatcher configuration New article Learn about how to add stricthostcheck in AEMaaCS Dispatcher configuration.
April 2024 Adobe Experience Manager: Unable to view Java source of JSP/HTL under /libs New article Learn how to view the Java source of JSP/HTL under /libs by disabling the Adobe Experience Manager as a Cloud Service’s aem-precompiled-scripts bundle.
April 2024 Adobe Experience Manager: The first investigation step for No renderer for extension html New article Learn about the cause of the error message: No renderer for extension html, encountered when attempting to open a webpage in Adobe Experience Manager.
April 2024 Purging Fastly CDN cache when using a WAF or BYOCDN New article Learn about how to configure cache purging for AEM as a Cloud Service when using a Web Application Firewall (WAF) or a custom CDN solution (BYOCDN). Understanding how to navigate these complex setups is crucial for maintaining efficient content delivery.
April 2024 Understanding Cumulative Query Execution Times in AEM New article Learn about understanding query performance troubleshooting in AEM.
April 2024 Pages are not displaying properly on preview New article Learn about the solution to when a page is previewed on the cloud (AEMaaCS) preview environment, the page may appear not to load any CSS, formatting, or experience fragments that are included in the template for the page.
April 2024 How to flush the Dispatcher cache when there are farms with separate cache folders New article Learn how to flush the Dispatcher cache when there are farms with separate cache folders.

Icon Adobe Commerce commerce

Get access to release notes, new tutorials, and Knowledge Base articles for Adobe Commerce on Experience League.


New tutorials for Adobe Commerce tutorials-commerce

New tutorials for Adobe Commerce on Experience League.

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Published Name Type Description
May 2024 Starter kit demo for back office integrations Video Learn about the Adobe Commerce back office integration starter kit. This video tutorial shows the entire process for this sample integration.
May 2024 Reports and dashboards Video Learn about the different report builder options, and how to read and understand the original reports. Learn how to manage dashboards, filter them and why you should make duplicates instead of modifying the original.
May 2024 Commerce Cloud Pre-Launch Checklist Article Learn about the Adobe Commerce Cloud pre-launch checklist.
May 2024 Lowering the TOC for Adobe Commerce integrations Video Learn about methods to lower the cost of ownership for integrations with Adobe Commerce. This webinar discusses the challenges and costs associated with integrations, the importance of reducing technical debt, and the benefits of using extension points provided by Adobe Commerce.
May 2024 Planning the modern Adobe Commerce implementation Video Get a comprehensive overview of various topics related to Adobe Commerce, including catalog service, understanding customer architecture, and Edge Delivery Services.
May 2024 Launch, monitoring, and troubleshooting Adobe Commerce Cloud Video Learn a few of the best practices and tips for preparing and launching a website. This video emphasizes the importance of selecting the appropriate staging environment and providing accurate details in support tickets to facilitate effective communication with the support team.

New Commerce support knowledge base kb-commerce

New articles and updates to existing articles for Adobe Commerce.

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Published Name Type Description
April 2024 Quality Patches Tool (QPT) New articles New articles on how to apply patches available in QPT 1.1.46, QPT 1.1.47, and QPT 1.1.48 were published and can be found in their respective sections.
April 2024 Falling back to Elasticsearch7 when search engine set to Opensearch New articles Learn about the solution for the issue when a Falling back to Elasticsearch7 error occurs when the search engine is set to OpenSearch in Adobe Commerce.
April 2024 Troubleshoot create order page in CSP restricted mode New articles Learn about explanations and fixes for the Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 issues while creating an order on the Admin side with CSP restricted mode is Enabled, with the “Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src …” error message in the browser console log.
April 2024 Troubleshoot storefront checkout page in CSP restricted mode New articles Learn about explanations and fixes for the Adobe Commerce 2.4.7 issues while viewing the checkout page in CSP restricted mode, with the Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "script-src … error message in the browser console log.
April 2024 How to obtain and apply a security patch New articles Learn about instructions on how to obtain and apply a security patch that has been released, but instructions are unavailable.
April 2024 How to update the cloud account profile New articles Learn about the steps on how to modify the profile on the cloud account.

Icon Target target

Get access to pre-release notes, current release notes, and new tutorials for Adobe Target.


Icon Campaign ac

Get the latest updates for Adobe Campaign. Find new tutorials, courses, and Knowledge Base support articles on Experience League.


Latest Campaign product releases

New Campaign support knowledge base kb-campaign

New articles and updates to existing articles for Campaign.

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Published Name Type Description
April 2024 Tracking workflow fails with broadlogRcp and Oracle error New article Learn about how to correct the target mappings to use a tracking log schema for the schema where tracking logs are stored and save the modification.
April 2024 Adobe Campaign Standard: Inflated Campaign numbers from ACS in Adobe Analytics New article Learn about how to resolve the Adobe Campaign Standard (ACS) issue where the data in Campaign and Analytics differ. An important step in this is to validate that the two workflows in ACS, kpiReconciliation, and kpiSharing, are processing the current date data.
April 2024 Waves scheduled are sent in seconds instead of hours - Adobe Campaign Classic New article Learn about the solution to the issues created when scheduled email waves are sent within seconds instead of hours.

Campaign help resources

Icon Journey Optimizer journey-opt

Learn about the latest release information for Journey Optimizer. View the latest tutorials and Knowledge Base support articles on Experience League.


Latest Journey Optimizer product releases

April 2024 release: Learn about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Journey Optimizer Release Notes.

