Store Url Options

FrequencyStore ViewDetermines how often store URLs are updated. Options: Always / Hourly / Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Yearly / Never
PriorityStore ViewA value between 0.0 and 1.0 that determines the priority of store URL updates in relation to other content. Zero (0.0) has the lowest priority.

Generation Settings

Generation Settings

EnabledStore ViewDetermines if an XML sitemap is available for the store. Options: Yes / No
Start TimeStore ViewSpecifies the hour, minute, and second of the day that the sitemap is updated.
FrequencyStore ViewDetermines how often the sitemap is updated. Options: Daily / Weekly / Monthly
Error Email RecipientStore ViewThe email address of the person who receives notification if an error occurs during the sitemap update process. For multiple addresses, separate each with a comma.
Error Email SenderWebsiteIdentifies the store contact that appears as the sender of the error notification. Options: General Contact / Sales Representative / Customer Support / Custom Email 1 / Custom Email 2
Error Email TemplateWebsiteIdentifies the email template that is used for the error notification. Default template: Sitemap generate Warnings

Sitemap File Limits

Sitemap File Limits

Maximum No of URLs Per FileStore ViewDetermines the maximum number of URLs that can be included in a single sitemap.
Maximum File SizeStore ViewDetermines the maximum size of the generated sitemap, in bytes.

Search Engine Submission Settings

Search Engine Submission Settings

Enable Submission to Robots.txtStore ViewEnables directives to be submitted for the robots.txt file. Options: Yes / No
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