Categories - Content settings
The Content settings determine any additional content appears on the category page. In addition to the list of category products, the page can include an image, description, and CMS block. You can use the Page Builder content tools to define the category description.
Add the category description in Page Builder
Open the category in edit mode.
Scroll down and expand
At the top right of the Description area, click Edit with Page Builder.
Use the Page Builder content tools to edit any existing text and add other content (if needed).
Page Builder preview
When you expand the Content section for an existing category where there is content created with Page Builder, it displays a preview of the Description content as it would appear in the category page. Clicking the content area opens the Page Builder workspace, where you can make any needed updates.
This content preview is enabled for the product and category forms by default. If performance suffers due to loading the preview, you can disable the preview in the Content Management configuration settings.
Add the category description in the editor
Enter only plain ASCII characters into the text box. If pasting text from a word processor, save it first as a plain .TXT file to remove any invisible control characters.
For more information, see WYSIWYG editor.
Open the category in edit mode.
Scroll down and expand
Enter the category Description and use the editor toolbar to format as needed.
You can drag the lower-right corner to change the height of the text box.
Add a CMS block to the category page
On the Admin sidebar, go to Catalog > Categories.
In the category tree, select the category that you want to edit.
For Add the CMS block, select a block you want to add.
Set the Display Mode to one of the following:
Static block only
Static block and products
When complete, click Save and review the block display on the storefront (requires cache refresh).
Content settings reference
Upload - Uploads an image file from your local computer to the gallery and uses it as the category image.
Select from Gallery - Prompts you to choose an existing image from the gallery.

Edit with Page Builder - Opens the Page Builder workspace, where you can edit the description.
Show / Hide Editor - Toggles the display between WYSIWYG editor and HTML modes.