Adobe Campaign Glossary ac-glossary

Below is the definition of the key terms and concepts in Adobe Campaign, with links to related documentation. Click a term to display its definition.

A - D sec-1

A/B testing

A/B testing is a capability which lets the user define two to three email variants: each variant is sent to population samples in order to determine which has the best result. Once determined, the winning variant is then sent to the remaining population.

Learn more about A/B testing.

Access management

Access management enables admins to assign access and permissions to users of Adobe Campaign. Permissions include the ability to view and/or use Adobe Campaign features, such as executing workflows, defining schemas, and managing audiences.

Learn more about Access management.


An activity is a palette item which is added to a workflow to define an execution functionality. The activity is a container that executes a task. In a workflow, a given activity can produce multiple tasks, in particular when there is a loop or recurrent (periodic) actions.

Learn more about Workflow activities.

Active profile

Profiles are considered active if they have been targeted or communicated with in the past 12 months via any channel. According to your contract, each of your Campaign instances is provisioned with a specific number of active profiles that are counted for billing purposes.

Learn more about Active profiles.

Approval workflow activity

Context: Campaign Distributed Marketing

The Local Approval activity is a workflow activity which is used to set up a delivery approval process before the messages are sent.

Learn more about the Local Approval activity.


An audience is the resulting set of profiles that meet the criteria of a filter definition, based on rules and attributes.

Learn more about Audiences.

Audit trail

Audit trail captures, in real-time, a comprehensive list of actions and events occurring within your Adobe Campaign instance. It includes a self-serve way to access a history of data to help answer questions such as: what happened to your workflows, and who last updated them or what did your users do in the instance.

Learn more about Audit trail.

Batch mode

Context: Campaign Interaction

In the context of Campaign Interaction, the batch mode lets the Offer Engine select the best offer (or offers) for a set of contacts. Eligibility/prioritization rules are applied to all of the set’s contacts.

Learn more about Interaction.


Campaign is an interface to coordinate, define and execute marketing campaigns. Campaigns can contain one or more workflows, deliveries, documents and other related data points into a single, easy-to-use interface.

Learn more about Campaigns.


A channel is a medium through which a communication is sent. Built-in channels in Adobe Campaign are email, SMS, direct mail, Push notifications, LINE, and X (formerly known as Twitter). Custom channels can be implemented for non-standard channel requirements.

Learn more about Channels.

Client console

Campaign client console is a rich client which enables you to connect to your Campaign application server(s). The client console executable (.exe) application is installed on a computer with a Microsoft Windows operating system. Campaign Client console centralizes all capabilities and settings.

Learn more about Client console.

Content approval

Content approval is the process of having a separate Operator or group of Operators approve the content of a delivery before it can be sent.

Learn more about Content approval.

Control groups

Use Control groups to measure the impact of your campaigns by excluding a portion of their audience. Operators can compare the behavior of the target population who did receive the message with the behavior of contacts who were not targeted. Based on the sending logs, Operators can also target a control group in future campaigns.

Learn more about Control groups.

Control Panel

The Control Panel helps product admins of Adobe Campaign increase efficiency in their work, by allowing them to manage settings and track usages for each of their instances. Its intuitive interface lets them easily monitor usage of key assets, as well as perform administrative tasks such as IP addresses allow list addition, SFTP storage monitoring, key management, and more.

Learn more about Control Panel.


Context: Marketing Analytics

Cube is an Adobe Campaign intuitive data exploration tool which helps users create and share dynamic reports.

Learn more about Cubes.

Custom resources

Adobe Campaign comes with a pre-defined data model, where data types are defined through the installation of various packages. Operators can enrich the data model that is provided by extending the resources to add custom fields or custom tables, such as transaction or product tables.

Learn more about Custom resources.

Data model

Campaign data model is a set of schemas that define the data types and their relationships (links). The data model is an abstract definition that is physically implemented with a database that contains the actual data.

Learn more about Data model.

Database cleanup workflow

The Database cleanup workflow deletes obsolete data to avoid exponential growth of the database. The workflow is triggered automatically without user intervention.

Learn more about Database cleanup workflow.


