Patches available in QPT tool overview

This article provides an overview of Quality Patches Tool (QPT) and links to resources explaining how to use it.

Affected products and versions

What is the Quality Patches Tool?

The Quality Patches Tool (QPT) is a tool allowing you to apply individual quality patches developed by Adobe and the Magento Open Source community.

It allows you to:

  • apply quality patches included to the package
  • revert previously applied patches
  • view the general information about quality patches available for the installed version of Adobe Commerce.

Here’s an example of the status table you can get to view the available patches:


The tool is aimed to enable you to self-serve with patches for issues you might experience with Adobe Commerce, or easily apply patches suggested by Adobe Commerce support.

QPT is for quality patches only. Security patches are available in the Release notes for Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source.

Patches available in the Quality Patches Tool

In this section of the Adobe Commerce Support Knowledge Base, you will find detailed descriptions of the issues, solved by QPT patches, grouped by QPT release version.
You can also see a list of available QPT patches and filter the by component, using the dynamically generated table on the Quality Patches Tool: Search for patches page in our support knowledge base.

How to install and use the Quality Patches Tool

The installation and usage commands are different for Adobe Commerce on-premises and Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure, because for cloud the QPT package is included to the ece-tools package.

How to install and use QPT for Adobe Commerce on-premises

Please refer to Commerce > Tools > Usage in our developer documentation for details on how to install and use QPT for applying and reverting patches.

How to install and use QPT for Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure

Please refer to Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure Guide > Apply patches in our developer documentation for details on how to install and use QPT for applying and reverting patches on Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure.
