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User account dictionary

The default user account dictionary file (i18n/en_US.json) contains the default values for all labels and text common to the user account drop-in component.

Default keys and values

Account: {
minifiedView: {
CustomerInformation: {
containerTitle: Account settings,
genderMale: Male,
genderFemale: Female,
changePassword: {
passwordValidationMessage: {
chartTwoSymbols: Use characters and numbers or symbols,
chartThreeSymbols: Use characters, numbers and symbols,
chartFourSymbols: Use uppercase characters, lowercase characters, numbers and symbols,
messageLengthPassword: At least {minLength} characters long,
passwordMismatch: Passwords do not match. Please make sure both password fields are identical,
incorrectCurrentPassword: The current password you entered is incorrect. Please check and try again.,
passwordUpdateMessage: Your password has been updated
containerTitle: Change password,
currentPassword: {
placeholder: Password,
floatingLabel: Password
newPassword: {
placeholder: New Password,
floatingLabel: New Password
confirmPassword: {
placeholder: Confirm new password,
floatingLabel: Confirm new password
buttonSecondary: Cancel,
buttonPrimary: Save
customerInformationCard: {
buttonSecondary: Change password,
buttonPrimary: Edit,
accountCreation: Account creation date
editCustomerInformation: {
containerTitle: Edit details,
buttonSecondary: Cancel,
buttonPrimary: Save,
accountSuccess: Your account information has been updated.,
accountError: Your account information has not been updated.,
passwordField: {
placeholder: Password,
floatingLabel: Password
Addresses: {
containerTitle: Addresses,
editAddressFormTitle: Edit address,
differentAddressFormTitle: Deliver to new address,
viewAllAddressesButton: View address list,
differentAddressButton: Use a different address,
addressCard: {
actionRemove: Remove,
actionEdit: Edit,
cardLabelShipping: Shipping,
cardLabelBilling: Billing,
defaultLabelText: DEFAULT
removeAddressModal: {
title: Remove address,
description: Are you sure you would like to remove this address?,
actionCancel: Cancel,
actionConfirm: Remove
OrdersList: {
containerTitle: Recent orders,
viewAllOrdersButton: View all orders,
ariaLabelLink: Redirect to full order information,
dateOrderPlaced: Date order placed,
OrdersListCard: {
orderNumber: Order number:,
itemsAmount: items,
carrier: Carrier:,
returns: Return(s):,
orderDate: Placed on
OrdersListSelectDate: {
pastSixMonths: Past 6 months,
currentYear: Current year,
viewAll: View all
EmptyList: {
Addresses: {
message: No saved addresses
OrdersList: {
message: No orders
fullSizeView: {
Addresses: {
containerTitle: Addresses,
editAddressFormTitle: Edit address,
differentAddressFormTitle: Deliver to new address,
newAddressFormTitle: Add address,
addNewAddressButton: Create new,
differentAddressButton: Use a different address,
addressCard: {
actionRemove: Remove,
actionEdit: Edit,
cardLabelShipping: Shipping,
cardLabelBilling: Billing,
defaultLabelText: DEFAULT
removeAddressModal: {
title: Remove address,
description: Are you sure you would like to remove this address?,
actionCancel: Cancel,
actionConfirm: Remove
OrdersList: {
containerTitle: Your orders,
ariaLabelLink: Redirect to full order information,
dateOrderPlaced: Date order placed,
OrdersListCard: {
orderNumber: Order number:,
itemsAmount: items,
carrier: Carrier:,
returns: Return(s):,
orderDate: Placed on
OrdersListSelectDate: {
pastSixMonths: Past 6 months,
currentYear: Current year,
viewAll: View all
EmptyList: {
Addresses: {
message: No saved addresses
OrdersList: {
message: No orders
AddressForm: {
formText: {
secondaryButton: Cancel,
primaryButton: Save,
defaultShippingLabel: Set as default shipping address,
defaultBillingLabel: Set as default billing address,
saveAddressBook: Save in address book
FormText: {
requiredFieldError: This is a required field.,
numericError: Only numeric values are allowed.,
alphaNumWithSpacesError: Only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed.,
alphaNumericError: Only alphanumeric characters are allowed.,
alphaError: Only alphabetic characters are allowed.,
emailError: Please enter a valid email address.,
dateError: Please enter a valid date.,
dateLengthError: Date must be between {min} and {max}.,
urlError: Please enter a valid URL, e.g.,,
lengthTextError: Text length must be between {min} and {max} characters.