Introduction to multi-channel and cross-channel campaigns

Understand the difference between multi-channel and cross-channel campaigns and the use cases.

Welcome to Adobe Campaign. In this video, we will learn about various marketing channels and how to identify a use case for multi-channel and cross-channel campaigns. Adobe Campaign offers the following delivery channels. Email deliveries let us send personalized emails to a target population. Direct mail deliveries let us generate an extraction file which contains data on the target population. Social deliveries send personalized SMS inline messages to a target population. The social marketing channels for Facebook and Twitter let us post publications on Facebook pages and send tweets to our Twitter accounts. The mobile application channels for iOS and Android let us send notifications to iOS and Android systems. Now that we know what delivery channels we have available, let’s learn more about cross-channel marketing. Cross-channel marketing allows marketers to reach customers across different channels including email, web, mobile, apps and more. The purpose of cross-channel marketing is not only to acquire new customers but continue the conversation with customers across the channels they use throughout all customer lifecycle stages. All the way from acquisition to loyalty and retention, marketers need to ensure they can create cross-channel experiences that are relevant to where the customer is in the buying stage. In a multi-channel campaign, a single marketing communication utilizes multiple channels. We can pick a channel based on the customer’s preferences or based on the available channels to reach our audience. For example, let’s say we want to target our audience based on the available channels for email and mobile. How can we accomplish this? First, we need a query activity to find our audience within our database of available recipients. Once we have the recipient selected, we can use a split activity to filter our audience into two sets, email and mobile. Next, we might also want to add a filter for recipients where the email or mobile deliveries are not possible due to missing information. Once complete, our audience can now be contacted using the available channels. In a cross-channel campaign, we can send multiple deliveries using different channels for each campaign. For example, we can send out an SMS informing our recipients to keep an eye out for an offer in the mail and then send the offer via direct mail. To accomplish this, we need to implement a similar workflow from before. We need a query activity to filter our recipients and check for empty values such as missing address information. In phase 1, we will have an email delivery rather than a mobile delivery. In the email, we will inform our recipients that our new offer will be sent soon and to keep an eye on their mailbox. Then, we use a wait activity to send it in 3 days. Once the time has passed, we use a split activity to target the responders and non-responders. Direct mail delivery will only be sent to our responders. So far, we learned that the cross-channel campaign has multiple touches or deliveries and can use a different channel for each. With multiple touches, our timing is important. One way to control the timing is to synchronize the delay between deliveries and the single workflow which was showcased in our example. Alternatively, we could use multiple workflows, one per delivery, and then schedule the execution. For example, sending a save the date x days prior to the event. We can also treat the recipients of the second delivery differently based on how they responded to the first phase. For example, we might want to target responders who registered for an event by sending them a packet in the mail. If they don’t respond to the first communication, we could send them a reminder about the event. There are two key things to think about. How do you want to set up the timing of the campaign? And how do you want to treat the responders versus non-responders in the second phase? Now, you should be able to explain various marketing channels in Adobe Campaign and identify a use case for multi-channel and cross-channel campaigns. Thanks for watching.