Placeholders file
The placeholders
file is the source for storefront labels across drop-in components. The placeholders
file has two columns: Key and Value. The Key column contains the text variables that are replaced at runtime. The Value column contains the text values that replace the variables. This file provides a quick and easy way for content creators and merchants to make changes to the site’s labels without developer involvement.
Placeholders default values
The initial values in the placeholder
file within the boilerplate’s starter content provides the default out-of-the-box labels for the drop-in components.
Key | Value |
PDP.Product.Incrementer.label | Item Quantity |
PDP.Product.OutOfStock.label | Out of Stock |
PDP.Product.AddToCart.label | Add to Cart |
PDP.Product.Details.label | Details |
PDP.Product.RegularPrice.label | Regular Price |
PDP.Product.SpecialPrice.label | Special Price |
PDP.Product.PriceRange.From.label | From |
PDP.Product.PriceRange.To.label | to |
PDP.Product.Image.label | {product} Image {key} of {total} |
PDP.Swatches.Required.label | Required |
PDP.Swatches.ChooseOption.label | Choose an option |
PDP.Carousel.label | Carousel |
PDP.Carousel.Next.label | Next |
PDP.Carousel.Previous.label | Previous |
PDP.Carousel.Slide.label | Slide |
PDP.Carousel.Controls.label | Carousel Controls |
PDP.Carousel.Controls.Button.label | Show slide {key} of {total} |
PDP.Overlay.Close.label | Close |
PDP.Zoom.Close.label | Close |
Cart.Cart.heading | Shopping Cart ({count}) |
Cart.Cart.editCart | Edit |
Cart.Cart.viewAll | View all in cart |
Cart.Cart.viewMore | View more |
Cart.MiniCart.heading | Shopping Cart ({count}) |
Cart.MiniCart.subtotal | Subtotal |
Cart.MiniCart.subtotalExcludingTaxes | Subtotal excluding taxes |
Cart.MiniCart.cartLink | View Cart |
Cart.MiniCart.checkoutLink | Checkout |
Cart.EmptyCart.heading | Your cart is empty |
Cart.EmptyCart.cta | Start shopping |
Cart.PriceSummary.taxToBeDetermined | TBD |
Cart.PriceSummary.checkout | Checkout |
Cart.PriceSummary.orderSummary | Order Summary |
Cart.PriceSummary.subTotal.label | Subtotal |
Cart.PriceSummary.subTotal.withTaxes | Including taxes |
Cart.PriceSummary.subTotal.withoutTaxes | excluding taxes |
Cart.PriceSummary.shipping.label | Shipping |
Cart.PriceSummary.shipping.editZipAction | Apply |
Cart.PriceSummary.shipping.estimated | Estimated Shipping |
Cart.PriceSummary.shipping.estimatedDestination | Estimated Shipping to |
Cart.PriceSummary.shipping.destinationLinkAriaLabel | Change destination |
Cart.PriceSummary.shipping.zipPlaceholder | Zip Code |
Cart.PriceSummary.shipping.withTaxes | Including taxes |
Cart.PriceSummary.shipping.withoutTaxes | excluding taxes | | Estimate using country/zip |
Cart.PriceSummary.shipping.alternateField.state | Estimate using country/state | | Tax Total |
Cart.PriceSummary.taxes.totalOnly | Tax |
Cart.PriceSummary.taxes.breakdown | Taxes |
Cart.PriceSummary.taxes.showBreakdown | Show Tax Breakdown |
Cart.PriceSummary.taxes.hideBreakdown | Hide Tax Breakdown |
Cart.PriceSummary.taxes.estimated | Estimated Tax | | Estimated Total | | Free | | Total | | Total excluding taxes | | Country |
Cart.PriceSummary.estimatedShippingForm.state.placeholder | State | | Zip Code |
Cart.PriceSummary.estimatedShippingForm.apply.label | Apply |
Cart.PriceSummary.freeShipping | Free | | Apply | | Enter code | | Discount code |
Cart.CartItem.discountedPrice | Discounted Price | | file |
Cart.CartItem.message | Note |
Cart.CartItem.recipient | To |
Cart.CartItem.regularPrice | Regular Price |
Cart.CartItem.sender | From |
Cart.CartItem.file | {count} file |
Cart.CartItem.files | {count} files |
Cart.CartItem.lowInventory | Only {count} left! |
Cart.CartItem.insufficientQuantity | Only {inventory} of {count} in stock |
Cart.CartItem.insufficientQuantityGeneral | Not enough items for sale |
Cart.CartItem.notAvailableMessage | Requested qty. not available |
Cart.CartItem.discountPercentage | {discount}% off |
Cart.CartItem.savingsAmount | Savings |
Cart.EstimateShipping.label | Shipping |
Cart.EstimateShipping.editZipAction | Apply |
Cart.EstimateShipping.estimated | Estimated Shipping |
Cart.EstimateShipping.estimatedDestination | Estimated Shipping to |
Cart.EstimateShipping.destinationLinkAriaLabel | Change destination |
Cart.EstimateShipping.zipPlaceholder | Zip Code |
Cart.EstimateShipping.withTaxes | Including taxes |
Cart.EstimateShipping.withoutTaxes | excluding taxes | | Estimate using country/zip |
Cart.EstimateShipping.alternateField.state | Estimate using country/state |
Cart.OutOfStockMessage.heading | Your cart contains items with limited stock |
Cart.OutOfStockMessage.message | Please adjust quantities to continue |
Cart.OutOfStockMessage.alert | Out of stock |
Cart.OutOfStockMessage.action | Remove all out of stock items from cart |
Checkout.title | Checkout |
Checkout.LoginForm.title | Contact details |
Checkout.LoginForm.account | Already have an account? |
Checkout.LoginForm.ariaLabel | |
Checkout.LoginForm.invalidEmailError | Please enter a valid email address. |
Checkout.LoginForm.missingEmailError | Enter an email address. |
Checkout.LoginForm.emailExists.alreadyHaveAccount | It looks like you already have an account. |
Checkout.LoginForm.emailExists.signInButton | Sign in |
Checkout.LoginForm.emailExists.forFasterCheckout | for a faster checkout. |
Checkout.LoginForm.floatingLabel | Email * |
Checkout.LoginForm.placeholder | Enter your email address |
Checkout.LoginForm.signIn | Sign In |
Checkout.LoginForm.switch | Do you want to switch account? |
