Auto Generated Specific Coupon Codes

Auto Generated Specific Coupon Codes

Code LengthGlobalDefines the length of the coupon code, excluding the prefix, suffix, and separators.
Code FormatGlobalDefines the coupon code format. Options include:
Alphanumeric - Any combination of letters and numbers.
Alphabetical - Letters only.
Numeric - Numbers only.
Code PrefixGlobalA value that is appended to the beginning of all coupon codes. If you do not want to use a prefix, leave the field blank.
Code SuffixGlobalA value that is appended to the end of all codes. If you do not want to use a suffix, leave the field blank.
Dash Every X CharactersGlobalThe interval for inserting a dash (-) into all coupon codes. If you do not want to use a dash, leave the field blank.
Note: Coupon codes that differ by only a dash are considered to be different codes.
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