Checkout slots
Learn about the slots provided in the checkout drop-in component.
Extending drop-in components describes the default properties available to all slots.
PaymentMethods slots
The slots for the PaymentMethods
container are defined in the PaymentMethodsProps
interface shown below. The slots allow you to customize the list of payment methods to show during the checkout process.
export interface PaymentMethodsProps extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> { /** * @deprecated This property is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. * Please use the "slots.Methods" property instead to provide this information. */ setOnChange?: { [key: string]: boolean }; slots?: { /** * @deprecated This property is deprecated and will be removed in future versions. * Please use the "slots.Methods" property instead to provide this information. */ Handlers?: PaymentMethodsHandlerSlot; Methods?: PaymentMethodsSlot; };}
The Methods
property is an object which implements the PaymentMethodsSlot
export interface PaymentMethodsSlot { [code: string]: PaymentMethodConfig;}
It consists on a list of payment method codes providing a set of configurations to customize the payment method. Each payment method will have its own set of configurations implementing the PaymentMethodConfig
export interface PaymentMethodConfig { displayLabel?: boolean; enabled?: boolean; icon?: string; setOnChange?: boolean; render?: SlotProps<PaymentMethodRenderCtx>;}
Finally the render
property is a callback function used to render and configure the payment method in case of being selected. The render
slot receives a context implementing the following PaymentMethodRenderCtx
export type SlotProps<T = any> = ( ctx: T & DefaultSlotContext<T>, element: HTMLDivElement | null) => Promise<void> | void;
export interface PaymentMethodRenderCtx { cartId: string; replaceHTML: (domElement: HTMLElement) => void;}
The context object passed to the render
slot includes a replaceHTML property that is a callback function and the cartId got from the internal state.
PlaceOrder slots
The slots for the PlaceOrder
container are defined in the PlaceOrderProps
interface shown below. The slots allow you to set the container content dynamically based on the selected payment method.
export interface PlaceOrderProps extends HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement> { disabled?: boolean; handleValidation?: () => boolean; handlePlaceOrder: (ctx: HandlePlaceOrderContext) => Promise<void>; slots?: { Content?: SlotProps<ContentSlotContext>; };}
The Content
property is a callback function used to render the container content. The Content
slot receives a context implementing the following ContentSlotContext
export type SlotProps<T = any> = ( ctx: T & DefaultSlotContext<T>, element: HTMLDivElement | null) => Promise<void> | void;
export interface ContentSlotContext { code: string;}
The context object passed to the Content
slot includes the code got from the selected payment method.