Create recurring and continuous email deliveries

This tutorial explains how to set up a recurring and a continuous delivery and the differences between the two approaches.

Recurring and Continuous Delivery Tracking recurring-and-continuous-delivery-tracking

The recurring and continuous deliveries differ in the way contact data is managed:

  • The continuous delivery lets you add new recipients to an existing delivery and avoids you having to create a delivery each time a new recipient is added. You can update the creative directly in the campaign workflow and it updates the template in the delivery template resource folder.

    A continuous delivery creates a SINGLE delivery and delivery logs (broadLog) and tracking logs, that reference that one delivery, are added each time it executes.

Continuous Delivery

  • A recurring delivery creates a delivery instance each time it executes. For example, if the workflow is scheduled to run once a week, that would result in 52 Deliveries after one year. It also means that the broad log and tracking logs are separated by delivery instance.

Recurring Delivery

How to set up a recurring delivery how-to-set-up-a-recurring-delivery

The video explains how to configure a recurring delivery and a scheduler activity.

In this video, we will discuss how to configure a recurring delivery and a scheduler activity. For the recurring campaign, we created a birthday campaign in a program folder.
In the Targeting and workflows tab of our campaign, we changed the label, saved and refreshed the workflow. Now drag and drop a query onto the workflow canvas. Double-click on the query to add the selection criteria.
Click on Edit the query, select Filtering conditions and click Next.
In this example, we will select all recipients with an existing email address and a birth date equal to today’s date. Expand the expression field and select the Email attribute from the recipient table and then change the query operator to “is not empty.” Add another expression, expand the expression field and select the date of birth from the recipient table.
Position your cursor in the expression field before date of birth and type in “Month.” Leave the operator to “is equal to” and type in “MonthGetDate” in the Value field. Similarly, add another expression to include a day of the month. In our example, we have typed up the values and the expressions, but you can also click here and use a list of functions on the right-hand side to create even more complex expressions.
Go to the Preview tab, right-click and select Configure list.
Choose date of birth. You can see that the query we just set up is now functional as the recipients here have the same birth date as today’s date.
Drag and drop a recurring delivery activity and connect it to the query transition. Double-click on the delivery to configure it.
Expand the Delivery template folder into the Resources folder.
We have selected an already-created birth date email template and changed the label to not override the original email template with future changes.
Click Continue to view the template and make final edits.
Now go to the properties, Delivery and make sure all approvals have been disabled.
Click Save to save the delivery, then save the workflow.
Even though we have configured a recurring delivery, the workflow is not automatically recurring. To set recurrence, drag and drop a scheduler activity from the Flow Control and connect the outbound transition to the scheduler to the quarry, but we’ll click on the Scheduler activity to configure it.
Select the Change button. You can set the desired frequency the emails will be dispatched.
In this example, we selected Daily, then Next. Set the time you wish the campaign to execute it.
In this example, we chose 10:00 AM, then click Next.
You can set the number of iterations the campaign will execute or leave it for a permanent validity.
Click Finish and OK.
We have successfully created a recurring campaign with a recurring delivery. The workflow is now set up as a recurring campaign to send an email on a daily basis for a permanent validity period. You can now start the campaign. The scheduler activity will blink until it meets a set schedule. After, it will execute the campaign until the next schedule time. -

How to set up a continuous delivery how-to-set-up-a-continuous-delivery

This video shows how to configure a continuous delivery with an incremental query.

In this video, we will discuss how to configure a Continuous delivery with an Incremental query.
For the triggered Campaign, we have created a Welcome Campaign. In the Targeting and Workflows tab of your Campaign, update the workflow label to the Welcome_Email, save, and refresh your workflow.
Drag and drop an Incremental query to the workflow.
The Incremental query allows you to filter and extract a population of elements from the Adobe Campaign database. Each time this activity is executed, the results from the previous executions are excluded. This allows you to target only new elements.
Double-click on the Incremental query to add the selection criteria.
In the Incremental query tab, click on the Edit query. Select Filtering conditions. For this example, we want to select all recipients with an email address.
Expand the Expression field and select the Email attribute from the recipient table, then change a Query Operator to is not empty.
Save your changes and select Finish.
Go to the Scheduling & History tab.
To plan the execution of a scheduling, click on Change to specify the start, recurrence, and validity period, just as you would’ve done with the scheduler activity.
Then you can log recipient history for a period number of days, after which the logs will be purged.
Purging the logs allows for recipients to requalify.
The default value of zero means a log will never be purged.
Save and exit the query, then save the workflow.
Add a Continuous delivery activity and connect it to the Incremental query. To configure this activity, you need to have a predefined email template saved in Adobe Campaign.
Double-click on the Continuous delivery. Select the email created from the Delivery template resources folder. In this example, we had decided to choose a Welcome Email template that has been created in the past.
Save the workflow.
Execute the triggered Campaign.
Back in the Welcome_Email workflow, start the workflow to send out the initial welcome emails to all recipients with the email addresses.
When the emails have dispatched, restart the workflow.
At this point, the initially targeted recipients have been archived and will not be retargeted for a welcome email. The Incremental query will look to find new recipients at the frequency specified in the Activities Scheduling tab. -