Page controls

Add ProductInitiates the process to create a new simple product. To choose a specific product type, click the down arrow. Options: Simple Product / Configurable Product / Grouped Product / Virtual Product / Bundle Product / Downloadable Product / Gift Card
ActionsLists all actions that can be applied to selected products in the list. To apply an action to a product or group of products, select the checkbox in the first column of each product. Options: Delete / Change Status / Update Attributes / Assign Inventory Source / Unassign Inventory Source / Transfer Inventory To Source
FiltersInitiates a catalog search based on the current filters.
Default ViewIndicates the current grid column layout. If there are saved grid column views, you can choose another.
ColumnsLists all actions that can be applied to selected products in the list. To apply an action to a product or group of products, select the checkbox in the first column of each product.
Search by keywordThe search box, in the top-left corner, is used to find products by keyword.
EditOpens the product in edit mode. You can accomplish the same thing by clicking anywhere on the row.

Default columns

(Checkbox)Selects multiple records to be subject to an action. The checkbox in the first column of each selected record is marked. Options:
Select All - Selects all records found that match the current filter settings.
Select All on This Page - Selects only the records found on the current page that match the filter settings.
IDA unique, sequential number that is assigned when a new product is saved for the first time.
ThumbnailDisplays a thumbnail of the main product image.
NameThe product name.
TypeThe product type.
Attribute SetThe name of the attribute set that is used as a template for the product.
SKUThe unique Stock Keeping Unit that is assigned to the product.
PriceThe unit price of the product.
QuantityThe quantity that is in stock.
Salable QuantityThe sum of all available units of this product.
VisibilityIndicates where the product is visible in the catalog. Options: Not Visible Individually / Catalog / Search / Catalog, Search
StatusIndicates the status of the product. Options: Enabled and Disabled
WebsitesIndicates the websites where the product is available.
ActionOpens the product in Edit mode.
Shared Catalog Adobe Commerce B2B (Available with Adobe Commerce B2B only) Indicates the shared catalogs that contain custom pricing for the product.

Other columns

Short DescriptionShort description of the product.
Special Price From DateThe first date of the special price promotion.
Special Price To DateThe last date of the special price promotion.
CostThe actual cost of the item.
ManufacturerThe manufacturer of the product.
Meta KeywordsMeta keywords for the product.
ColorThe product color.
Set Product as New from DateThe first date of the set product as a new promotion.
Set Product as New to DateThe last date of the set product as a new promotion.
Active From / ToThe product start and end date.
LayoutThe product layout.
Minimum Advertised PriceThe minimum advertised price of the product.
Allow Gift MessageThe gift message to customers who purchase a gift card.
Special PriceSpecial price for the product.
WeightThe product weight.
Meta TitleMeta title for the product.
Meta DescriptionThe product metadata description.
Country of ManufactureThe country of manufacture.
New ThemeApplied custom theme to the product.
URL KeyThe URL Key of the product.
Tax ClassThe product tax class.
Allow Gift MessageDisplays the availability of the gift message option for the product.
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