Context: Email Deliverability

Deliverability allows you to measure the success of your campaigns reaching your recipients’ inbox without bouncing, or being marked as spam. More precisely, email deliverability refers to the set of characteristics that determine a message’s ability to reach its destination, via a personal email address, within a short time, and with the expected quality in terms of content and format.

Learn more about Deliverability.


A delivery is a specific marketing communication item which is sent to an audience on a specific channel (email, SMS, Push notification, etc.). Also known as a “touch” in marketing terminology.

Learn more about Deliveries.

Delivery analysis

Delivery analysis is the preparation of the delivery. This process combines the content with the recipient profile data to produce the personalized email that the recipient receives. The delivery analysis logic can exclude recipients from the target or stop the delivery altogether, based on the defined logic. This process also includes the evaluation of dynamic content logic and the insertion of offers specific to the individual recipient profile.

Learn more about Delivery analysis.

Delivery logs

Delivery logs contain information generated when sending of a message. These logs show the detail of the sending, which message has been prepared, ignored, sent or failed. They can be accessed directly from the delivery dashboard.

Learn more about Delivery logs.

Delivery outline

Context: Direct Mail

A delivery outline is a structured set of elements (documents, stores, promotional coupons, etc.) created by the company and for a particular campaign. It is used in the context of direct mail deliveries.

Learn more about Direct Mail.

deployment wizard

The deployment wizard defines the parameters of the Campaign instance, such as the default namespace, database cleanup schedule, data retention periods, and other technical settings.

Learn more about deployment wizard.

Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive Analysis is a context-sensitive reporting tool which can be used to examine data in the worktable of a workflow, data selected in a folder or to do deep dives on the targets and exclusions of selected deliveries.

Learn more about Descriptive Analysis

Distributed Marketing

Context: Distributed Marketing

The Distributed Marketing add-on offers to Campaign Operators a collaborative workspace for implementing campaigns between central entities (headquarters, marketing departments, etc.) and local entities (sales points, regional agencies, etc.). This cooperation is based on a shared workspace known as the list of Campaign packages, where centrally created campaign templates and instances are offered to local entities.

Learn more about Distributed Marketing

Distribution of values

The Distribution of values is a tool which shows the distribution of the values for a schema attribute that currently exist in the database. This helps you determine what values are available, their counts and percentages, and to avoid issues with capitalization and spelling of values when creating a query or expression.

Learn more about Distribution of values

Domain delegation

Subdomain configuration allows you to configure a sub-section of your domain (technically a “DNS zone”) for use with Adobe Campaign.
Domain delegation lets Adobe control and maintain all aspects of DNS that are required for delivering, rendering and tracking of email campaigns.

Learn more about Domain delegation

E - H sec-2

E4X is the version of Javascript that is used in Adobe Campaign Classic. Sometimes called ECMAScript, it is an extension of Javascript that allows the mixing of Javascript and XML primitives in the same code. Note that E4X is classified as a deprecated language.
Eligibility rules

Context: Campaign Interaction

Eligibility rules are constraints applied to an environment, category or offer concerning the validity period, target and weight. They let Operators ensure that an offer is in line with the targeted contact. In the offer environment, eligibility rules include presentation rules applied to the offers and the recipients to target. In the category, eligibility rules let Operators limit the validity of the category in time, define application themes and determine the recipients to target. They can also define a multiplier weight for a given period of time. This lets Operators share the rules for offers in other categories and so simplifies their management. In an offer, eligibility rules let Operators limit the validity of offers in time and determine the recipients to target.

Learn more about Eligibility rules.

Eligible offer

Context: Campaign Interaction

An eligible offer is an offer meeting the constraints defined upstream that can be consistently offered to a target.

Learn more about Interaction.

Email BCC

Email BCC capability sends an exact copy in EML format of a corresponding delivered email, which is saved to a dedicated BCC email address where the emails can be processed and archived by the sender in an external system.

Learn more about Email BCC.

Enrichment activity

The Enrichment activity is an advanced workflow activity that allows Operators to enrich the generated worktable data that will be processed in the workflow. This activity is generally used following targeting activities or after importing a file and before activities that use of targeted data. Enrichments can transform the inbound transition data and configure the activity to complete the output transition with enhanced data. It allows the Operator to combine data from multiple data sets, or to create links to a temporary resource.

