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Cart dictionary

The default cart dictionary file (i18n/en_US.json) contains the default values for all labels and text common to the cart drop-in component.

Default keys and values

Cart: {
Cart: {
heading: Shopping Cart ({count}),
editCart: Edit,
viewAll: View all in cart,
viewMore: View more
MiniCart: {
heading: Shopping Cart ({count}),
subtotal: Subtotal,
subtotalExcludingTaxes: Subtotal excluding taxes,
cartLink: View Cart,
checkoutLink: Checkout
EmptyCart: {
heading: Your cart is empty,
cta: Start shopping
PriceSummary: {
taxToBeDetermined: TBD,
checkout: Checkout,
orderSummary: Order Summary,
subTotal: {
label: Subtotal,
withTaxes: Including taxes,
withoutTaxes: excluding taxes
shipping: {
label: Shipping,
editZipAction: Apply,
estimated: Estimated Shipping,
estimatedDestination: Estimated Shipping to ,
destinationLinkAriaLabel: Change destination,
zipPlaceholder: Zip Code,
withTaxes: Including taxes,
withoutTaxes: excluding taxes,
alternateField: {
zip: Estimate using country/zip,
state: Estimate using country/state
taxes: {
total: Tax Total,
totalOnly: Tax,
breakdown: Taxes,
showBreakdown: Show Tax Breakdown,
hideBreakdown: Hide Tax Breakdown,
estimated: Estimated Tax
total: {
estimated: Estimated Total,
free: Free,
label: Total,
withoutTax: Total excluding taxes,
saved: Total saved
estimatedShippingForm: {
country: {
placeholder: Country
state: {
placeholder: State
zip: {
placeholder: Zip Code
apply: {
label: Apply
freeShipping: Free,
coupon: {
applyAction: Apply,
placeholder: Enter code,
title: Discount code
CartItem: {
discountedPrice: Discounted Price,
download: file,
message: Note,
recipient: To,
regularPrice: Regular Price,
sender: From,
file: {count} file,
files: {count} files,
lowInventory: Only {count} left!,
insufficientQuantity: Only {inventory} of {count} in stock,
insufficientQuantityGeneral: Not enough items for sale,
notAvailableMessage: Requested qty. not available,
discountPercentage: {discount}% off,
savingsAmount: Savings
EstimateShipping: {
label: Shipping,
editZipAction: Apply,
estimated: Estimated Shipping,
estimatedDestination: Estimated Shipping to ,
destinationLinkAriaLabel: Change destination,
zipPlaceholder: Zip Code,
withTaxes: Including taxes,
withoutTaxes: excluding taxes,
alternateField: {
zip: Estimate using country/zip,
state: Estimate using country/state
OutOfStockMessage: {
heading: Your cart contains items with limited stock,
message: Please adjust quantities to continue,
alert: Out of stock,
action: Remove all out of stock items from cart