Personalize emails using dynamic content blocks

In Adobe Campaign, you can personalize content or the appearance of messages and combine them with criteria from recipient profiles.

A personalization block is dynamic, personalized, and contains specific rendering code that can be added to deliveries. For example, you can add images, email headers, email footers, mirror page links, unsubscription links, and much more.

Learn how created dynamic content blocks and how to use them to personalize the content of your email delivery.

In this section, we will demonstrate how to add personalizations to your deliveries. In Adobe Campaign, you can personalize content or the appearance of messages, and combine them with criteria from recipients’ profiles. Let’s take a closer look at how to create a personalization block.
To access a personalization block folder via the explorer review, navigate to resources, Campaign management, personalization block. A personalization block is dynamic, personalized, and contains specific rendering code that can be added to deliveries. For example, you can add images, email headers, email footers, mirror page links, and subscription links, and much more.
You’ll notice there are several out of the box personalization blocks available to you, or you can also create custom blocks.
To create a customized personalization block, click on the new icon. Then add a label and a unique internal name.
Check the following tick box. The content of the personalization block depends upon the format, HTML or text.
This check box forces rendering in either HTML or text format depending on the recipient’s mailbox settings.
You’ll now notice an HTML in a source tab at the bottom of your screen. Best practice is to input the HTML content via the source tab.
Add to your content.
For this example, we’ll type in, “For more information, visit Adobe Campaign’s help page.” We will then highlight the section, “Adobe Campaign’s help page” part of the text, and add a hyperlink by clicking on the hyperlink icon in the toolbar menu.
Once the hyperlink window opens, add your URL to hyperlink, and change the target to new window for the URL to open in another browser window upon click.
Click add to save your changes.
You’ll notice basic HTML coding has been added to the source code to enable the hyperlink.
Additional HTML coding can be added to format any content block to fit in your HTML template.
In addition, we will add two line breaks before the content to force spaces between paragraphs.
Here are the line breaks.
You have just created a new personalization block.
You can now insert your block into delivery template or workflow delivery activity.
Open it in existing delivery.
In our case, we will add our personalization block right here.
Navigate to the delivery source tab. Locate and position your cursor in the content in the area where you want to add the personalization block.
Click on the personalized field icon, select include from the dropdown menu, and then select the other option.
Select the custom personalization block from the personalization block folder.
Note that the out of the box personalization blocks are also accessible via this folder.
In the source in HTML tabs, this will generate the personalization block with the internal name that was added with the following syntax.
To view how the newly created personalization block renders in the creative, go to the delivery preview tab.
Click on test personalization, select the recipient, and scroll down in the creative until you can see the block that was added.
To make adjustments to the personalization block rendering, you’ll need to update the block in the resource folder for the changes to apply in the delivery template. This is very helpful when you need to apply the same changes to multiple deliveries at the same time.
You can also add out of the box personalization blocks to your HTML content. -