Add and remove category products

From the Products in Category section, a store administrator can add products to the category. This section lists all the products that are assigned to the category and displays Add Product when Match products by rule is set to No.

Products in Category section

Search for products to add

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Categories.

  2. In the category tree on the left, choose the category where you want to add a product.

  3. Expand Expansion selector the Products in Category section.

  4. Click Add Products.

  5. Use Search by keyword or filters to find the products you want to add.

    Search All Products tab {width="700" modal="regular"}

  6. In the Assign column, toggle the option to Yes for each product that you want to add.

    If you want to include all displayed products, you can click the menu arrow in the column header and choose Select All.

  7. To apply your changes, click Save and Close.


Select All
Selects the checkbox of all records in the list.
Unselect All
Clears the checkbox of all records in the list.
Select All on This Page
Selects the checkbox of records on the current page.
Deselect All on This Page
Clears the checkbox of records on the current page.

Add products by SKU

  1. Click Add Products

  2. Select the Add Products by SKU tab.

  3. Enter SKUs (one per line) and click Assign.

    To discard the changes, click Remove.

    Add Products by SKU tab {width="700" modal="regular"}

  4. To apply your changes, click Save and Close.

Remove products from a category

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Categories.

  2. In the category tree on the left, choose the category that you want to edit.

  3. Expand Expansion selector the Products in Category section.

  4. Find the products to be removed.

  5. In the Actions column, click Unassign.

  6. To apply your changes, click Save.
