Workfront Fusion release activity: Week of June 12, 2023

This page describes all enhancements made in Adobe Workfront Fusion the week of June 12, 2023

For a list of all recent changes, see Adobe Workfront Fusion release activity.

For a list of recent bug fixes in Workfront Fusion, see the Workfront Maintenance Updates page and check for any updates labeled Workfront Fusion Maintenance Update.

Adobe Workfront Fusion is now available in the Adobe Unified Shell

NOTE: This update is visible only to Workfront Fusion organizations that have been onboarded to the Adobe Admin Console. Organizations are being onboarded on a rolling basis.

To create a more consistent experience with other Adobe products, we’ve made Workfront Fusion available from the Adobe Unified Shell. Now, you can find Workfront Fusion in your Adobe Experience Cloud dashboard, and switch into and out of Fusion as you would any other Adobe Experience Cloud product.

Because some of Fusion’s functionality, such as organizations, is now handled through the unified shell, we’ve also streamlined navigation in some areas of Workfront Fusion.

For a video describing how the change to the Adobe Admin Console affects your experience as a Workfront Fusion user, see Fusion on Adobe IMS - Regular user.

For a video describing how the change to the Adobe Admin Console affects your experience as a Workfront Fusion administrator, see Fusion on Adobe IMS.

Workfront Fusion user management functionality updated for Adobe Business Platform users

If your organization has been onboarded to the Adobe Business Platform, users are managed through the Adobe Admin Console. Therefore, we have removed user management functionality from the Workfront Fusion accounts of organizations that have been onboarded to the Adobe Business Platform. This includes the following:

  • Inviting new users through Workfront Fusion
  • Setting and viewing administrative roles
  • Changing details for or deactivating users
  • Deleting organizations
  • Configuring SSO in the Fusion system settings

If your organization is not yet onboarded to the Adobe Business Platform, you still have access to this functionality in Workfront Fusion.
