MySQL Message Queue Cleanup

Adobe Commerce feature Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

Advanced configuration - MySQL Message Queue Cleanup

Successful Messages LifetimeGlobalDetermines the lifetime of successful messages in minutes. Enter zero to skip the cleanup. Default: 10080 (7 days)
New Messages LifetimeGlobalDetermines the lifetime of new messages in minutes. Enter zero to skip the cleanup. Default: 10080 (7 days)
Failed Messages LifetimeGlobalDetermines the lifetime of failed messages in minutes. Enter zero to skip the cleanup. Default: 10080 (7 days)
Retry Messages in Progress AfterGlobalDetermines how long the system waits for a message in progress before retrying. Default: 1440 (24 hours)

Mail Sending Settings

Advanced configuration - Mail Sending Settings

For more information about changing these settings, see Configure email communications in the Admin Systems Guide.

Security Notice We recommend that all merchants immediately set their mail sending configuration to protect against a recently identified potential remote code execution exploit. Until this issue is resolved, it is highly recommended that you avoid using Sendmail for email communications. In the Mail Sending Settings, make sure that Set Return Path is set to No.
Disable Email CommunicationsStore ViewDetermines if email communications are activated for the store. Options: Yes / No
TransportStore ViewDetermines the transport type for email communications from the store. Options: Sendmail / SMTP
HostStore View(For SMTP and Windows servers only) Determines the name that is used to refer to the host. Default value: localhost
Port (25)Store View(For SMTP and Windows servers only) Identifies the port used for email communications. Default value: 25
Set Return-PathStore ViewDetermines if a routing address is used for returned emails. Options: No / Yes / Specified

SMTP options

When you select SMTP at the transport type, additional options are available to configure the SMTP server connection.

Advanced configuration - Mail Sending Settings with SMTP

UsernameStore ViewLogin user name for the SMTP server.
PasswordStore ViewPassword for the SMTP server login.
AuthStore ViewDetermines th authentication type for the SMTP server connection. Options: NONE / PLAIN / LOGIN
SSLStore ViewDetermines verification type for the host security certificate. Options: SSL / TLS


Advanced configuration - Currency

For more information about changing this setting, see Currency configuration in the Stores and Purchase Experience Guide.

Installed CurrenciesGlobalIndicates the currencies that are currently available to the Commerce installation. Options include all available currencies, with installed currencies selected.


Advanced configuration - Security

For more information about changing these settings, see Session management in the Admin Systems Guide.

Max Session Size in AdminGlobalLimit the maximum session size in bytes. Use 0 to disable.
Max Session Size in StorefrontGlobalLimit the maximum session size in bytes. Use 0 to disable.


Advanced configuration - Notifications

For more information about changing these settings, see System notifications in the Admin Systems Guide.

Use HTTPS to Get FeedGlobalDetermines if Admin notifications are delivered over a secure channel. Options: Yes / No
Update FrequencyGlobalDetermines the frequency of Admin message updates. Options: 1 Hour / 2 Hours / 6 Hours / 12 Hours / 24 Hours
Last UpdateGlobalIndicates the date and time of the last message update.

Backup Settings

Advanced configuration - Backup Settings

Disabled feature: Backup is disabled by default. Enabling this function may require developer assistance. See the following Installation Guide topic to enable backups: Back up and roll back the file system, media, and database.
Deprecation notice: Backup features are deprecated as of v2.3.0. It is recommended that all merchants investigate additional backup technologies and binary backup tools (such as Percona XtraBackup).

For more information about changing these settings, see System backups in the Admin Systems Guide.

Enable BackupGlobalDetermines if the Commerce instance allows backups. Options: Yes / No
Enable Scheduled BackupGlobal(Displayed when Enable Backup is set to Yes.) Determines if the Commerce instance is automatically backed up on a regular schedule. Options: Yes / No
Scheduled Backup TypeGlobal(Displayed when Enable Scheduled Backup is set to Yes.) Determines the elements of the Commerce instance that are included in the backup. Options: Database / Database and Media / System / System (excluding Media)
Start TimeGlobal(Displayed when Enable Scheduled Backup is set to Yes.) Specifies the hour, minute, and second that the scheduled backup begins.
FrequencyGlobal(Displayed when Enable Scheduled Backup is set to Yes.) Determines how often the scheduled backup takes place. Options: Daily / Weekly / Monthly
Maintenance ModeGlobal(Displayed when Enable Scheduled Backup is set to Yes.) Determines if the store is put in maintenance mode during the scheduled backup. Options: Yes / No

Admin Actions Log Archiving

Adobe Commerce feature Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

Advanced configuration - Admin Actions Log Archiving

For more information about changing these settings, see Action log archive in the Admin Systems Guide.

Log Entry Lifetime, DaysStore ViewDetermines the number of days that admin actions are kept in the Admin Actions archive. Default: 60
Log Archiving FrequencyStore ViewDetermines how often the Admin Actions logs are archived. Options: Daily / Weekly / Monthly

Full Page Cache

Advanced configuration - Full Page Cache

For more information about changing these settings, see Full-page caching in the Admin Systems Guide.