Learn more about Enrichment activity.


An enumeration is a data type defined in schemas or at the Platform level that defines the valid input values for a field. Enumerations appear in the user interface and in query builders as a picklist.

Learn more about Enumerations.

Explorer view

The Explorer view is a hierarchical display of the folders that hold Adobe Campaign artifacts and data. Note that the folder system in Adobe Campaign does not function like a typical treeview, in that each folder holds data of a specific type, such as Deliveries, Workflows or Offers.

Learn more about Explorer view.

External accounts

External accounts are entry and exit points for the product to connect to other environments and technologies. External accounts define the connection parameters the product uses to send data to or receive data from other sources. Typical external account types are connections for SFTP sites, telecoms to support the sending of SMS, mailboxes for the processing bounces, or connections to external databases.

Learn more about External accounts.

Fatigue management

Context: Campaign Optimization

Fatigue management helps you control the frequency and quantity of messages to avoid over-solicitation of recipients and is often applied using a typology rule.

Learn more about Fatigue management.

Federated Data Access (FDA)

Federated Data Access supports the extension of the client data model to include a third-party database. It will automatically detect the structure of the targeted tables and use data from the SQL sources. You can access external data without changing the structure of Adobe Campaign data.

Learn more about Federated Data Access.

File extraction approval

Context: Direct Mail

The File extraction approval is the process of having a separate Operator or group of Operators approve the content and configuration of an extracted file before it is sent to an outside vendor, such as for a direct mail delivery.

Learn more about File extraction approval.

Filtering dimension

The filtering dimension is the schema that contains the data or attributes used by a query to filter the desired rows. The Filtering dimension schema must be directly linked to the defined Targeting dimension to allow Adobe Campaign to cross the database join and return the respondent rows.

Learn more about Filtering dimension.


A folder is an Explorer view item that holds database records of a specific data type. The exception is the Generic folder type that is used as an organizing element and does not contain any data itself, only other folders.

Learn more about Folders.

Folder view

The Folder view is a special Explorer folder type that is used to display all records of a selected data type, no matter what folder it belongs to. Folder views are used as an administrative tool to manage partitioned data or data that is distributed among many folders.

Learn more about Folder View.


Forms define the interface representation for a specific schema type. Forms are the means used to easily create and edit data elements in the product, such as Recipients, Deliveries and Campaigns. All interface elements in Adobe Campaign are created in the product itself using Forms. Note that forms are optional and not all schemas have forms.

Learn more about Forms.


Campaign Heatmap is a table showing workflow execution information for a 24-hour period. It displays the distribution of workflows across the period by hour and by 5-minute intervals. Heatmap is used to evaluate server load and to determine the workflow activities that are consuming the most resources.

Learn more about Heatmap.

Hybrid deployment

Hybrid deployment is a combination of on-demand services and on-premise software deployed to function together.

Learn more about Hybrid deployment.

I - L sec-3

Identification mode

Context: Campaign Interaction

The identification mode Refers to a Contact’s status. It can be explicit, implicit or anonymous.

  • explicit: the contact is identified following their login onto the channel interface.
  • implicit: the contact has been identified by a cookie (permanent or session). It can be processed as an anonymous or identified contact.
  • anonymous: the contact cannot be identified.

Learn more about Interaction.

Inbound interaction

Context: Campaign Interaction

An inbound interaction is an interaction following an incoming call generated by the action of a contact in a channel, such as web, call center or mobile. This type of interaction is generally processed in unitary mode (i.e., per recipient).

Learn more about Inbound interaction.

Inbox rendering

Inbox rendering is the generation of email previews, which ensures the message will be displayed to the recipients in an optimal way on a variety of web clients, web mails and devices. Adobe Campaign leverages the Litmus, which allows email content creators to preview their message content in over 70 email renderers, such as the Gmail inbox or the Apple Mail client.

Learn more about Inbox rendering.

Instance settings

Instance settings are configuration details of an Adobe Campaign instance. These settings are defined in the deployment wizard (Tools>Advanced>deployment wizard) or in the server and/or instance configuration files.

Learn more about Instance settings.

