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SuccessNotification container

The SuccessNotification container displays a message to the user after a successful action, such as signing up or updating a password. The SignIn, SignUp, and UpdatePassword containers can pass the SuccessNotification container as a slot.

In the following diagram, a SignIn container has passed the SuccessNotification container, which defines the displayed text and action buttons.

SuccessNotification container

SuccessNotification container

SuccessNotification configurations

The SuccessNotification container provides the following configuration options:

slotsfunctionNoAllows overriding the SuccessNotification container action buttons (SuccessNotificationActions).
formSizedefault | smallNoControls form paddings and spacing. Use "small" to embed the form in small layout containers like a dropdown in the header.
headingTextstringNoHeading text content.
messageTextstringNoMessage text content.


The following example renders the SignIn container. On success, the container displays a welcome heading, a message, and two action buttons: “My Account” and “Logout”.

export default async function decorate(block) {
if (checkIsAuthenticated()) {
window.location.href = CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_PATH;
} else {
await authRenderer.render(SignIn, {
enableEmailConfirmation: true,
routeForgotPassword: () => CUSTOMER_FORGOTPASSWORD_PATH,
slots: {
SuccessNotification: (ctx) => {
const userName = ctx?.isSuccessful?.userName || '';
const elem = document.createElement('div');
authRenderer.render(SuccessNotification, {
labels: {
headingText: `Welcome ${userName}!`,
messageText: 'You have successfully logged in.',
slots: {
SuccessNotificationActions: (innerCtx) => {
const primaryBtn = document.createElement('div');
authRenderer.render(Button, {
children: 'My Account',
onClick: () => {
window.location.href = CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_PATH;
const secondaryButton = document.createElement('div'); = 'flex'; = 'center'; = 'var(--spacing-xsmall)';
authRenderer.render(Button, {
children: 'Logout',
variant: 'tertiary',
onClick: async () => {
await authApi.revokeCustomerToken();
window.location.href = '/';