Cart functions
The cart drop-in component provides API functions that allow developers to retrieve and display detailed cart information dynamically.
The addProductsToCart
function adds products to a cart. You must supply a sku
and quantity
for each product. The other parameters are specified for complex product types. The function calls the addProductsToCart
export const addProductsToCart = async ( items: { sku: string; parentSku?: string; quantity: number; optionsUIDs?: string[]; enteredOptions?: { uid: string; value: string }[]; }[]): Promise<CartModel | null>
Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel
object or null. The CartModel
object has the following shape:
export interface CartModel { id: string; totalQuantity: number; errors?: ItemError[]; items: Item[]; miniCartMaxItems: Item[]; total: { includingTax: Price; excludingTax: Price; }; discount?: Price; subtotal: { excludingTax: Price; includingTax: Price; includingDiscountOnly: Price; }; appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[]; totalTax?: Price; appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[]; shipping?: Price; isVirtual?: boolean; addresses: { shipping?: { countryCode: string; zipCode?: string; regionCode?: string; }[]; }; isGuestCart?: boolean; hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean; hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean; appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];}
interface TotalPriceModifier { amount: Price; label: string; coupon?: Coupon;}
interface FixedProductTax { amount: Price; label: string;}
export interface Item { taxedPrice: Price; rowTotal: Price; rowTotalIncludingTax: Price; itemType: string; uid: string; url: ItemURL; quantity: number; sku: string; name: string; image: ItemImage; links?: ItemLinks; price: Price; total: Price; discountedTotal?: Price; discount?: Price; regularPrice: Price; discounted: boolean; bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; message?: string; recipient?: string; recipientEmail?: string; sender?: string; senderEmail?: string; lowInventory?: boolean; insufficientQuantity?: boolean; onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null; outOfStock?: boolean; notAvailableMessage?: string; stockLevel?: String; discountPercentage?: number; savingsAmount?: Price; productAttributes?: Attribute[]; fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];}
interface ItemError { id: string; text: string;}
interface ItemImage { src: string; alt: string;}
export interface Price { value: number; currency: string;}
interface ItemURL { urlKey: string; categories: string[];}
interface ItemLinks { count: number; result: string;}
interface AttributeOption { value: string; label: string;}
interface Attribute { code: string; value?: string; selected_options?: AttributeOption[];}
interface Coupon { code: string;}
The event bus emits the cart/updated
and cart/data
events with the CartModel
as the data payload. It also publishes add-to-cart or remove-from-cart events to the Adobe Client Data Layer (ACDL).
To add a simple product to the cart:
addProductsToCart([ { sku: 'VA19-GO-NA', quantity: 1, },]);
To add a configurable product to the cart:
addProductsToCart([ { sku: 'VSW01', quantity: 1, optionsUIDs: ['Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzE1Ny8zMQ==', 'Y29uZmlndXJhYmxlLzE5MC80NA=='], },]);
The applyCouponsToCart
function applies one or more predefined coupon codes to the specified cart. Any previously applied coupons are replaced. The function calls the applyCouponsToCart
export const applyCouponsToCart = async ( couponCodes: string[], type: ApplyCouponsStrategy): Promise<CartModel | null>
Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel
object or null. The CartModel
object has the following shape:
