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Cart slots

Learn about the slots provided in the Cart drop-in component.

Extending drop-in components describes default properties available to all slots.

CartSummaryList slots

The slots for the CartSummaryList container allow you to customize the appearance of the cart summary list.

interface CartSummaryListProps
slots?: {
Heading?: SlotProps;
EmptyCart?: SlotProps;
Thumbnail?: SlotProps;
Footer?: SlotProps;
ProductAttributes?: SlotProps;
CartSummaryFooter?: SlotProps;

Heading slot

The Heading slot allows you to add content to the top of the CartSummaryList container.

provider.render(CartSummaryList, {
slots: {
Heading: (ctx) => {
// Runs on mount
const heading = document.createElement('h2');
heading.innerText = 'Cart List';

EmptyCart slot

The EmptyCart slot allows you to add content to the CartSummaryList container when the cart is empty.

provider.render(CartSummaryList, {
slots: {
EmptyCart: (ctx) => {
// Runs on mount
const emptyCart = document.createElement('div');
emptyCart.innerText = 'Your cart is empty';

Thumbnail slot

Define a callback function in the Thumbnail slot of the CartSummaryList container to modify or replace the thumbnail section for each item in the cart.

The context object passed to the callback function includes an item property that contains the item data with the following type:

export interface Item {
taxedPrice: {
value: number;
currency: string;
rowTotal: {
value: number;
currency: string;
rowTotalIncludingTax: {
value: number;
currency: string;
itemType: string;
uid: string;
url: {
urlKey: string;
categories: string[];
quantity: number;
sku: string;
name: string;
image: {
src: string;
alt: string;
links?: {
count: number;
result: string;
price: {
value: number;
currency: string;
total: {
value: number;
currency: string;
discountedTotal?: {
value: number;
currency: string;
discount?: {
value: number;
currency: string;
regularPrice: {
value: number;
currency: string;
discounted: boolean;
bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any };
message?: string;
recipient?: string;
recipientEmail?: string;
sender?: string;
senderEmail?: string;
lowInventory?: boolean;
insufficientQuantity?: boolean;
onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null;
outOfStock?: boolean;
notAvailableMessage?: string;
stockLevel?: string;
productAttributes?: Array<{
code: string;
value?: string;
selected_options?: {
value: string;
label: string;

Example extension

The following example demonstrates how to extend the Thumbnail slot.

return provider.render(CartSummaryList, {
hideHeading: hideHeading === 'true',
routeProduct: (product) => `/products/${product.url.urlKey}/${product.sku}`,
routeEmptyCartCTA: startShoppingURL ? () => startShoppingURL : undefined,
maxItems: parseInt(maxItems, 10) || undefined,
attributesToHide: hideAttributes.split(',').map((attr) => attr.trim().toLowerCase()),
enableUpdateItemQuantity: enableUpdateItemQuantity === 'true',
enableRemoveItem: enableRemoveItem === 'true',
slots: {
Thumbnail: (ctx) => {
const { item } = ctx;
// Create a link to save the item for later
const saveForLaterLink = document.createElement('a');
saveForLaterLink.href = '#';
saveForLaterLink.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
console.log(`Saving ${}(${item.sku}) for later`);
// TODO: Implement save for later functionality
saveForLaterLink.innerText = 'Save for later';
// Create a separator
const separator = document.createElement('span');
separator.innerText = ' | ';
// Create a link to remove the item from the cart
const removeLink = document.createElement('a');
removeLink.href = '#';
removeLink.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
console.log(`Removing ${}(${item.sku}) from cart`);
// TODO: Implement remove item functionality
removeLink.innerText = 'Remove';
// Create a container to hold the links
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.innerHTML = '<div class="cart-summary__thumbnail"/>';
// Style the container = 'var(--type-details-caption-2-font)' = 'flex'; = 'space-between';
// Append the links to the container
// Append the container as a child to the existing thumbnail content

The Footer slot allows you to add content to the bottom of the CartSummaryList container.

The following example demonstrates how to extend the Footer slot by adding a promotional cart rule to each product in the cart.

Footer: (ctx) => {
// Runs on mount
const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
// Append Product Promotions on every update
ctx.onChange((next) => {
wrapper.innerHTML = '';
next.item?.discount?.label?.forEach((label) => {
const discount = document.createElement('div'); = '#3d3d3d';
discount.innerText = label;

ProductAttributes slot

The ProductAttributes slot allows you to add custom content to the CartSummaryList container.

