Responsive Design of the Core Components
- Topics:
- Core Components
- Developer
- Admin
- User
All Core Components are designed to be fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across devices. It’s important to note that some advanced components, like for example the Carousel, Tabs, and Accordion Components, may require specific consideration within the context of the implementing project in order to maintain responsiveness in all conditions.
Given the diverse ways these components can exhibit responsive behavior, and in Adobe’s commitment to keep the Core Components lightweight out-of-the-box, the responsibility for implementing detailed responsive aspects is intentionally left to the project.
For instance, on narrow screens the Tabs component may adapt by breaking wide tabs onto new lines, by allowing vertical scrolling, by transforming tabs into drop-downs, or by adopting an accordion style. Due to the potential impact on performance that implementing all those behaviors would cause, the clientlibs are intended as a starting point for implementors rather than an exhaustive solution.
Experience Manager
- Core Components Introduction
- Responsive Design
- Paths to Success
- Component Library
- Versions
- Get Started
- The WCM Components
- Accordion
- Breadcrumb
- Button
- Carousel
- Container
- Content Fragment
- Content Fragment List
- Download
- Embed
- Experience Fragment
- Image
- Language Navigation
- List
- Navigation
- Page
- PDF Viewer
- Progress Bar
- Quick Search
- Separator
- Social Media Sharing
- Table of Contents
- Text
- Tabs
- Teaser
- Title
- Form Components
- v1 Components
- v2 Components
- v3 Components
- Email Components
- Adaptive Forms
- Introduction
- Version History
- Adaptive Forms Components
- Adaptive Forms Accordion
- Adaptive Forms Button
- Adaptive Forms Checkbox
- Adaptive Forms Checkbox Group
- Adaptive Forms Container
- Adaptive Forms Date Picker
- Adaptive Forms Drop-down List
- Adaptive Forms Email
- Adaptive Forms Form Fragment
- Adaptive Forms File Attachments
- Adaptive Forms Vertical Tabs
- Adaptive Forms hCaptcha
- Adaptive Forms Horizontal Tabs
- Adaptive Forms Image
- Adaptive Forms Numeric Box
- Adaptive Forms Panel
- Adaptive Forms CAPTCHA
- Adaptive Forms Radio Button
- Adaptive Forms Reset Button
- Adaptive Forms Submit Button
- Adaptive Forms Switch
- Adaptive Forms Phone
- Adaptive Forms Text
- Adaptive Forms Text Box
- Adaptive Forms Form Title
- Adaptive Forms Wizard
- Adaptive Forms Terms and Conditions
- Header
- Footer
- Customize Adaptive Forms Core Components
- Sample themes and templates
- Developing
- Developing Core Components
- Paths to Success
- WKND Developer Tutorial
- Customizing Core Components
- Component Guidelines
- AMP Support
- Context-Aware Configurations
- Including Client Libraries
- The Adaptive Image Servlet
- Web-Optimized Image Delivery
- Remote Assets Support
- Adobe Client Data Layer
- AEM Project Archetype