export interface CartModel { id: string; totalQuantity: number; errors?: ItemError[]; items: Item[]; miniCartMaxItems: Item[]; total: { includingTax: Price; excludingTax: Price; }; discount?: Price; subtotal: { excludingTax: Price; includingTax: Price; includingDiscountOnly: Price; }; appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[]; totalTax?: Price; appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[]; shipping?: Price; isVirtual?: boolean; addresses: { shipping?: { countryCode: string; zipCode?: string; regionCode?: string; }[]; }; isGuestCart?: boolean; hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean; hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean; appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];}
interface TotalPriceModifier { amount: Price; label: string; coupon?: Coupon;}
interface FixedProductTax { amount: Price; label: string;}
export interface Item { taxedPrice: Price; rowTotal: Price; rowTotalIncludingTax: Price; itemType: string; uid: string; url: ItemURL; quantity: number; sku: string; name: string; image: ItemImage; links?: ItemLinks; price: Price; total: Price; discountedTotal?: Price; discount?: Price; regularPrice: Price; discounted: boolean; bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; message?: string; recipient?: string; recipientEmail?: string; sender?: string; senderEmail?: string; lowInventory?: boolean; insufficientQuantity?: boolean; onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null; outOfStock?: boolean; notAvailableMessage?: string; stockLevel?: String; discountPercentage?: number; savingsAmount?: Price; productAttributes?: Attribute[]; fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];}
interface ItemError { id: string; text: string;}
interface ItemImage { src: string; alt: string;}
export interface Price { value: number; currency: string;}
interface ItemURL { urlKey: string; categories: string[];}
interface ItemLinks { count: number; result: string;}
interface AttributeOption { value: string; label: string;}
interface Attribute { code: string; value?: string; selected_options?: AttributeOption[];}
interface Coupon { code: string;}
The event bus emits the cart/updated
and cart/data
events with the CartModel
as the data payload.
To apply a single coupon, replacing any existing coupons in the cart:
import { applyCouponsToCart } from '@/cart/api/applyCouponsToCart';
applyCouponsToCart(['COUPON1'], 'REPLACE');
To apply multiple coupons to the cart:
import { applyCouponsToCart } from '@/cart/api/applyCouponsToCart';
applyCouponsToCart(['COUPON1', 'COUPON2', 'COUPON3'], 'APPEND');
A function that applies or replaces one or more coupons to the cart.
import { applyCouponsToCart } from '@/cart/api/applyCouponsToCart';
Apply or replace a single coupon to the cart:
Apply or replace multiple coupons to the cart:
applyCouponsToCart(['COUPON1', 'COUPON2', 'COUPON3']);
Here’s the shape of the data returned from the applyCouponsToCart
type CartModel = { id: string; totalQuantity: number; errors?: ItemError[]; items: Item[]; miniCartMaxItems: Item[]; total: { includingTax: Price; excludingTax: Price; }; discount?: Price; subtotal: { excludingTax: Price; includingTax: Price; includingDiscountOnly: Price; }; appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[]; totalTax?: Price; appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[]; shipping?: Price; isVirtual?: boolean; addresses: { shipping?: { countryCode: string; zipCode?: string; regionCode?: string; }[]; }; isGuestCart?: boolean; hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean; hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean; appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];};
The createEmptyCart
function creates an empty shopping cart for a guest or logged in customer. It returns a cart ID. The function calls the createEmptyCart
export const createEmptyCart = async();
The data returned is a new empty cart ID as a string:
type EmptyCartId = string;
If guest carts have been disabled from the Admin, the function returns an error.
To create an empty cart:
import { createEmptyCart } from '@/cart/api/createEmptyCart';
The getCartData
function is mainly used internally by the initializeCart()
and refreshCart()
functions. If you need detailed information about the current user’s shopping cart, a more optimal approach is to listen for cart/data
or cart/updated
events so that you do not need to make another network call.
