Order slots
This topic describes the slots that are provided in the order drop-in component.
Extending drop-in components describes the default properties available to all slots.
CreateReturn slots
The CreateReturn
container provides slots for customizing the process of initiating a return.
The ReturnOrderItem
slot renders additional information for return items.
slots: { ReturnOrderItem: (ctx) => { const container = document.createElement('div'); container.insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterbegin', ` <div id="info-container" class="info-container"> <h2 class="info-heading">Product Details</h2> <ul class="info-list"> <li class="info-item">Detail 1: Placeholder information about the product.</li> <li class="info-item">Detail 2: Additional placeholder information about the product.</li> </ul> </div> ` ); ctx.appendChild(container); }}
The ReturnFormActions
slot renders custom return form actions.
slots: { ReturnFormActions: (ctx) => { const container = document.createElement('div');
provider.render(Button, { variant: 'secondary', children: 'Get a Better Offer', onClick: () => alert('Custom event listener!'), })(container); ctx.appendChild(container); },}
CustomerDetails slots
The CustomerDetails
container provides slots for customizing the customer details section on the order details page.
OrderReturnInformation slot
The OrderReturnInformation
slot renders custom elements in the return information section on the return details page.
slots: { OrderReturnInformation: (ctx) => { const container = document.createElement('div');
provider.render(TextArea, { children: 'Custom Action Button', required: true, name: 'custom_text_area', label: 'Custom User information', disabled: true, onChange: (event) => { console.log('event', event); }, })(container);
ctx.appendChild(container); }}
The PaymentMethodIcon
slot renders custom elements based on the selected payment method on the order details page.
slots: { PaymentMethodIcon: (ctx) => { const { selectedPaymentMethodCode } = ctx;
const container = document.createElement('div');
let iconMarkup = ''; switch (selectedPaymentMethodCode) { case 'credit_card': iconMarkup = `<div>Credit Card Icon</div>`; break; case 'paypal': iconMarkup = `<div>PayPal Icon</div>`; break; case 'bank_transfer': iconMarkup = `<div>Bank Transfer Icon</div>`; break; default: iconMarkup = `<div>Default Icon</div>`; }
container.insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterbegin', ` <div class="payment-method-icon"> ${iconMarkup} </div> ` );
ctx.appendChild(container); }}
OrderReturns slots
The OrderReturns
container provides slots that customize elements in the order returns section on the order details page.
DetailsActionParams slot
The DetailsActionParams
slot renders custom actions for each return in the order returns section of the order details page.
slots: { DetailsActionParams: (ctx) => { const { returnOrderItem: { returnNumber }, } = ctx;
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterbegin', ` <div> <a href="https://example.com/returns/${returnNumber}" class="details-link" >Return Details</a> <button class="cancel-return-button" onclick="console.log('Cancel return callback placeholder')" >Cancel Return</button> </div> ` );
ctx.appendChild(container); }}
ReturnItemsDetails slot
The ReturnItemsDetails
slot renders additional details for each return in the order returns section of the order details page.
slots: { ReturnItemsDetails: (ctx) => { const { items } = ctx; const container = document.createElement('div');
const itemStatus = items?.[0]?.customStatus || 'No status available';
container.innerHTML = `Custom return status: ${itemStatus}`; ctx.appendChild(container); }}
OrderStatus slot
The OrderStatus
slot renders custom order status elements on the order details page.
The DeliveryTimeLine
slot renders a custom stepper to track delivery progress.
slots: { DeliveryTimeLine: (ctx) => { const container = document.createElement('div');
container.insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterbegin', ` <div class="shipping-stepper"> <div class="step"> <div class="step-marker"></div> <span class="step-label">Order Placed</span> </div> <div class="step"> <div class="step-marker"></div> <span class="step-label">Shipped</span> </div> <div class="step"> <div class="step-marker"></div> <span class="step-label">Out for Delivery</span> </div> <div class="step"> <div class="step-marker"></div> <span class="step-label">Delivered</span> </div> </div> ` );
ctx.appendChild(container); }}
DeliveryTrackActions slot
The DeliveryTrackActions
slot renders custom delivery tracking actions.
slots: { DeliveryTrackActions: (ctx) => { const { trackInformation: { number, title }, } = ctx;
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.insertAdjacentHTML( 'afterbegin', ` <button type="button" class="track-action-button" data-track-number="${number}" > ${title} </button> ` );
ctx.appendChild(container); }}
The ReturnItemsDetails
slot renders additional return details in the shipping status container on the return details page.
slots: {ReturnItemsDetails: (ctx) => { const { items } = ctx; const container = document.createElement('div'); container.classList.add('return-items-details');
items.forEach(({ quantity, requestQuantity, status, uid }) => { const html = ` <div class="return-item" id="return-${uid}"> <h3 class="return-status">${status}</h3> <p class="return-request-quantity">Requested: ${requestQuantity}</p> <p class="return-quantity">Quantity: ${quantity}</p> <a href="#" class="return-info-link">More information about the return</a> </div> `; container.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', html); });