Checkout.LoginForm.signOut | Sign Out |
Checkout.ShippingMethods.title | Shipping options |
Checkout.ShippingMethods.emptyState | This order can’t be shipped to the address provided. Please review the address details you entered and make sure they’re correct. |
Checkout.BillToShippingAddress.title | Bill to shipping address |
Checkout.PaymentMethods.title | Payment |
Checkout.PaymentMethods.emptyState | No payment methods available |
Checkout.OutOfStock.title | Your cart contains items that are out of stock |
Checkout.OutOfStock.message | The following items are out of stock: |
Checkout.OutOfStock.actions.reviewCart | Review cart |
Checkout.OutOfStock.actions.removeOutOfStock | Remove out of stock items | | Last item! |
Checkout.OutOfStock.lowInventory.many | Only {{count}} left! |
Checkout.OutOfStock.alert | Out of stock! |
Checkout.PlaceOrder.button | Place Order |
Checkout.ServerError.title | We were unable to process your order |
Checkout.ServerError.contactSupport | If you continue to have issues, please contact support. |
Checkout.ServerError.unexpected | An unexpected error occurred while processing your order. Please try again later. |
Checkout.ServerError.button | Try again |
Checkout.EmptyCart.title | Your cart is empty |
Checkout.EmptyCart.button | Start shopping |
Checkout.ErrorBanner.genericMessage | Server error detected. Please check your connection and try again. | | 1 item from a previous session was added to your cart. Please review your new subtotal. |
Checkout.MergedCartBanner.items.many | {{count}} items from a previous session were added to your cart. Please review your new subtotal. |
Checkout.EstimateShipping.estimated | Estimated Shipping |
Checkout.EstimateShipping.freeShipping | Free |
Checkout.EstimateShipping.label | Shipping |
Checkout.EstimateShipping.taxToBeDetermined | TBD |
Checkout.EstimateShipping.withTaxes | Including taxes |
Checkout.EstimateShipping.withoutTaxes | Excluding taxes |
Checkout.OrderConfirmationHeader.title | {{name}}, thank you for your order! |
Checkout.OrderConfirmationHeader.defaultTitle | Thank you for your order! |
Checkout.OrderConfirmationHeader.order | ORDER #{{order}} |
Checkout.OrderConfirmationHeader.CreateAccount.message | Save your information for faster checkout next time. |
Checkout.OrderConfirmationHeader.CreateAccount.button | Create an account |
OrderConfirmation.Header.title | {{name}}, thank you for your order! |
OrderConfirmation.Header.defaultTitle | Thank you for your order! |
OrderConfirmation.Header.order | ORDER #{{order}} |
OrderConfirmation.Header.CreateAccount.message | Save your information for faster checkout next time. |
OrderConfirmation.Header.CreateAccount.button | Create an account |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSearchForm.title | Enter your information to view order details |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSearchForm.description | You can find your order number in the receipt you received via email. |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSearchForm.button | View Order | | |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSearchForm.postcode | Zip Code |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSearchForm.orderNumber | Order Number |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSummary.title | Order summary | | Total |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSummary.totalExclTax | Total excluding taxes |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSummary.subtotal | Subtotal | | Tax |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSummary.taxTotal | Tax total |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSummary.taxBreakdown | Taxes |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSummary.includingTaxes | Including taxes |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSummary.shipping | Shipping |
OrderConfirmation.OrderSummary.freeShipping | Free shipping |
OrderConfirmation.Message.title | Your order is confirmed |
OrderConfirmation.Message.description | We have successfully processed your order and will be soon prepared for shipping. You will also receive an email with details and we will let you know when your order has shipped. |
OrderConfirmation.Details.title | Order details | | Contact details |
OrderConfirmation.Details.shippingAddress | Shipping address |
OrderConfirmation.Details.billingAddress | Billing address |
OrderConfirmation.Details.shippingMethod | Shipping method |
OrderConfirmation.Details.freeShipping | Free shipping |
OrderConfirmation.Details.paymentMethod | Payment method |
OrderConfirmation.Footer.continueShopping | Continue shopping | | Need help? |
OrderConfirmation.Footer.contactSupport | Contact us |
OrderConfirmation.CartSummary.title | Your order |
OrderConfirmation.CartSummary.GiftCard.sender | Sender |
OrderConfirmation.CartSummary.GiftCard.recipient | Recipient |
OrderConfirmation.Errors.invalidOrder | Invalid order. Please try again. |
OrderConfirmation.Errors.invalidSearch | No order found with these order details. |
OrderConfirmation.Errors.unknown | Something went wrong. Please try again. |
Order.CreateReturn.headerText | Return items |
Order.CreateReturn.downloadableCount | Files |
Order.CreateReturn.returnedItems | Returned items: |
Order.CreateReturn.stockStatus.inStock | In stock |
Order.CreateReturn.stockStatus.outOfStock | Out of stock |
Order.CreateReturn.giftCard.sender | Sender |
Order.CreateReturn.giftCard.recipient | Recipient |
Order.CreateReturn.giftCard.message | Note |