Advanced configuration - Varnish Configuration

Caching ApplicationGlobalDetermines the application that is used to manage the full-page cache. Options:
Built-in Application - Not recommended for the production environment.
Varnish Caching - Recommended for the production environment.
TTL for public contentGlobalDetermines the lifetime of the public content cache in seconds. Default value: 120
Handles param sizeglobalSpecifies the maximum number of layout handles to process on the {BASE-URL}/page_cache/block/esi HTTP endpoint. Restricting the size can improve security and performance. Default value: 100
Varnish Configuration
Access listGlobalSpecifies the IP addresses that can purge the Varnish configuration to generate a config file. Separate multiple entries with a comma. Default value: localhost
Backend hostGlobalSpecifies the backend host that generates config files. Default value: localhost
Backend portGlobalSpecifies the backend port that is used to generate config files. Default value: 8080
Grace periodGlobalDetermines how long Varnish serves stale content if the backend is not responsive. Default value: 300
Export Configuration
Export VCL for Varnish 4GlobalExports the varnish.vcl file for version 4.
Export VCL for Varnish 5GlobalExports the varnish.vcl file for version 5.
Export VCL for Varnish 6GlobalExports the varnish.vcl file for version 6.

Storage Configuration for Media

Advanced configuration - Storage Configuration for Media - File System

For more information about changing these settings, see Use a Media Database in the Content and Design Guide.

Media StorageGlobalDetermines the method used to store media files. Default setting: File System
Environment Update TimeGlobalDetermines the frequency of the media file environment updates in seconds. Default value: 3600

Advanced configuration - Storage Configuration for Media - Database

The database media storage method has been deprecated as of Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source 2.4.3.
Media StorageGlobalSpecifies database as the method used to store media files.
Select Media DatabaseGlobalIdentifies the name of the database used for media storage. Default setting: default_setup
SynchronizeSynchronizes the transfer of all media to the specified database location.
Environment Update TimeGlobalDetermines the frequency of the media file environment updates in seconds. Default value: 3600

Bulk Actions

Adobe Commerce feature Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

Advanced configuration - Bulk Actions

For more information about changing these settings, see Bulk actions in the Admin Systems Guide.

Days Saved in LogGlobalDetermines the number of days that bulk actions are kept in the Bulk Actions Log archive. Default: 60

Scheduled Import/Export File History Cleaning

Adobe Commerce feature Exclusive feature only in Adobe Commerce (Learn more)

Advanced configuration - Scheduled Import/Export File History Cleaning

For more information about changing these settings, see Scheduled import and export in the Admin Systems Guide.

Save File, DaysGlobalDetermines the number of days that import/export history files are saved.
Enable Scheduled File History CleaningGlobalEnables the scheduled file cleanup of import/export files. Options: Yes / No
Clean NowOverrides the scheduled cleanup, and immediately cleans the import/export history files.
Start TimeGlobalSpecifies the hour, minute, and second of the import/export history file cleanup.
FrequencyGlobalDetermines how often the import/export history files are cleaned. Options: Daily / Weekly / Monthly
Error Email RecipientGlobalThe email address of the person who is to receive notification if an error occurs while the import/export file history is cleaned. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Error Email SenderGlobalIdentifies the store contact that appears as the sender of the notification. Default sender: General Contact
Error Email TemplateGlobalIdentifies the email template that is used for the import/export file cleaning-error notification. Default template: File History Clean Failed

Image Upload Configuration

Advanced configuration - Image Upload Configuration

QualityGlobalDetermines the JPG quality for the resized image. Lower quality reduces the file size. Use 80-90% to help reduce file size with high quality. Default: 80
Enable Frontend ResizeGlobalEnable this setting to allow Commerce to resize large, oversized images you may upload for the Product Details page. Commerce resizes the image files using JavaScript before uploading the file. When the image is resized, it keeps the exact proportions to meet and not exceed the largest size for Maximum Width or Maximum Height. Default: Yes
Maximum WidthGlobalDetermines the maximum pixel width for the image. When the image is resized, it does not exceed this width. Default: 1920
Maximum HeightGlobalDetermines the maximum pixel height for the image. When the image is resized, it does not exceed this height. Default: 1200

Advanced configuration - Media Gallery

Enable Old Media GalleryGlobalEnables or disables the old Media Gallery.

Advanced configuration - Media Gallery Image Optimization

Enable Image OptimizationGlobalDetermines if images are resized to decrease the file size of the images inserted to the content. Original images are preserved in the Media Gallery.
Maximum WidthGlobalThe maximum width (in pixels) for images inserted from Media Gallery into the content.
Maximum HeightGlobalThe maximum height (in pixels) for images inserted from Media Gallery into the content.

Adobe Stock Integration

Advanced configuration - Adobe Stock integration

For more information about configuring these settings, see Adobe Stock Integration in the Content and Design Guide.

Enabled Adobe StockGlobalEnables or disables the Adobe Stock Integration.
API Key (Client ID)GlobalAn API key is required to connect your store to the Adobe Stock service.
Client SecretGlobalThe Client Secret for your Adobe Stock integration is required.
Test ConnectionRuns a test to verify that the API key is valid for use with the Adobe Stock service.