Step 2: Configure the key in Commerce
On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.
In the left panel, expand Catalog and choose Catalog underneath.
When complete, click Save Config.
When prompted, refresh the cache.
Step 3: Link to the video
Open a product in edit mode.
Scroll to and expand the Images and Videos section.
click Add Video.
If you haven’t yet configured your YouTube API key, click OK to continue. You cannot link to a YouTube video, but you can go through the process.
For Url, enter the URL of the YouTube or Vimeo video.
Click outside the field and wait for feedback on the API key or video.
If everything checks out, YouTube provides base information of the video
Enter the Title and Description of the video.
To upload a Preview Image, browse to the image and select the file.
After upload, the preview image that displays is automatically generated by an external video service provider. You cannot edit the image from the Adobe Commerce Admin. -
If you prefer to use the video meta data, click Get Video Information.
To determine how the video is used in the store, select the checkbox of each Role that applies:
Base Image
Small Image
Swatch Image
Hide from Product Page
When complete, click Save.
If the Autostart base video configuration option is set toYes
but the video does not begin to play automatically, it could be due to the autoplay policies that are enforced by the browser and cannot be controlled by Adobe Commerce. Each supported browser has its own autoplay policies that can change over time and your video may not autoplay in the future. As a recommended best practice, you should not rely on autoplay for business critical functionality and should test the video autoplay behavior in your store with each supported browser.