Order.CreateReturn.success.title | Return submitted |
Order.CreateReturn.success.message | Your return request has been successfully submitted. |
Order.CreateReturn.buttons.nextStep | Continue |
Order.CreateReturn.buttons.backStep | Back |
Order.CreateReturn.buttons.submit | Submit return |
Order.CreateReturn.buttons.backStore | Back to order |
Order.OrderCostSummary.headerText | Order summary |
Order.OrderCostSummary.headerReturnText | Return summary |
Order.OrderCostSummary.subtotal.title | Subtotal |
Order.OrderCostSummary.shipping.title | Shipping |
Order.OrderCostSummary.shipping.freeShipping | Free shipping | | Taxes | | Tax Total | | Total excluding taxes | | Tax | | Including taxes | | Excluding taxes | | Discount | | discounted | | Total |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.viewAllOrdersButton | View all returns |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.ariaLabelLink | Redirect to full order information |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.emptyOrdersListMessage | No returns |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.minifiedViewTitle | Recent returns |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.orderNumber | Order number: |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnNumber | Return number: |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.carrier | Carrier: |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.itemText.none | | | item |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.itemText.many | items |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.pending | Pending |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.authorized | Authorized |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.partiallyAuthorized | Partially authorized |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.received | Received |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.partiallyReceived | Partially received |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.approved | Approved |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.partiallyApproved | Partially approved |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.rejected | Rejected |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.partiallyRejected | Partially rejected |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.denied | Denied |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.processedAndClosed | Processed and closed |
Order.Returns.minifiedView.returnsList.returnStatus.closed | Closed |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.viewAllOrdersButton | View all orders |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.ariaLabelLink | Redirect to full order information |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.emptyOrdersListMessage | No returns |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.minifiedViewTitle | Returns |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.orderNumber | Order number: |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnNumber | Return number: |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.carrier | Carrier: |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.itemText.none | | | item |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.itemText.many | items |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.pending | Pending |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.authorized | Authorized |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.partiallyAuthorized | Partially authorized |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.received | Received |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.partiallyReceived | Partially received |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.approved | Approved |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.partiallyApproved | Partially approved |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.rejected | Rejected |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.partiallyRejected | Partially rejected |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.denied | Denied |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.processedAndClosed | Processed and closed |
Order.Returns.fullSizeView.returnsList.returnStatus.closed | Closed |
Order.OrderProductListContent.cancelledTitle | Cancelled |
Order.OrderProductListContent.allOrdersTitle | Your order |
Order.OrderProductListContent.returnedTitle | Returned |
Order.OrderProductListContent.refundedTitle | Your refunded |
Order.OrderProductListContent.downloadableCount | Files |
Order.OrderProductListContent.stockStatus.inStock | In stock |
Order.OrderProductListContent.stockStatus.outOfStock | Out of stock |
Order.OrderProductListContent.GiftCard.sender | Sender |
Order.OrderProductListContent.GiftCard.recipient | Recipient |
Order.OrderProductListContent.GiftCard.message | Note |
Order.OrderSearchForm.title | Enter your information to view order details |
Order.OrderSearchForm.description | You can find your order number in the receipt you received via email. |
Order.OrderSearchForm.button | View Order | | |
Order.OrderSearchForm.postcode | Zip Code |
Order.OrderSearchForm.orderNumber | Order Number |