Jobs (import and export)

Jobs are managed by an assistant system that simplifies the import and export of data into and out of the product. Jobs use the templating system for simplicity and consistency and can be defined to execute on a schedule.

Learn more about import and export jobs.


A list is a static dataset. Lists are audiences or segments that are imported into Campaign from other sources (Audience Manager, Experience Platform, database, etc.), and are seen in the interface as Imported Lists.

Learn more about Lists.

Local cache

The local cache is the information that is stored locally on the operator’s computer. Cached information is used by the console to reduce the required traffic to the server and improve performance. Periodic clearing of the local cache (on the File menu) updates the stored information and improves performance and stability.

Learn more about Local Cache.

M - P sec-4

Marketing Resource Management (MRM)

Context: Marketing Resource Management (MRM)

The Marketing Resource Management (MRM) module in Adobe Campaign lets you control marketing actions in a collaborative mode by providing complete management and real-time tracking of the tasks, budgets, and marketing resources involved. Adobe Campaign operators can coordinate their actions and approve their progress at all stages via complete validation processes and appropriate tracking tools: reporting, tracking of approvals, notifications, discussion forums, etc.

Learn more about MRM.

Named rights

The granular database access rights that are used to define Operator Group access and privileges (roles). Named rights are populated during the installation of the product and by importing various packages that define specific functionality of the tool. Custom Named Rights can be created to support client business requirements.

Learn more about Named rights.


The namespace is a partition that separates customer data types from Adobe Campaign’s native datatypes in the data model. Also used to facilitate the migration of definitions from one instance to another, such as moving a schema or template from the Development instance to the Production instance.

Learn more about Namespace.

Navigation tree

The navigation tree is the main navigation in the Explorer view of Adobe Campaign. The navigation tree works like a file browser (e.g. Windows Explorer). Folders may contain sub-folders. Selecting a node displays the view corresponding to the node. The view displayed is a list associated with a schema and an input form to edit the selected line. You can customize the navigation tree and set permissions on folders.

Learn more about Navigation Tree.


Context: Marketing Resource Management (MRM)

Within the campaign, program or plan, Operators can state a list of objectives. These are quantified values to be reached. At the end of the campaign, program or plan, the MRM module lets Operators compare the objectives and results in dedicated reports.

Learn more about Objectives.

Offer catalog

Context: Campaign Interaction

An offer catalog is a set of offers defined in Adobe Campaign that can be selected during an interaction. The catalog is organized hierarchically with each node corresponding to a category.

Learn more about Offer catalog.

Offer contact

Context: Campaign Interaction

An offer contact is a contact from an inbound interaction. During engine call processing, the contact is associated with a targeting dimension. Non-identified, anonymous contacts are attributed to the visitor targeting dimension. There are two types of contacts, identified and anonymous:

  • Identified contact: a contact that has voluntarily been identified on the channel. In outbound interactions, the contact is automatically identified.
  • Anonymous contact: a contact that has not voluntarily subscribed through the channel but can be implicitly identified through a cookie. This terminology is only used for incoming interactions.

Learn more about Interaction.

Offer Design environment

Context: Campaign Interaction

The Offer Design Environment is the environment in which operators create offers, define typology rules, and select the schema that will be targeted by the offers. The table for storing generated offer propositions are also defined by the environment. By default, the Interaction add-on comes with a Design environment and a Live environment linked to it. Both environments are pre-configured to target the built-in recipient table.

Learn more about Offer Design environments.

Offer engine arbitrage

Context: Campaign Interaction

The offer engine selects the offers that will be shown on an environment (eligible offers). The arbitrage principle ranks offers by priority according to the criteria defined in the categories and offers.

Learn more about Interaction.

Offer engine pruning

Context: Campaign Interaction

The offer engine pruning is the process of deleting offers that are not eligible for selection. Executed prior to the offer engine arbitrage step.

Learn more about Interaction.

Offer environment

Context: Campaign Interaction

The offer environment is the root folder which defines an offer catalog, its available spaces and the environment’s pre-defined filters. Operators need to create one environment for each targeting dimension. There are two types of Offer environments: Design and Live.

Learn more about Offer environments.

Offer Live environment

Context: Campaign Interaction

The Offer Live environment is linked to a Campaign Design environment. It contains read-only offers whose content and eligibility have been approved via the Design environment. They can be selected for presentation on a website or to be inserted in an outbound message.

