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User authentication dictionary

The default user authentication dictionary file (i18n/en_US.json) contains the default values for all labels and text common to the user authentication drop-in component.

Default keys and values

Auth: {
PasswordValidationMessage: {
chartTwoSymbols: Use characters and numbers or symbols,
chartThreeSymbols: Use characters, numbers and symbols,
chartFourSymbols: Use uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers and symbols,
messageLengthPassword: At least {minLength} characters long
ResetPasswordForm: {
title: Reset your password,
buttonPrimary: Reset password,
buttonSecondary: Back to sign in,
formAriaLabel: Reset your password form
SignInForm: {
title: Sign in,
buttonPrimary: Sign in,
buttonSecondary: Sign up,
buttonTertiary: Forgot password?
SignUpForm: {
title: Sign up,
buttonPrimary: Create account,
buttonSecondary: Already a member? Sign in,
keepMeLoggedText: Keep me logged in after account creation,
failedCreateCustomerAddress: Failed to create customer addresses:,
confirmPassword: {
placeholder: Confirm password,
floatingLabel: Confirm password *,
passwordMismatch: Passwords do not match. Please make sure both password fields are identical.
UpdatePasswordForm: {
title: Update password,
buttonPrimary: Update password
FormText: {
requiredFieldError: This is a required field.,
numericError: Only numeric values are allowed.,
alphaNumWithSpacesError: Only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed.,
alphaNumericError: Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.,
alphaError: Only alphabetic characters are allowed.,
emailError: Please enter a valid email address.,
dateError: Please enter a valid date.,
dateLengthError: Date must be between {min} and {max}.,
dateMaxError: Date must be less than or equal to {max}.,
dateMinError: Date must be greater than or equal to {min}.,
urlError: Please enter a valid URL, e.g.,,
lengthTextError: Text length must be between {min} and {max} characters.
EmailConfirmationForm: {
title: Verify your email address,
subtitle: We`ve sent an email to,
mainText: Check your inbox and click on the link we just send you to confirm your email address and activate your account.,
buttonSecondary: Resend email,
buttonPrimary: Close,
accountConfirmMessage: Account confirmed,
accountConfirmationEmailSuccessMessage: Congratulations! Your account at {email} email has been successfully confirmed.
Notification: {
errorNotification: Your password update failed due to validation errors. Please check your information and try again.,
updatePasswordMessage: The password has been updated.,
updatePasswordActionMessage: Sign in,
successPasswordResetEmailNotification: If there is an account associated with {email} you will receive an email with a link to reset your password.,
resendEmailNotification: {
informationText: This account is not confirmed.,
buttonText: Resend confirmation email
emailConfirmationMessage: Please check your email for confirmation link.,
technicalErrors: {
technicalErrorSendEmail: A technical error occurred while trying to send the email. Please try again later.
SuccessNotification: {
headingText: Welcome!,
messageText: We are glad to see you!,
primaryButtonText: Continue shopping,
secondaryButtonText: Logout
Api: {
customerTokenErrorMessage: Unable to log in. Please try again later or contact support if the issue persists.
InputPassword: {
placeholder: Password,
floatingLabel: Password *