Order.Form.notifications.requiredFieldError | This is a required field. |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.orderNumber | Order number: |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.returnNumber | Return number: |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.itemText.none | | | Package contents ({{count}} item) |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.itemText.many | Package contents ({{count}} items) |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.trackButton | Track package |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.carrier | Carrier: |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.prepositionOf | of |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.returnOrderCardTitle | Package details |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.shippingCardTitle | Package details |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.shippingInfoTitle | Shipping information |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.notYetShippedTitle | Not yet shipped |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.notYetShippedImagesTitle.singular | Package contents ({{count}} item) |
Order.ShippingStatusCard.notYetShippedImagesTitle.plural | Package contents ({{count}} items) |
Order.OrderStatusContent.noInfoTitle | Check back later for more details. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnMessage | The order was placed on {ORDER_CREATE_DATE} and your return process started on {RETURN_CREATE_DATE} |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.pending | Pending |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.authorized | Authorized |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.partiallyAuthorized | Partially authorized |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.received | Received |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.partiallyReceived | Partially received |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.approved | Approved |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.partiallyApproved | Partially approved"" |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.rejected | Rejected |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.partiallyRejected | Partially rejected |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.denied | Denied |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.processedAndClosed | Processed and closed |
Order.OrderStatusContent.returnStatus.closed | Closed |
Order.OrderStatusContent.actions.cancel | Cancel order |
Order.OrderStatusContent.actions.createReturn | Return or replace |
Order.OrderStatusContent.actions.createAnotherReturn | Start another return |
Order.OrderStatusContent.actions.reorder | Reorder |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderPending.title | Pending |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderPending.message | The order was successfully placed on {DATE} and your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderPending.messageWithoutDate | Your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderProcessing.title | Processing |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderProcessing.message | The order was successfully placed on {DATE} and your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderProcessing.messageWithoutDate | Your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderOnHold.title | On hold |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderOnHold.message | We�ve run into an issue while processing your order on {DATE}. Please check back later or contact us at for more information. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderOnHold.messageWithoutDate | We�ve run into an issue while processing your order. Please check back later or contact us at for more information. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderReceived.title | Order received |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderReceived.message | The order was successfully placed on {DATE} and your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderReceived.messageWithoutDate | Your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderComplete.title | Complete |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderComplete.message | Your order is complete. Need help with your order? Contact us at |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderCanceled.title | Canceled |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderCanceled.message | This order was cancelled by you. You should see a refund to your original payment method with 5-7 business days. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderCanceled.messageWithoutDate | This order was cancelled by you. You should see a refund to your original payment method with 5-7 business days. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderSuspectedFraud.title | Suspected fraud |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderSuspectedFraud.message | We�ve run into an issue while processing your order on {DATE}. Please check back later or contact us at for more information. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderSuspectedFraud.messageWithoutDate | We�ve run into an issue while processing your order. Please check back later or contact us at for more information. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderPaymentReview.title | Payment Review |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderPaymentReview.message | The order was successfully placed on {DATE} and your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.orderPaymentReview.messageWithoutDate | Your order is processing. Check back for more details when your order ships. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.guestOrderCancellationRequested.title | cancellation requested |