Learn more about Offer Live environments.

Offer presentation rules

Context: Campaign Interaction

Offer presentation rules are typology rules referenced in the offer environment, which let Operators exclude specific offers by taking the recipient’s proposition history into account.

Learn more about Offer presentation rules.

Offer preview

Context: Campaign Interaction

This is the preview of the offer as it is displayed in its folder. It is accessible from the offer preview tab or from the contact profile.

Learn more about Offer preview.

Offer proposition

Context: Campaign Interaction

An offer proposition is the result of the action which consists of presenting an offer to a contact in a given offer space, for example the banner on a website, an email or SMS content. This result is stored in the offer propositions table which defines the offer, the recipient and the timestamp, providing a record of all offers a recipient has received.

Learn more about Offer propositions.

Offer representation

Context: Campaign Interaction

An offer representation is information used by the channel to display the offer. Offer representation may be constructed from the rendering function of the space on which the offer is represented or entered directly into the interface (for example, in the HTML block). An offer may be represented by a space.

Learn more about Interaction.

Offer simulation

Context: Campaign Interaction

An offer simulation lets Operators test offer distribution across a defined scope (delivery date, target segment, number of offers, theme, etc.) before actually sending the offers. It can be used to adjust offer priorities and eligibility rules to maximize offer effectiveness.

Learn more about Offer simulations.

Offer space

Context: Campaign Interaction

An offer space is a folder defining the location where the offer is exposed. Defining a space lets you specify the channel used, build the content of the offer, and specify the offers presented. The offer space is the interface between the channel and the offer engine.

Learn more about Offer space.

Offer themes

Context: Campaign Interaction

Offer themes are keywords defined in a category, which lets Operators filter offers when they are presented. Themes allow for the non-hierarchical selection of offers from the catalog structure.

Learn more about Offer themes.

Offer weight

Context: Campaign Interaction

The offer weight is based on formulas which precisely define the relevance of an offer in order to allow the engine to select the most relevant offer. Weights are defined in the offers and multipliers are defined in the categories. Eligible offers are taken into account in decreasing weight order.

Learn more about Offer weight.


An operator is an Adobe Campaign user who has permissions to log in and perform actions. Operators are associated with operator groups and inherit the rights and privileges of these groups. You can also attribute named rights directly to operators.

Learn more about Operators.

Operator groups

Operator groups allow you to manage roles for Campaign operators. You define groups of operators to which you attribute rights, then associate the operators with one or more groups. This enables you to reuse rights and make operator profiles more consistent. It also facilitates the management and maintenance of profiles.

Learn more about Operator groups.


Options are Platform level variables which are used to define settings of the Campaign instance. Options can define timeframes (such as for database cleanup workflow) or other global definitions at the platform level.

Learn more about Options.

Outbound interaction

Context: Campaign Interaction

An outbound interaction is a call to the interaction engine from a contact list (used for delivering emails, direct mail, etc.). The same rules and processes are applied to each contact. This type of interaction is generally processed in batch mode.

Learn more about Outbound interaction.

Package export/import

A package export is an operation which consists in generating an XML file that contains definitions of objects. Packages are used to migrate functionality and definitions from one instance to another. They are also used to add critical product definitions to backup and source control systems.

Learn more about Package export/import.


The workflow palette displays the available activities that can be added to a workflow. This component is shown in a tabbed format with workflow activities grouped logically by their use. Activities available on the palette are determined by the add-ons that have been installed into the Campaign instance, and by the context displaying the workflow.

Learn more about Palette.

Performance monitoring

Performance monitoring information is displayed on the Monitoring Tab. It shows metrics for the underlying system, such as memory and CPU usage, SMTP server statistics, server processes and other relevant information.

Learn more about Performance monitoring.

Personalization blocks

Adobe Campaign offers built-in personalization blocks that you can insert in your deliveries. They are dynamic, personalized and contain a specific rendering. For example, you can add a logo, a greeting message, or a link to a mirror page. Several personalization blocks are available by default. You can also define custom personalization blocks that will allow you to optimize your delivery personalization. The actual data is inserted into each generated message during the analysis phase of the delivery.