The following example demonstrates how to add the Fashion Material and Fashion Style product attributes to each product in the cart.

return provider.render(CartSummaryList, {
enableRemoveItem: true,
enableUpdateItemQuantity: true,
routeProduct: (item) => {
return `${item.url.categories.join('/')}/${item.url.urlKey}`;
routeEmptyCartCTA: () => '#empty-cart',
slots: {
ProductAttributes: (ctx) => {
// Prepend Product Attributes
const ProductAttributes = ctx.item?.productAttributes;
ProductAttributes?.forEach((attr) => {
if(attr.code === "Fashion Material" || attr.code === "Fashion Style") {
if(attr.selected_options) {
const selectedOptions = attr.selected_options
.filter((option) => option.label.trim() !== '')
.map((option) => option.label)
.join(', ');
if(selectedOptions) {
const productAttribute = document.createElement('div');
productAttribute.innerText = `${attr.code}: ${selectedOptions}`;
} else if (attr.value) {
const productAttribute = document.createElement('div');
productAttribute.innerText = `${attr.code}: ${attr.value}`;

CartSummaryFooter slot

The CartSummaryFooter slot allows you to add content to the bottom of the CartSummaryList container.

provider.render(CartSummaryList, {
slots: {
CartSummaryFooter: (ctx) => {
const cartSummaryFooter = document.createElement('div');
cartSummaryFooter.innerText = 'Cart summary footer';

OrderSummary slots

The OrderSummaryProps interface defines two slots for customizing the appearance of the order summary.

interface OrderSummaryProps
slots?: {
EstimateShipping?: SlotProps;
Coupons?: SlotProps;

EstimateShipping slot

The EstimateShipping slot allows you to add estimated shipping information to the OrderSummary container.

The following example demonstrates how to add the Estimate Shipping layout to the OrderSummary container.

return provider.render(OrderSummary, {
routeCheckout: () => '#checkout',
errors: ctx.hasErrors,
slots: {
EstimateShipping: (ctx) => {
const estimateShippingForm = document.createElement('div');

Coupons slot

The Coupons slot allows you to add the Coupons layout to the OrderSummary container.

The following example demonstrates how to enable coupons to the OrderSummary container.

return provider.render(OrderSummary, {
routeCheckout: () => '#checkout',
errors: ctx.hasErrors,
slots: {
Coupons: (ctx) => {
const coupons = document.createElement('div');

MiniCart slot

The MiniCartProps interface defines slots for customizing the appearance of the mini cart.

interface MiniCartProps
slots?: {
ProductList?: SlotProps;
ProductListFooter?: SlotProps;
PreCheckoutSection?: SlotProps;

ProductListFooter slot

The ProductListFooter slot allows you to add content after the product list and before the subtotal section of the MiniCart container.

The following example demonstrates how to extend the ProductListFooter by adding the store return policy.

return provider.render(MiniCart, {
routeEmptyCartCTA: () => '#empty-cart',
routeCart: () => '#cart',
routeCheckout: () => '#checkout',
slots: {
ProductListFooter: (ctx) => {
const productListFooter = document.createElement('div');
ctx.onChange((next) => {
// Clear the existing content
productListFooter.innerHTML = '';
if (Object.keys( === 0) {
const shadowWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = '#EFF5EF'; = '5px';
// Create the content div
const contentDiv = document.createElement('div');
contentDiv.innerHTML = "<p style='line-height: 1.5;'>Enjoy hassle-free shopping with our 30-day return policy!</p>"; = 'flex'; = 'column'; = '12px';
// Append the content div to the shadow wrapper

PreCheckoutSection slot

The PreCheckoutSection slot allows you to add content after the the subtotal section and before the Call to Action buttons of the MiniCart container.

The following example demonstrates how to extend the PreCheckoutSection by adding the loyalty program callouts.

return provider.render(MiniCart, {
routeEmptyCartCTA: () => '#empty-cart',
routeCart: () => '#cart',
routeCheckout: () => '#checkout',
slots: {
PreCheckoutSection: (ctx) => {
const preCheckoutSection = document.createElement('div');
ctx.onChange((next) => {
// Clear the existing content
preCheckoutSection.innerHTML = '';
if (Object.keys( === 0) {
// Create a wrapper div for the shadow background
const shadowWrapper = document.createElement('div'); = '#EEEFFB'; = '5px';
// Create the content div
const contentDiv = document.createElement('div');
contentDiv.innerHTML = "<p style='line-height: 1.5;'>Earn rewards every time you shop! Sign up for our free loyalty program today and start earning points on this purchase.</p>"; = 'flex'; = 'column'; = '12px';
// Append the content div to the shadow wrapper
// Append the shadow wrapper to the preCheckoutSection div