Order.OrderStatusContent.guestOrderCancellationRequested.message | The cancellation has been requested on {DATE}. Check your email for further instructions. |
Order.OrderStatusContent.guestOrderCancellationRequested.messageWithoutDate | The cancellation has been requested. Check your email for further instructions. |
Order.CustomerDetails.headerText | Customer information |
Order.CustomerDetails.freeShipping | Free shipping |
Order.CustomerDetails.orderReturnLabels.createdReturnAt | Return requested on: |
Order.CustomerDetails.orderReturnLabels.returnStatusLabel | Return status: |
Order.CustomerDetails.orderReturnLabels.orderNumberLabel | Order number: |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.pending | Pending |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.authorized | Authorized |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.partiallyAuthorized | Partially authorized |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.received | Received |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.partiallyReceived | Partially received |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.approved | Approved |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.partiallyApproved | Partially approved |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.rejected | Rejected |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.partiallyRejected | Partially rejected |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.denied | Denied |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.processedAndClosed | Processed and closed |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnStatus.closed | Closed | | Contact details |
Order.CustomerDetails.shippingAddress.title | Shipping address |
Order.CustomerDetails.shippingMethods.title | Shipping method |
Order.CustomerDetails.billingAddress.title | Billing address |
Order.CustomerDetails.paymentMethods.title | Payment method |
Order.CustomerDetails.returnInformation.title | Return details |
Order.Errors.invalidOrder | Invalid order. Please try again. |
Order.Errors.invalidSearch | No order found with these order details. |
Order.OrderCancel.buttonText | Cancel Order |
Order.OrderCancelForm.title | Cancel order |
Order.OrderCancelForm.description | Select a reason for canceling the order |
Order.OrderCancelForm.label | Reason for cancel |
Order.OrderCancelForm.button | Submit Cancellation |
Order.OrderCancelForm.errorHeading | Error |
Order.OrderCancelForm.errorDescription | There was an error processing your order cancellation. |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.containerTitle | Account settings |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.genderMale | Male |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.genderFemale | Female |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.passwordValidationMessage.chartTwoSymbols | Use characters and numbers or symbols |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.passwordValidationMessage.chartThreeSymbols | Use characters, numbers and symbols |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.passwordValidationMessage.chartFourSymbols | Use uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers and symbols |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.passwordValidationMessage.messageLengthPassword | At least {minLength} characters long |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.passwordValidationMessage.passwordMismatch | Passwords do not match. Please make sure both password fields are identical |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.passwordValidationMessage.incorrectCurrentPassword | The current password you entered is incorrect. Please check and try again. |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.passwordValidationMessage.passwordUpdateMessage | Your password has been updated |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.containerTitle | Change password |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.currentPassword.placeholder | Password |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.currentPassword.floatingLabel | Password |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.newPassword.placeholder | New Password |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.newPassword.floatingLabel | New Password |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.confirmPassword.placeholder | Confirm new password |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.confirmPassword.floatingLabel | Confirm new password |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.buttonSecondary | Cancel |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.changePassword.buttonPrimary | Save |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.customerInformationCard.buttonSecondary | Change password |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.customerInformationCard.buttonPrimary | Edit |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.customerInformationCard.accountCreation | Account creation date |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.editCustomerInformation.containerTitle | Edit details |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.editCustomerInformation.buttonSecondary | Cancel |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.editCustomerInformation.buttonPrimary | Save |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.editCustomerInformation.accountSuccess | Your account information has been updated. |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.editCustomerInformation.accountError | Your account information has not been updated. |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.editCustomerInformation.passwordField.placeholder | Password |