Learn more about Personalization blocks.

Personalization field

A personalization field is a single data field reference used when personalizing a delivery for a specific recipient. The actual data value is inserted during the delivery analysis phase.

Learn more about Personalization fields.

Personalization variables

Personalization variables are pieces of code in a delivery that can display different text to different recipients based on the recipient’s information. These fields can be implemented as either a personalization field or block.

Learn more about Personalization variables.


A plan is a folder type that is used to organize marketing activities on a calendar basis. Plan folders in the Explorer view define time-based units, such as a year, quarter, or month. Plan folders can be nested and can contain other Plan folders, program folders or Campaigns.

Learn more about Plans.

Pre-defined filters

Pre-defined filters are queries that have been saved for re-use. Use of pre-defined filters increases productivity (because they are only created once), help build consistency (because all marketers can use them) and lower the skills required of the marketer because they can use code or logic that they might not be able to create themselves.

Learn more about Pre-defined filters.

Primary key

The primary key is the unique identifier for each record in a database table. A table must have at least one key. As a rule, keys are declared after the main element of the schema and the indexes. Primary keys cannot be composite (include several fields).

Learn more about Primary key.


A profile is a record of information representing an end-customer, prospect, or lead. Each profile corresponds to a record in the nmsRecipient table or an external table containing cookie ID, Customer ID, mobile identifier or other information relevant to a particular channel.

Learn more about Profiles.


Programs and sub-program folders organize marketing activities around a business objective, such as loyalty, acquisition or cross-sell. They can also represent fiscal periods or campaign tactics, such as events or newsletters. Each program contains campaigns linked to a calendar, which provides an overall view.

Learn more about Programs.

Public resources

The Public resources folder, in Adobe Campaign, holds images hosted by the application server. Images in deliveries must be published to the application server (or to an image hosting server, if Campaign is so configured) to appear in deliveries, such as emails.

Learn more about Public resources.


Context: Mobile App Channel

Push notifications are messages received by mobile applications. Push notifications are configured to work with Adobe Campaign by including the Experience Platform SDK code in the mobile application. For Push, two delivery channels are available: iOS and Android.

Learn more about Push.

Q - T sec-5


In Adobe Campaign, recipients are the default profiles targeted for sending deliveries (emails, SMS, etc.) to your customers. Recipient data stored in the database enable you to filter the target and add personalization data. Typically, this is personal, contact, demographic and transactional information, but it could be any type of information that supports marketing and analytics.

Learn more about Recipient.

Rendering function

Context: Campaign Interaction

The rendering function is defined in an offer space. It is used to construct its offer representation based on the attributes defined in the offer. There are three different rendering function modes: HTML, XML and text.

Learn more about Rendering function.


A schema is an XML document associated with a database table. It defines data structure and describes the SQL definition of the table. Operators manipulate schemas in Campaign and the product translates their actions into the required SQL which is then executed against the database.

Learn more about Schemas.

Schema extension

Schema extension allows you to customize the out-of-the-box schemas to best suit your business use cases. For example, you can add the “Loyalty” field to the Recipient table.

Learn more about Schema extension.

Seed addresses

Seed addresses are used to target recipients who do not match the defined target criteria. This way, recipients who are out of the delivery scope can receive the delivery, as any other target recipient would. They are added to a message’s audience to detect any fraudulent use of your recipient database or to ensure delivery.

Learn more about Seed addresses.


Adobe Campaign allows you to create and administer information services such as newsletters or product updates and to manage the subscriptions to these services. Several services can be defined in parallel.

Learn more about Services.

SFTP Management

In the Control Panel, you can interact with all SFTP servers that are connected to Campaign instances that you have access to. The Control panel allows you to perform actions to your SFTP servers such as Monitor storage capacity, Manage IP addresses allow listings, and manage public SSH keys.

Learn more about SFTP Management.

Subscription services activity

The Subscription services workflow activity lets you create or delete a subscription to an information service for the population specified in the transition.

Learn more about Subscription services activity.

Target approval

Context: Campaign Distributed Marketing

Target approval is the process of having a separate Operator or group of Operators approve the final target of a delivery (after the analysis phase has generated the target) before the delivery can be sent.

