Manage search terms

The landing page for a search term can be a content page, a category page, a product detail page, or even a page on a different site.

Use search terms to capture common misspellings and redirect them to the appropriate page. For example, if you sell wrought iron patio furniture, you know that many people misspell the term as rod iron, or even rot iron. You can enter each misspelled word as a search term, and make them synonyms for wrought iron. Even though the word is misspelled, the search is directed to the page for wrought iron.

You can also learn what your customers are looking for by examining the search terms they use to find products in your store. If enough people look for a product that is not in your catalog, it could indicate a sales opportunity. Meanwhile, rather than have them leave them empty handed, you can redirect them to another product in your catalog.

Add search terms

As you learn new words that people use to search in your store, you can add them to your search terms list to direct people to the most closely matching products in your catalog.

Search Terms grid

Search Query
The query used to perform the search.
The store where the search query was applied.
Number of results found by query.
Number of uses.
Redirect URL
URL of the target page where user was redirected after performing the search.
Suggested Terms
Determines if the query result displays suggested terms.
Opens the product in edit mode.
The number of results is updated every time a shopper executes a search using this search query. It is not updated if any of the products are changed or removed.

Add a search term

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > SEO & Search > Search Terms.

  2. Click Add New Search Term.

    Search terms general information {width="600" modal="regular"}

  3. Under General Information in the Search Query box, enter the word or phrase that you want to add as a new search term.

  4. If your store is available in multiple languages, choose the applicable Store view.

  5. To redirect the search results to another page in your store, or to another website, enter the full URL of the target page in the Redirect URL field.

  6. If you want this term to be available for use as a suggestion whenever a search returns no results, set Display in Suggested Terms to Yes.

  7. When complete, click Save Search.

Edit a search term

  1. In the Search Terms grid, click the row of any record to open the search term in edit mode.

  2. Make the necessary changes.

  3. When complete, click Save Search.

Delete a search term

There are two methods for deleting a search term – from the grid and on the edit page.

Method 1: In the Search Terms grid

  1. In the list, select the checkbox of the term to be deleted.

  2. In the upper-left corner of the list, set Actions to Delete.

  3. When complete, click Submit.

Method 2: On the Edit a Search Term page

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > SEO & Search > Search Terms.

  2. Find the search term to be deleted and open it in edit mode.

  3. Click Delete Search.

  4. To confirm the action, click OK.

The Search Terms link in the footer of your store displays the search terms used by visitors to your store, ranked by popularity. Search terms appear in a tag cloud format, where the size of the text indicates the popularity of the term.

By default, Popular Search Terms is enabled as a search engine optimization tool, but has no direct connection to the catalog search process. Because the Search Terms page is indexed by search engines, any terms on the page can help improve your search engine ranking and the visibility of your store. The URL of the Popular Search Terms page is:

Example storefront - popular search terms

To configure popular search terms:

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Stores > Settings > Configuration.

  2. In the left panel, expand Catalog and choose Catalog underneath.

  3. Expand Expansion selector the Search Engine Optimization section.

    Catalog configuration - search engine optimization {width="600" modal="regular"}

    For a detailed list of these options, see Search Engine Optimization in the Configuration Reference.

  4. Set Popular Search Terms as needed.

    If needed, clear the Use system value checkbox to change this setting.

  5. When complete, click Save Config.

You can further configure the caching of popular catalog searches.

Search synonyms

One way to improve the effectiveness of catalog search is to include different terms that people may use to describe the same item. You do not want to lose a sale just because someone is looking for a sofa, and your product is listed as a couch. You can capture a broader range of search terms by entering sofa, davenport, and loveseat as synonyms for couch, and direct them to the same landing page.

Adobe Commerce supports two different synonym management solutions:

  • Live Search Synonyms feature is available for Adobe Commerce installations with Live Search installed.
  • The standard Search Synonyms feature (described in this page) is available out-of-the-box for all Adobe Commerce installations.
The standard Search Synonyms feature out-of-the-box supports name and sku product attributes only.
The search synonyms feature uses a full-text matching search method only.

Example storefront - search results with synonyms

Create a synonym group

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing > SEO & Search > Search Synonyms.

    The Search Synonyms grid appears. If it is the first time you have used search synonyms, the grid is empty.

    Search synonyms grid {width="700" modal="regular"}

  2. Click New Synonym Group.

    New search synonyms group {width="700" modal="regular"}

  3. Set Scope to the store views where the synonyms apply.

  4. Enter each synonym in the group, separated by comma. Choose words that people might use as search criteria. For example:

    • sweatshirt, sweat shirt, hoodie, fleece
    • cell phone, mobile phone, smart phone
    • couch, sofa, davenport
    • wrought iron, rot iron, rod iron
  5. To merge these synonyms into a group with others that have the same scope, select the Merge existing synonyms checkbox.

  6. When complete, click Save Synonym Group.

Edit a synonym group

  1. In the Search Synonyms grid, click the row of any record to open the synonym group in edit mode.

  2. Make the necessary changes.

  3. When complete, click Save Synonym Group.

Delete a synonym group

There are two methods for deleting a synonym group—from the grid and on the edit page.

Method 1: In the Search Synonyms grid

  1. In the Search Synonyms grid, select the checkbox of the group to be deleted.

  2. In the upper-left corner of the list, set Actions to Delete.

  3. When complete, click Submit.

Method 2: On the Edit a Synonym Group page

  1. In the Search Synonyms grid, click the row of any record to open the synonym group in edit mode.

  2. Click Delete Synonym Group.

  3. When prompted, confirm the removal of the group.

Search Terms report

The Search Terms report shows the number of results for each term, and the number of times (hits) the term was used. The report data can be filtered by term, store, results, and hits, and exported for further analysis.

View the report

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to Reports > Marketing > Search Terms.

  2. Use the controls to filter the report as needed.

    Search terms report {width="700" modal="regular"}

Export the report

  1. For Export to, choose an export format:

    • CSV - A comma-separated value file containing plain text data
    • Excel XML - An XML-based, spreadsheet data format
  2. Click Export.

    The generated file is automatically saved to your designated folder for downloads.

Report columns

Unique, numeric ID generated for the search term entry
Search Query
The query used to perform the search
The store where the search query was applied
Number of results
Number of uses