Account.minifiedView.CustomerInformation.editCustomerInformation.passwordField.floatingLabel | Password |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.containerTitle | Addresses |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.editAddressFormTitle | Edit address |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.differentAddressFormTitle | Deliver to new address |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.viewAllAddressesButton | View address list |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.differentAddressButton | Use a different address |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.addressCard.actionRemove | Remove |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.addressCard.actionEdit | Edit |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.addressCard.cardLabelShipping | Shipping |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.addressCard.cardLabelBilling | Billing |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.addressCard.defaultLabelText | DEFAULT |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.removeAddressModal.title | Remove address |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.removeAddressModal.description | Are you sure you would like to remove this address? |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.removeAddressModal.actionCancel | Cancel |
Account.minifiedView.Addresses.removeAddressModal.actionConfirm | Remove |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.containerTitle | Recent orders |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.viewAllOrdersButton | View all orders |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.ariaLabelLink | Redirect to full order information |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.dateOrderPlaced | Date order placed |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.OrdersListCard.orderNumber | Order number: |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.OrdersListCard.itemsAmount | items |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.OrdersListCard.carrier | Carrier: |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.OrdersListCard.returns | Return(s): |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.OrdersListCard.orderDate | Placed on |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.OrdersListSelectDate.pastSixMonths | Past 6 months |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.OrdersListSelectDate.currentYear | Current year |
Account.minifiedView.OrdersList.OrdersListSelectDate.viewAll | View all |
Account.minifiedView.EmptyList.Addresses.message | No saved addresses |
Account.minifiedView.EmptyList.OrdersList.message | No orders |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.containerTitle | Addresses |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.editAddressFormTitle | Edit address |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.differentAddressFormTitle | Deliver to new address |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.newAddressFormTitle | Add address |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.addNewAddressButton | Create new |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.differentAddressButton | Use a different address |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.addressCard.actionRemove | Remove |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.addressCard.actionEdit | Edit |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.addressCard.cardLabelShipping | Shipping |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.addressCard.cardLabelBilling | Billing |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.addressCard.defaultLabelText | DEFAULT |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.removeAddressModal.title | Remove address |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.removeAddressModal.description | Are you sure you would like to remove this address? |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.removeAddressModal.actionCancel | Cancel |
Account.fullSizeView.Addresses.removeAddressModal.actionConfirm | Remove |
Account.fullSizeView.OrdersList.containerTitle | Your orders |
Account.fullSizeView.OrdersList.ariaLabelLink | Redirect to full order information |
Account.fullSizeView.OrdersList.dateOrderPlaced | Date order placed |
Account.fullSizeView.OrdersList.OrdersListCard.orderNumber | Order number: |
Account.fullSizeView.OrdersList.OrdersListCard.itemsAmount | items |
Account.fullSizeView.OrdersList.OrdersListCard.carrier | Carrier: |
Account.fullSizeView.OrdersList.OrdersListCard.returns | Return(s): |
Account.fullSizeView.OrdersList.OrdersListCard.orderDate | Placed on |
Account.fullSizeView.OrdersList.OrdersListSelectDate.pastSixMonths | Past 6 months |
Account.fullSizeView.OrdersList.OrdersListSelectDate.currentYear | Current year |
Account.fullSizeView.OrdersList.OrdersListSelectDate.viewAll | View all |
Account.fullSizeView.EmptyList.Addresses.message | No saved addresses |
Account.fullSizeView.EmptyList.OrdersList.message | No orders |
Account.AddressForm.formText.secondaryButton | Cancel |
Account.AddressForm.formText.primaryButton | Save |
Account.AddressForm.formText.defaultShippingLabel | Set as default shipping address |
Account.AddressForm.formText.defaultBillingLabel | Set as default billing address |