Learn more about Target approval.

Target data

Target data is the data stored in the worktable (transition) of a workflow. This data is available inside the delivery for personalization of the delivery content or to define the logic of dynamic elements of the delivery.

Learn more about Target data.

Target mapping

Target mapping is the mapping of delivery channels to a specific data type. Target mappings define how different delivery channels link to the data fields of a schema. It defines how Campaign sends to that data type using a specific field or expression.

Learn more about Target mapping.

Targeting activities

Targeting activities are workflow activities that are specific to targeting, manipulating population data and filtering activities. They let Operators build one or more targets by defining sets and splitting or combining these sets using intersection, union or exclusion operations.

Learn more about Targeting activities.

Targeting dimension

Targeting dimension is the data type that is produced (returned) by a query or other workflow activities. Note that Adobe Campaign only returns the Primary Key of the respondent database rows, no matter what query was used to obtain them.

Learn more about Targeting dimension.

Task activity

Context: Marketing Resource Management (MRM)

The Task workflow activity incorporates human action into the logic of a workflow. You can specify two scenarios: the first if the task is completed and a second if the task is not completed. Typical use cases are for incorporating offline actions into a campaign, or for custom actions such as approvals.

Learn more about Task activity.

A template is a design element used to create an object. It contains object settings and optionally the object’s content. The templating system is used to create deliveries, campaigns, workflows and many other elements of Adobe Campaign. The available factory templates are defined by the packages installed. Templates can then be duplicated and customized as needed by Campaign Operators.
Tracking logs

The Tracking technical workflow retrieves the tracking data once the delivery has been sent and tracking activated. This data can be found in the Tracking tab of your delivery. You can find information for opens and clicks on an email or other interactions with a message received by the recipient.

Learn more about Tracking logs.

Transactional messaging

Transactional messaging is a Campaign module designed for managing custom trigger notifications generated from events sent by an external information system. A transactional message is an individual and unique communication, sent in real-time by a provider such as a website. It is particularly expected, because it contains important information that the recipient wants to check or confirm.

Learn more about Transactional messaging.

Triggered campaigns

Triggered campaigns are campaigns that are executed when an API request is received in a workflow. API calls are consumed by a Signal activity in the workflow that initiates the execution of the workflow.

Learn more about Triggered Ccmpaigns.


Context: Campaign Optimization

A typology is a grouping of typology rules that are applied to the analysis phase of a delivery. A campaign typology can contain several typology rules, but a delivery can only reference one typology.

Learn more about Typologies.

Typology rule

Context: Campaign Optimization

Typology rules are business rules that are implemented as part of the analysis phase of the delivery. Typology rules are checks on the content of the delivery (control rules) or the target of the delivery (filtering rules) or other logic (pressure rules) that enforce business requirements. Rules are granular elements that can be included in one or more typologies.

Learn more about Typology rules.

U - Z sec-6

Unitary mode

Context: Campaign Interaction, Transactional Messaging

In unitary mode, a single contact is processed by the Offer engine at runtime. This mode is generally used for inbound interactions and transactional messages.

Learn more about Unitary mode.

Web applications

Web applications are dynamic and interactive application pages hosted by the Campaign instance. They contains data from the database and content adapted to the rights of the connected user. For example, you can create an edit form on an extranet, or notification forms including data from the database with tables, charts, input forms, etc. This functionality lets you design and post web pages where users can look up or enter information.

Learn more about Web applications.


A workflow is a visual representation of the campaign execution flow. It allows you to orchestrate the full range of processes and tasks across the different modules of the application server. This comprehensive graphical environment lets you design processes including segmentation, campaign execution, file processing, human participation, etc. The workflow engine executes and tracks these processes.

Learn more about Workflows.

Workflow Journal

The workflow journal is the step-by-step execution log of a workflow. It contains all the history or audit trail of the workflow. It is used for development, troubleshooting or debug purposes.

Learn more about Workflow Journal.


The worktable contains all the information carried by workflow transitions. Each workflow uses several worktables. The worktable holds the results of its originating activity and its content is used as the input to the next (connected) activity in the workflow. Manipulation (extension, customization) of the worktable is one of the main skills of an Adobe Campaign operator.

Learn more about Worktables.
