Currency Converter API

Currency Setup > Currency Converter API

API keyGlobalThe key used to access the conversion service. For more information, see Currency Convertor API.
Connection Timeout in SecondsGlobalDetermines the number of seconds of inactivity before a Currency Converter session times out. Default value:100

Scheduled Import Settings

Currency Setup > Scheduled Import Settings

EnabledStore ViewDetermines if scheduled import is enabled for currency rates. Options: Yes / No
ServiceStore ViewSpecifies the service that provides the data for the scheduled import. Default value is
Start TimeStore ViewIndicates the start time by hour, minute, and second, based on a 24-hour clock.
FrequencyStore ViewDetermines how often the scheduled import takes place. Options: Daily / Weekly / Monthly
Error Email RecipientStore ViewIdentifies the email address of each person who is notified by email about scheduled import errors. For multiple recipients, separate each entry with a comma.
Error Email SenderWebsiteIdentifies the store contact that appears as the sender of the error email notification. Default sender: General Contact
Error Email TemplateWebsiteSpecifies the template that is used as the basis of the error email notification. Default template: Currency Update Warnings
Next pageStore Email Addresses