Account.AddressForm.formText.saveAddressBook | Save in address book |
Account.FormText.requiredFieldError | This is a required field. |
Account.FormText.numericError | Only numeric values are allowed. |
Account.FormText.alphaNumWithSpacesError | Only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed. |
Account.FormText.alphaNumericError | Only alphanumeric characters are allowed. |
Account.FormText.alphaError | Only alphabetic characters are allowed. |
Account.FormText.emailError | Please enter a valid email address. |
Account.FormText.dateError | Please enter a valid date. |
Account.FormText.dateLengthError | Date must be between {min} and {max}. |
Account.FormText.urlError | Please enter a valid URL, e.g., http://www\.adobe\.com\. |
Account.FormText.lengthTextError | Text length must be between {min} and {max} characters. |
Auth.PasswordValidationMessage.chartTwoSymbols | Use characters and numbers or symbols |
Auth.PasswordValidationMessage.chartThreeSymbols | Use characters, numbers and symbols |
Auth.PasswordValidationMessage.chartFourSymbols | Use uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers and symbols |
Auth.PasswordValidationMessage.messageLengthPassword | At least {minLength} characters long |
Auth.ResetPasswordForm.title | Reset your password |
Auth.ResetPasswordForm.buttonPrimary | Reset password |
Auth.ResetPasswordForm.buttonSecondary | Back to sign in |
Auth.SignInForm.title | Sign in |
Auth.SignInForm.buttonPrimary | Sign in |
Auth.SignInForm.buttonSecondary | Sign up |
Auth.SignInForm.buttonTertiary | Forgot password? |
Auth.SignUpForm.title | Sign up |
Auth.SignUpForm.buttonPrimary | Create account |
Auth.SignUpForm.buttonSecondary | Already a member? Sign in |
Auth.SignUpForm.privacyPolicyDefaultText | I�ve read and accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. |
Auth.SignUpForm.subscribedDefaultText | Subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to know about new arrivals, sales and exclusive offers. |
Auth.SignUpForm.keepMeLoggedText | Keep me logged in after account creation |
Auth.SignUpForm.failedCreateCustomerAddress | Failed to create customer addresses: |
Auth.SignUpForm.confirmPassword.placeholder | Confirm password |
Auth.SignUpForm.confirmPassword.floatingLabel | Confirm password * |
Auth.SignUpForm.confirmPassword.passwordMismatch | Passwords do not match. Please make sure both password fields are identical. |
Auth.UpdatePasswordForm.title | Update password |
Auth.UpdatePasswordForm.buttonPrimary | Update password |
Auth.FormText.requiredFieldError | This is a required field. |
Auth.FormText.numericError | Only numeric values are allowed. |
Auth.FormText.alphaNumWithSpacesError | Only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed. |
Auth.FormText.alphaNumericError | Only alphanumeric characters are allowed. |
Auth.FormText.alphaError | Only alphabetic characters are allowed. |
Auth.FormText.emailError | Please enter a valid email address. |
Auth.FormText.dateError | Please enter a valid date. |
Auth.FormText.dateLengthError | Date must be between {min} and {max}. |
Auth.FormText.dateMaxError | Date must be less than or equal to {max}. |
Auth.FormText.dateMinError | Date must be greater than or equal to {min}. |
Auth.FormText.urlError | Please enter a valid URL, e.g., https://www\.website\.com\. |
Auth.FormText.lengthTextError | Text length must be between {min} and {max} characters. |
Auth.EmailConfirmationForm.title | Verify your email address |
Auth.EmailConfirmationForm.subtitle | We`ve sent an email to |
Auth.EmailConfirmationForm.mainText | Check your inbox and click on the link we just send you to confirm your email address and activate your account. |
Auth.EmailConfirmationForm.buttonSecondary | Resend email |
Auth.EmailConfirmationForm.buttonPrimary | Close |
Auth.EmailConfirmationForm.accountConfirmMessage | Account confirmed |
Auth.EmailConfirmationForm.accountConfirmationEmailSuccessMessage | Congratulations! Your account at {email} email has been successfully confirmed. |
Auth.Notification.errorNotification | Your password update failed due to validation errors. Please check your information and try again. |
Auth.Notification.updatePasswordMessage | The password has been updated. |
Auth.Notification.updatePasswordActionMessage | Sign in |
Auth.Notification.successPasswordResetEmailNotification | If there is an account associated with {email} you will receive an email with a link to reset your password. |
Auth.Notification.resendEmailNotification.informationText | This account is not confirmed. |
Auth.Notification.resendEmailNotification.buttonText | Resend confirmation email |
Auth.Notification.emailConfirmationMessage | Please check your email for confirmation link. |
Auth.Notification.technicalErrors.technicalErrorSendEmail | A technical error occurred while trying to send the email. Please try again later. |
Auth.SuccessNotification.headingText | Welcome! |
Auth.SuccessNotification.messageText | We are glad to see you! |
Auth.SuccessNotification.primaryButtonText | Continue shopping |
Auth.SuccessNotification.secondaryButtonText | Logout |
Auth.Api.customerTokenErrorMessage | Unable to log in. Please try again later or contact support if the issue persists. |
Auth.InputPassword.placeholder | Password |
Auth.InputPassword.floatingLabel | Password * |
Custom.AddingToCart.label | Adding to Cart |
Custom.CommerceOrderHeader.backToAllOrders | < Back to all orders |
Custom.CommerceReturnHeader.backToAllReturns | < Back to all returns |