CMS Page Hierarchy

Adobe Commerce feature Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

CMS Page Hierarchy

Enable Hierarchy FunctionalityGlobalActivates the use of page hierarchy for your content pages. Options: Yes / No
Enable Hierarchy MetadataGlobalGives you the ability to associate meta data with pages in the hierarchy. Options: Yes / No
Default Layout for Hierarchy MenuGlobalDetermines the default menu style. Options: Content / Left Column / Right Column

Advanced Content Tools

Advanced Content Tools

Enable Page BuilderGlobalDetermines if the Page Builder advanced content tools are available. Options:
Yes - The Page Builder workspace appears in the Content section of pages, blocks, products, and categories.
No - The standard CMS editing tools appear in the Content section of pages, blocks, products, and categories.
Enable Page Builder Content PreviewGlobalDetermines if the Page Builder content previews are enabled for products and categories. Options: Yes / No
Note: This is set to Yes by default, but turning off the preview can prevent any performance issues resulting from loading previews within a product or category form.
Google Maps API KeyGlobalThe Google Maps API key from your Google account.
Test KeyValidates the Google Maps API key.
Google Maps StyleGlobalPaste the Google Maps style JSON code here to change the look and feel of the Map content type.
Default Column Grid SizeGlobalDetermines the default number of columns in the Page Builder grid.
Maximum Column Grid SizeGlobalDetermines the maximum number of columns in the Page Builder grid.
Page Builder makes it easy to create content-rich pages with custom layouts that enhance your visual storytelling and to drive customer engagement and loyalty. These features are designed to improve quality and reduce the time and expense of producing custom pages. For more information about these features and how you can use them to create engaging content for your Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source store, see the Page Builder User Guide.
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