New Journey Optimizer tutorials and courses tutorials-ajo

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for Adobe Journey Optimizer.

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Published Name Type Description
May 2024 Create actions Video Learn what an action is, how to use the Edit Profile and Jump action in Journey Optimizer, and how to configure a custom action.
May 2024 Import and author HTML email content with the message editor Video Learn how to import existing HTML content, tweak the design, add mirror page and unsubscribe links, and how to code your content.
May 2024 Configure MMS API credentials and channel surfaces Video Learn how to connect Journey Optimizer to an MMS service provider and how to create an MMS channel surface.
May 2024 Create a code-based experience campaign Video Learn how to create a code-based experience campaign to scale personalization with support for server-side, API-based, or SDK-based implementation methods to seamlessly integrate with development environments.
May 2024 Discover the new Journey Designer Video Discover the new redesigned journey canvas and how to leverage live reporting in journeys.

More resources for Journey Optimizer

Icon Journey Orchestration journey-orch

Access the latest release notes for Journey Orchestration on Experience League.


Latest Journey Orchestration product releases

Find out more about the latest capabilities, improvements, and fixes in the Journey Orchestration release notes.

More resources for Journey Orchestration

Icon Marketo Engage marketo

Find out the latest release notes and release schedule for Marketo Engage.


Core Marketo Engage updates

For the latest product documentation, see the Marketo product documentation home

New Marketo support knowledge base

New articles and updates to existing articles for Marketo.

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Published Name Type Description
April 2024 What happens when the Default Dashboard object is changed in Marketo Measure New article Learn about the effects of changing the Default Dashboard object in Marketo Measure settings.

Icon Workfront workfront

Learn about the latest release notes for Adobe Workfront. Find new tutorials on Experience League.


Adobe Workfront updates

New Adobe Workfront courses and tutorials tutorials-workfront

New Workfront tutorials and events on Experience League.

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Published Name Type Description
May 2024 Workfront recent events Multiple videos View all the recent Workfront events on Experience League.
May 2024 All upcoming events Multiple videos View all upcoming events on Experience League (all applications).
May 2024 Get started planning a project Video Learn the five main components of a project, what the status signifies, how a View can help you see relevant information, and how to set the start or due date.
May 2024 Get started managing a project Video Learn how to monitor project progress, drill down to see task details,and how to communicate with stakeholders.
May 2024 Track overall project progress Video Learn 5 quick ways to track overall project progress.
May 2024 View project information Video Learn how Filters, Views, and Groupings can make project information easily viewable to help you manage projects.
May 2024 Track work progress with project metrics Video Learn how to use project metrics charts to track progress on project work in Workfront.

For the latest product documentation, see the Adobe Workfront documentation home page.

Icon Adobe Mix Modeler mix-modeler


See the following pages for the latest information:

Icon Adobe Advertising advertising

Release notes for Adobe Advertising.


New features in Advertising DSP advertising-dsp

See What’s new in Advertising DSP

See What’s new in Advertising Search, Social, & Commerce

Icon Adobe Pass pass

Adobe Pass is a multi-screen TV platform that helps broadcasters, cable networks, and service providers create and monetize engaging, personalized viewing experiences.

See Adobe Pass Documentation to find release-specific information, system requirements, limitations, fixed issues, and known issues.

Icon Document Cloud doc-cloud

New tutorials and courses published for Document Cloud, including Acrobat Services and Acrobat Sign.

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Published Application Name Type Description
May 2024 Acrobat Services Automate document generation Video Learn how to automatically generate documents at scale by calling the Document Generation API using the Adobe PDF Services Connector in Microsoft Power Automate.
May 2024 Acrobat Services Automatically tag documents for accessibility Video Learn how to automatically tag for accessibility at scale using AI. Automatically tagging reduces the time and cost required to reach compliance.
May 2024 Acrobat Services Automate content extraction Video Learn how to automate the extraction of content from a PDF document using the PDF Extract API. Extracting PDF content helps unlock critical business data, which can then be used for a variety of downstream processes.
May 2024 Acrobat Services Automatically apply an electronic seal Video Learn how to apply a tamper-evident electronic seal to PDFs at scale using a cloud-based third-party digital certificate.

For Document Cloud tutorials, see:

Icon Creative Cloud for enterprise creative-cloud

New videos, tutorials, or courses published for applications in Adobe Creative Cloud for enterprise.

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Published Application Name Type Description
May 2024 Firefly Create reusable scenes for merchandise Video Learn how to create reusable scenes for merchandise such as handbags and accessories. Creating reusable scenes accelerates digital merchandising by allowing you to refresh your website merchandise seasonally or whenever you choose.
May 2024 Firefly Accelerate creative ideation Video Learn how to quickly visualize ideas and explore concepts for business campaigns. Accelerating creative ideation allows organizations to produce high-quality content at a rapid pace.

See Creative Cloud for enterprise tutorials for the latest tutorials.

Icon Customer Data Management - Voices voices

Customer Data Management Voices is your destination as a customer data management technical and marketing practice leader and specialist. This collection of tutorials is your one-stop-shop to hear from your peers, get inspired, and learn about developments in MarTech. No registration required, simply click and watch.

Icon Digital Experience Blueprints blueprints

Digital Experience Blueprints are repeatable implementations that let you address strategy and quickly solve established business problems. Each Blueprint provides a series of artifacts that explain the high-value business problem, architectures, implementation steps, technical considerations, and links to the relevant documentation.
