Access built-in reports

Understand  built-in reporting and analysis in Adobe Campaign and learn how to generate a delivery report.

Welcome to Adobe Campaign. In this video, we will be looking at accessing built-in reports. By the end of this module, you will understand the built-in reporting and analysis available in Campaign. Additionally, we will learn how to list the different types of reports available in Campaign and generate a delivery report. Before we continue, it’s important to note that Adobe Campaign isn’t a specialized reporting tool. It is not designed for database exports. To export data, an export activity is required within a workload. For the purposes of this tutorial, we will only be focusing on built-in reports. There are multiple approaches to accessing built-in reports in Adobe Campaign. The first approach for accessing built-in reports is through global reports, which relate to activity of the data in the entire database. With this approach, we have access to all types of data. To access these reports, select the Reports tab. This will show us all of our available reports. The main list of reports lets us access delivery data very quickly. Let’s briefly go through some of the important delivery reports. We can use the search fields to filter and find exactly what we need. Let’s filter on reports containing the word Deliver. Next, we want to select the report that suits our needs. For this demo, let’s look at the summary of deliveries. This generates a report for every delivery in the database and can be used to measure the success of deliveries in a campaign. In this report, we can see the initial population, which is the proposed campaign targets. Messages rejected by exclusion rules, such as recipients that are quarantined, blacklisted, or are not defined. The pie chart breaks down the exclusions in more details. Finally, we can see the delivery statistics. This section highlights the messages set to deliver after analysis and the number of successes, errors, and new quarantines. With this generated report, we can perform various actions using the icons in the toolbar to the right of the report window. We can export the report to Excel, PDF, or Open Documents, as well as printing the report.
We can also create a report archive. Archiving reports lets us create a view of the report at various time periods. Select OK to save the report. We can then view the saved histories by selecting the time icon dropdown, followed by selecting a previous report. Once selected, the older report is displayed as indicated by our change to our population numbers. We can return to the current data in the same dropdown menu. Once we are done with the report, we can back out using the return arrow icon next to export. For the next example, let’s have a look at a report for non-deliverables and bounces. This report shows a breakdown of all non-deliverables as well as breakdown of bounces per internet domain. We are able to see the total number of messages processed by the delivery server. From these processed messages, there are two types of breakdowns for errors, by type and by domain. This gives us more visibility to understand how and why errors occur. Another approach for accessing reports is on an individual delivery level. To access these, select the campaigns tab, select deliveries, then we can select the delivery we would like to display the data for. In this example, we will select email delivery. In the summary that appears, we can find the reports link at the top right. Once selected, we can see all the reports pertaining to our email deliveries. This is the same view as the global level and you can access very similar reports such as the summary of delivery report. Now, we can have reports focusing on a single delivery with all the same features as the global reports. Lastly, we can display cumulative reports on multiple deliveries. This is a great approach in the event that we want reports on some of our most recent deliveries or for an older set of deliveries. Start by selecting explorer at the top. Next, within the explorer list, select campaign management followed by selecting deliveries. Here, we can see all available deliveries and we can select as many as we would like by holding shift and selecting another delivery. Now, we can generate any report that suits our needs. You should now understand the built-in reporting and analysis features for campaign. You should now understand the built-in reporting and analysis features for campaign, the different types of reports available, and be able to generate a delivery report. Thanks for watching.