Categories - Design settings
The Design section gives you control over the look and feel of a category, all associated product pages, and page layout. You can customize a category page and its associated products for a promotion, or to differentiate the category. For example, you might develop a distinctive design for a brand or special line of products, or apply an update for a specific time period.
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When the same product is assigned to several categories with different design settings for each category, it is recommended to set Use Categories Path for Product URLs =
in the Search Engine Optimization configuration options. To access this setting, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration, expand Catalog and choose Catalog underneath in the left panel, and then expand the Search Engine Optimization section on the page.Field
Use Parent Category Settings
Allows the current category to inherit the design settings from the parent category. If used, all other fields in the Design section become unavailable. Options:
/ No
Applies a custom theme to the category.
Applies a different layout to the category page. Options:
No layout updates - By default, layout updates are not available for category pages.
Empty - Use to define your own page layout. (Requires an understanding of XML.)
1 column - Applies a one-column layout to the category page.
2 columns with left bar - Applies a two-column layout with a left sidebar to the category page.
2 columns with right bar - Applies a two-column layout with a right sidebar to the category page.
3 columns - Applies a three-column layout to the category page.
Page – Full Width - (Requires Page Builder) Applies the full-width layout for CMS pages to the category page.
Category – Full Width - (Requires Page Builder) Applies the full-width layout for category pages to the category page.
Product – Full Width - (Requires Page Builder) Applies the full-width layout for product pages to the category page.
No layout updates - By default, layout updates are not available for category pages.
Empty - Use to define your own page layout. (Requires an understanding of XML.)
1 column - Applies a one-column layout to the category page.
2 columns with left bar - Applies a two-column layout with a left sidebar to the category page.
2 columns with right bar - Applies a two-column layout with a right sidebar to the category page.
3 columns - Applies a three-column layout to the category page.
Page – Full Width - (Requires Page Builder) Applies the full-width layout for CMS pages to the category page.
Category – Full Width - (Requires Page Builder) Applies the full-width layout for category pages to the category page.
Product – Full Width - (Requires Page Builder) Applies the full-width layout for product pages to the category page.
Custom Layout Update
Lists the available custom layout update files on the server. Choose the custom layout update that you want to apply to the category.
Apply Design to Products
When selected, applies the custom settings to all products in the category.
Scheduled Design Update
The Scheduled Design Update section determines the range of dates when a custom design is applied to category pages.
Schedule Update From/To
Determines the range of dates when a custom layout is applied to the category.
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