
There are several reasons why it is beneficial to include a button in an Adaptive Form, including:

  • Form submission: A button is typically used to submit a form, allowing users to send the data they have entered to the server for processing.

  • Form reset: Buttons can also be used to reset a form, clearing all the data entered by the user.

  • Navigation: Buttons can be used to navigate between different sections of a form or different pages on a website.

  • Event Handling: Buttons can be used to trigger different events like opening a website, show/hide components, add an instance of a panel or component to the button.

  • Interactivity: Buttons can be used to create interactive forms. For example, a button can be used to open a modal dialog or to toggle a section of the form.

Version and Compatibility

The Adaptive Forms Button Core Component was released in Feb 2023 as part of the Core Components 2.0.4 for Cloud Service and Core Components 1.1.12 for AEM Forms or later. Here’s a table showing all supported versions, AEM compatibility, and links to corresponding documentation:

Component Version
AEM as a Cloud Service
AEM Forms or later
Compatible with
release 2.0.4 and later
Compatible with
release 1.1.12 and later but less than 2.0.0.

For information on Core Component versions and releases, refer to the Core Components Versions document.