Component Versions & Releases

The following table details which versions of which components are contained in which releases of the Core Components.

Release 1.0.0 - 1.0.6Release 1.1.0Release 2.0.0 - 2.0.8Release 2.1.0Release 2.2.0-2.2.0Release 2.3.0-2.3.2Release 2.4.0Release 2.5.0Release 2.6.0Release 2.7.0-2.8.0Release 2.9.0-2.17.14Release 2.18.0Release 2.19.0Release 2.20.0-2.21.2Release 2.22.0+
Pagev1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3
Titlev1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3
Imagev1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3
Listv1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3, v4
Breadcrumbv1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3v1, v2, v3
Social Media Sharingv1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1, deprecatedv1, deprecatedv1, deprecatedv1, deprecated
Form Containerv1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Form Textv1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Form Optionsv1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Form Hiddenv1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Form Buttonv1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Content FragmentSandboxv1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Navigationv1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Language Navigationv1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Quick Searchv1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Teaserv1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Content Fragment Listv1v1v1v1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Buttonv1v1v1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Downloadv1v1v1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Experience Fragmentv1v1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Embedv1v1v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2v1, v2
Progress Barv1v1v1v1v1
PDF Viewerv1v1v1v1v1
Table of Contentsv1v1

Versions and Releases

Core Components are distributed via GitHub. This allows Adobe to more quickly add functionality to the components and also allow for community input outside of the AEM release cycle.

The Core Components are made available with defined AEM versions with which they are compatible. This means that one AEM version may support multiple versions or releases of the Core Components.


The major iteration of the Core Components are the versions. Each component has a version. Versions are denoted with v appended with a nonzero, positive integer such as v1 and v2. Versions are incremented only for changes that are not backward-compatible, which is normally the case for the introduction of new features and functionality.

Developers and administrators can recognize versions of the core components by a number in their resource type paths, and in the fully qualified Java class names of their implementations. This version number represents a major version as defined by semantic versioning guidelines.

For more details about core component versions, see the developer documentation of the Core Components.


The core components are made available through releases and represent the actual published artifacts available on GitHu. Releases are denoted with a decimal number of the format X.Y.Z and collect all core components together as a deliverable package.

  • Major releases introduce entirely new components, improvements to existing version of components, as well as standard bug fixes. This is represented by an increment in the X component of the release number.
  • Minor releases introduce new components, new functionality to existing versions of components, as well as bug fixes. This is represented by an increment in the Y component of the release number.
  • Patch releases contain only bug fixes. This is represented by an increment in the Z component of the release number.
Releases can contain multiple versions of the same component.
The same version of a component can appear in multiple releases.

Core Components Support

Core Components are an integral part of AEM and are supported under the same terms and conditions as if they were delivered as part of the Quickstart.

Like other product features, the general rule of end-of-life is:

  • Components are first announced to be deprecated before being removed
  • At the earliest they are then removed from the AEM release following the announcement.

This gives customers at least one release cycle to move to the new version of the component, before support ends.

The version of each component clearly states the AEM versions that it supports. When support ceases for a version of AEM, then so does the support of the Core Components for that version of AEM.

For details about the support of component customizations, see the Customizing Core Components page of the relevant Core Components Version.

Foundation Component Support

Adobe’s development emphasis has shifted to the Core Components and new features will continue to be added.

Nearly all Foundation Components have been deprecated with AEM 6.5 and only major bug fixes will be considered for the Foundation Components going forward.

Previous pagePaths to Success
Next pageAuthoring with Core Components

Experience Manager

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