Storefront media browser

The media browser on the product page displays multiple images, video, or swatches related to the product. Each thumbnail can show a different view or variation of the product. The shopper can click a thumbnail to browse through the media assets. Although the position of the media browser varies by theme, the default position is just below the main image on the product page. For accessibility controls, see Navigation accessibility.

Storefront media browser

Image zoom

If the base image is large enough to create the zoom effect, customers can view a magnified portion of the image on mouseover. When zoom is activated, customers can click the main image and move the cursor around to magnify different parts of the image. The magnified selection appears to the right of the image.

Image zoom

Light boxes and sliders

There are many third-party light boxes and sliders that you can use to enhance the presentation of your product images. Look for extensions in Commerce Marketplace.

Troubleshooting resources

For help with troubleshooting image and video issues, see the following Commerce Support Knowledge Base articles:

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