Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart

Quote Lifetime (days)WebsiteDetermines the lifetime of a quoted price, in days.
After Adding a Product Redirect to Shopping CartStore ViewDetermines if the shopping cart page appears immediately after a product is added to the cart. Options: Yes / No
Number of Items to Display PagerStore ViewDetermines the number of items in the shopping cart before the pager is triggered. Default value: 20
Show Cross-sell Items in the Shopping CartStore ViewIndicates if cross-sell items are displayed in the shopping cart, providing additional sale options to customers. Options: Yes (default) / No
Grouped Product ImageStore ViewDetermines the thumbnail image that appears for a grouped product in the shopping cart. Options: Product Thumbnail Itself / Parent Product Thumbnail
Configurable Product ImageStore ViewDetermines the thumbnail image that appears for a configurable product in the shopping cart. Options: Product Thumbnail Itself / Parent Product Thumbnail
Preview Quote Lifetime (minutes)Store ViewDetermines the maximum age of the quote in minutes when previewed from the shopping cart.
Enable Clear Shopping CartWebsiteDetermines if the shopping cart displays the option for users to clear the contents of the cart in a single action. Options: Yes / No

My Cart Link

Display Cart SummaryWebsiteDetermines the value that appears in parentheses after the My Cart link. Options: Display number of items in cart / Display item quantities

Mini Cart

Mini Cart

Display Mini CartStore ViewDetermines if the mini cart appears on store pages when the cart icon in the header is clicked. The display of the mini cart depends upon the theme. Options: Yes / No
Number of Items to Display ScrollbarStore ViewDetermines the number of items that can appear in the mini cart before the scrollbar is triggered. Default: 5
Maximum Number of Items to DisplayStore ViewDetermines the maximum number of items that can appear in the mini cart. Default: 10

Payment Failed Emails

Payment Failed Emails

Payment Failed Email ReceiverStore ViewIdentifies the store contact who receives Payment Failed emails. Default receiver: General Contact
Payment Failed Email SenderStore ViewIdentifies the store contact that appears as the message sender of Payment Failed emails. Default sender: General Contact
Payment Failed TemplateStore ViewIdentifies the template that is used for Payment Failed emails. Default template: Payment Failed
Send Payment Failed Copy ToStore ViewProvides the email address of anyone to receive a copy of a Payment Failed email. Separate multiple addresses with a comma.
Send Payment Failed Copy MethodStore ViewIndicates the email method used to send the copy. Options:
Bcc - Sends a blind courtesy copy by including the recipient in the header of the same email that is sent to the customer. The BCC recipient is not visible to the customer.
Separate Email - Sends the copy as a separate email.
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