Gift card product

Adobe Commerce feature {width="20"} Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

Each gift card has a unique code, which can be redeemed by only one customer during checkout. A code pool must be established before gift cards can be sold. See Gift card workflow for information about how gift cards are redeemed in the shopping cart.

Gift card product page

There are three kinds of gift card products:

  • Virtual - A virtual gift card is sent to the recipient’s email address, which is required during the purchase of the gift card. A shipping address is not necessary.

  • Physical - A physical gift card is shipped to recipient’s address, which is required during the purchase of the gift card.

  • Combined - A combined gift card is shipped and emailed to the recipient. The recipient’s email and shipping address is required during the purchase of the gift card.

Create a gift card product

The following instructions demonstrate the process of creating a gift card using a product template, required fields, and basic settings. Each required field is marked with a red asterisk (*). When you finish the basics, you can complete the other product settings as needed.

Step 1: Choose the product type

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Products.

  2. In the upper-right corner on the Add Product ( Menu arrow {width="25"} ) menu, choose Gift Card.

    Add Gift Card {width="700" modal="regular"}

Step 2: Choose the attribute set

You can use the default Gift Card attribute set or choose another. To choose the attribute set that is used as a template for the product, do one of the following:

  • Click in the Attribute Set field and enter all or part of the name of the attribute set.

  • In the displayed list, choose the attribute set that you want to use.

Choose Attribute Set

Step 3: Complete the required settings

  1. Enter a Product Name for the gift card.

    You might also indicate the type of gift card in the name. For example, Luma Virtual Gift Card.

  2. Enter a SKU for the product.

    By default, the Product Name is used as the default SKU.

  3. Set Card Type to one of the following:

    • Virtual - Virtual gift cards are delivered by email to the recipient.
    • Physical - Physical gift cards can be mass produced in advance and embossed with unique codes.
    • Combined - A combined gift card has the characteristics of both a virtual and physical gift card.

    Gift Card Type {width="600" modal="regular"}

  4. To offer the customer a choice of fixed amounts, click Add Amount and enter the first fixed value of the card as a decimal.

    To enter the selection of fixed amounts, repeat this step for each.

  5. To give customers the ability to set the value of the gift card, do the following:

    • Set Open Amount to Yes.

    • To define the range of minimum and maximum acceptable values, enter the Open Amount From and To values.

    You can create gift cards with fixed pricing, open amount pricing, or both.

    note note
    A gift card product does not have its own price in the catalog. The gift card price is derived from the selected gift card amount during the purchase.

    Gift Card Amounts {width="600" modal="regular"}

Step 4: Complete the basic settings

  1. For a physical or combined gift card, enter the Quantity in stock.

  2. If the gift card that is to be shipped, enter the Weight of the package.

  3. In the Categories field, choose Gift Card.

There might be additional individual attributes that describe the product. The selection varies attribute set, and you can complete them later.

Step 5: Complete the gift card information

The Gift Card Information section of the product settings can be used to override the gift card configuration settings that determine how the card is managed.

  1. Scroll down to the Gift Card Information section.

    The default settings in this section are determined by the system configuration.

    Gift Card Information {width="600" modal="regular"}

  2. Change additional fields according to how you want the gift card to function:

    • Treat Balance as Store Credit - Determines if the gift card holder can redeem the balance as store credit.

    • Lifetime (days) - Determines the number of days after purchase until the gift card expires. If you do not want to set a limit for the lifetime of the card, leave this field blank.

    • Allow Message - Determines if the purchaser of the gift card can enter a message for to the recipient. A gift message can be included for both virtual (emailed) and physical (shipped) gift cards.

    • Email Template - Determines the email template that is used for the notification sent to the recipient of a gift card.

Step 6: Complete the product information

Complete the information in the following sections as needed:

Step 7: Publish the product

  1. If you are ready to publish the product in the catalog, set the Enable Product switch to Yes.

  2. Do one of the following:

    Method 1: Save and Preview

    • In the upper-right corner, click Save.

    • To view the product in your store, choose Customer View on the Admin ( Menu arrow ) menu,

    Customer View {width="600" modal="regular"}

    Method 2: Save and Close

    On the Save ( Menu arrow {width="25"} ) menu, choose Save & Close.

Things to remember

  • A code pool of unique numbers must be generated before a gift card can be offered for sale.

  • Gift cards can be set to Redeemable or Non-Redeemable.

  • Taxes are not applied to gift cards during the gift card purchase. Taxes are applied to products only when a purchased gift card is used to buy products.

  • The lifetime of a gift card can be unlimited or set to a specified number of days.

  • The value of a gift card can be set to a fixed amount or set to an open amount with a minimum and maximum value.

  • A gift card product does not have its own price in the catalog. The gift card price is derived from the selected gift card amount during the purchase.

  • A gift card account for the customer can be created when the order is placed or at the time of invoice.
