User interface cjm-user-interface

To access to Adobe Journey Optimizer, connect to Adobe Experience Cloud with your Adobe ID, and select Journey Optimizer.

Key concepts when browsing the user interface are common with Adobe Experience Platform. Refer to Adobe Experience Platform documentation for more details.

Components and capabilities available in the user interface depend on your permissions and on your licencing package. For any question, reach out to your Adobe Customer Success Manager.

This documentation is frequently updated to reflect latest changes in the product user interface. However, some screenshots can slightly differ from your user interface.

Left navigation left-nav

Browse the links on the left to access Journey Optimizer capabilities.

Available capabilities may vary depending on your permissions and license agreement.

You can find below the full list of services and capabilities available in the left navigation and links to associated help pages.

Home left-nav-home

Journey Optimizer home page contains key links and resources to start.

The Recents list provides shortcuts to the recently created events and journeys. This list shows their creation and modification dates and status.

Browse in-product use cases to start creating resources and messages. Learn more.

Use the links at the bottom of the home page to learn how to start with Journey Optimizer. Learn more.

JOURNEY MANAGEMENT left-nav-journey

Build campaigns and journeys from this section.

  • Campaigns - Create, configure, and orchestrate campaigns to deliver one-time content to a specific audience, using various channels. Learn more

  • Journeys - Create, configure, and orchestrate your customer journeys: combine the events, orchestration and action activities to build your multi-step cross-channel scenarios. Learn more

  • Landing pages - Create, design, test, and publish landing pages: send your users links to online forms where they can opt-in or opt-out from receiving your communications, or subscribe to specific services. Learn more


Create offers and components from this section.

  • Offers - Access your recent sources and datasets from this menu. Use this section to create offers. Learn more

  • Components - Create placements, rules, and tags. Learn more

CONTENT MANAGEMENT left-nav-content

Create and manage contents from this section.

  • Assets - Adobe Experience Manager Assets is a centralized repository of assets that you can use to populate your messages. Learn more

  • Content templates - For an accelerated and improved design process, create standalone templates to easily reuse custom content across Journey Optimizer campaigns and journeys. Learn more

  • Fragments - Create and manage fragments to smooth email design process: prebuild custom content blocks which can be used to quickly assemble email contents. Learn more

DATA MANAGEMENT left-nav-data

Manage your data from this section.

  • Schemas - Use Adobe Experience Platform to create and manage Experience Data Model (XDM) schemas in an interactive visual canvas called the Schema Editor. Learn more

  • Datasets - All data that is ingested into Adobe Experience Platform is persisted within the Data Lake as datasets. A dataset is a storage and management construct for a collection of data, typically a table, that contains a schema (columns) and fields (rows). Learn more

  • Queries - Use Adobe Experience Platform Query Service to write and execute queries, view previously executed queries, and access queries saved by users within your organization. Learn more

  • Monitoring - Use this menu to monitor your data ingestion within Adobe Experience Platform user interface. Learn more in Adobe Experience Platform documentation

CONNECTIONS left-nav-connections

Manage your data connections with other apps and clouds from this section.

  • Sources - Use this menu to ingest data from a variety of sources - such as Adobe applications, cloud-based storages, databases, and more. You can structure, label and enhance incoming data. Learn more

  • Destinations - Use this menu to create a live connection with cloud storage locations in order to export the content of your datasets. Learn more

CUSTOMER left-nav-customers

Manage your audiences and profile data from this section.

  • Audiences - Create and manage Experience Platform audiences, and use them into your journeys. Learn more

  • Subscription lists - In Journey Optimizer, customers who opted-in to a subscription service are gathered into a subscription list. Learn more

  • Profiles - Real-time Customer Profile creates a holistic view of each of your individual customers, combining data from multiple channels including online, offline, CRM, and third-party data. Learn more

  • Identities - Adobe Experience Platform Identity Service manages the cross-device, cross-channel, and near real-time identification of your customers in what is known as an identity graph within Adobe Experience Platform. Learn more

PRIVACY left-nav-privacy

Control your privacy management and requests from this section.

  • Policies - Adobe Experience Platform allows you to label your fields and create marketing actions for each channel. You then define a governance policy linked to a label and a marketing action. Learn more

  • Requests - Privacy requests are managed in the Adobe Experience Platform Privacy Service. It provides a RESTful API and user interface to help you manage customer data requests. Learn more

  • Audit - Browse to this section to check activity logs. Learn more

  • Data hygiene - This section lets you configure and schedule data hygiene operations, ensuring that your records are properly maintained. Learn more

ADMINISTRATION left-nav-admin

  • Configurations - Use this menu to configure Events, Data sources, and Actions to use in your journeys.

    You can also access the Reporting section to configure reporting for campaign experimentation. Learn more

  • Business rules - Use this section to create cross-channel business rules to control how often users receive a message, or enter into a journey. Learn more

  • Alerts - The user interface allows you to view a history of received alerts based on metrics revealed by Adobe Experience Platform Observability Insights. The UI also allows you to view, enable, and disable available alert rules. Learn more

  • Sandboxes - Adobe Experience Platform provides sandboxes which partition a single instance into separate virtual environments to help develop and evolve digital experience applications. Browse this section to manage your sandboxes. Learn more

  • Channels - Use this section to configure your channels, including subdomains, surfaces, and deliverability settings. Learn more

  • Tags - With Unified Tags, you can easily classify your journeys and campaigns to improve search from the lists. Learn more

In-product use cases in-product-uc

From Adobe Journey Optimizer home page, product use cases provide a quick inputs to create test profiles, or your first customer journeys.

Available use cases are:

  • Create test profiles, to create test profiles using our CSV template to test personalized messages and journeys. Learn how to implement this use case on this page.
  • Send a birthday message to customers, to automatically send an email to wish your customers around their birthday. (coming soon)
  • Send emails to onboard new customers, to easily send up to two emails to welcome your newly registered customers. (coming soon)
  • Send push messages to imported list of customers, to quickly send a push notification to a list of customers imported from a CSV file. (coming soon)

To learn more about each use case, click the View details link.

To run a use case, click the Begin button.

You can access executed use cases from the View library button.

Find help and support find-help

Access Adobe Journey Optimizer key help pages from the lower section of the home page.

Use the Help icon to access help pages, contact support, and share feedback. You can search help articles and videos from the search field.

In each page, use contextual help buttons to learn more about a feature, and browse to Adobe Experience League documentation.

Language preferences language-pref

User interface is available in the following languages:

  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Traditional Chinese
  • Simplified Chinese

Your default interface language is determined by the preferred language specified in your user profile.

To change your language:

  • Click Preferences from your avatar, on the top right.
  • Then click the language displayed under your email address
  • Select your preferred language and click Save. You can select a second language in case the component you are using is not localized in your first language.