export const getCartData = async (): Promise<CartModel | null>
Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel
object or null. The CartModel
object has the following shape:
export interface CartModel { id: string; totalQuantity: number; errors?: ItemError[]; items: Item[]; miniCartMaxItems: Item[]; total: { includingTax: Price; excludingTax: Price; }; discount?: Price; subtotal: { excludingTax: Price; includingTax: Price; includingDiscountOnly: Price; }; appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[]; totalTax?: Price; appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[]; shipping?: Price; isVirtual?: boolean; addresses: { shipping?: { countryCode: string; zipCode?: string; regionCode?: string; }[]; }; isGuestCart?: boolean; hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean; hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean; appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];}
interface TotalPriceModifier { amount: Price; label: string; coupon?: Coupon;}
interface FixedProductTax { amount: Price; label: string;}
export interface Item { taxedPrice: Price; rowTotal: Price; rowTotalIncludingTax: Price; itemType: string; uid: string; url: ItemURL; quantity: number; sku: string; name: string; image: ItemImage; links?: ItemLinks; price: Price; total: Price; discountedTotal?: Price; discount?: Price; regularPrice: Price; discounted: boolean; bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; message?: string; recipient?: string; recipientEmail?: string; sender?: string; senderEmail?: string; lowInventory?: boolean; insufficientQuantity?: boolean; onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null; outOfStock?: boolean; notAvailableMessage?: string; stockLevel?: String; discountPercentage?: number; savingsAmount?: Price; productAttributes?: Attribute[]; fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];}
interface ItemError { id: string; text: string;}
interface ItemImage { src: string; alt: string;}
export interface Price { value: number; currency: string;}
interface ItemURL { urlKey: string; categories: string[];}
interface ItemLinks { count: number; result: string;}
interface AttributeOption { value: string; label: string;}
interface Attribute { code: string; value?: string; selected_options?: AttributeOption[];}
interface Coupon { code: string;}
To get detailed information about the user’s shopping cart:
import { getCartData } from '@/cart/api/getCartData';
A function that returns estimated totals for cart based on an address. It takes an address
export const getEstimatedTotals = async ( address: EstimateAddressShippingInput): Promise<CartModel | null>
The EstimateAddressShippingInput
object has the following parameters:
Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel
object or null. The CartModel
object has the following shape:
export interface CartModel { id: string; totalQuantity: number; errors?: ItemError[]; items: Item[]; miniCartMaxItems: Item[]; total: { includingTax: Price; excludingTax: Price; }; discount?: Price; subtotal: { excludingTax: Price; includingTax: Price; includingDiscountOnly: Price; }; appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[]; totalTax?: Price; appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[]; shipping?: Price; isVirtual?: boolean; addresses: { shipping?: { countryCode: string; zipCode?: string; regionCode?: string; }[]; }; isGuestCart?: boolean; hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean; hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean; appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];}
interface TotalPriceModifier { amount: Price; label: string; coupon?: Coupon;}
interface FixedProductTax { amount: Price; label: string;}
export interface Item { taxedPrice: Price; rowTotal: Price; rowTotalIncludingTax: Price; itemType: string; uid: string; url: ItemURL; quantity: number; sku: string; name: string; image: ItemImage; links?: ItemLinks; price: Price; total: Price; discountedTotal?: Price; discount?: Price; regularPrice: Price; discounted: boolean; bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; message?: string; recipient?: string; recipientEmail?: string; sender?: string; senderEmail?: string; lowInventory?: boolean; insufficientQuantity?: boolean; onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null; outOfStock?: boolean; notAvailableMessage?: string; stockLevel?: String; discountPercentage?: number; savingsAmount?: Price; productAttributes?: Attribute[]; fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];}
interface ItemError { id: string; text: string;}
interface ItemImage { src: string; alt: string;}
export interface Price { value: number; currency: string;}
interface ItemURL { urlKey: string; categories: string[];}
interface ItemLinks { count: number; result: string;}
interface AttributeOption { value: string; label: string;}
interface Attribute { code: string; value?: string; selected_options?: AttributeOption[];}
interface Coupon { code: string;}
To get estimated totals for the cart based on an address:
import { getEstimatedTotals } from '@/cart/api/getEstimatedTotals';
getEstimatedTotals([ { address: { countryCode: string, postcode?: string, region?: { region?: string, code?: string, id?: number, } } }]);
Here’s the shape of the data returned from the getEstimatedTotals
type EstimatedTotals = { cartId: string; address: { countryCode: string; postcode?: string; region?: { region?: string; code?: string; id?: number; }; }; shippingMethod: { carrierCode: string; methodCode: string; };};
The getEstimateShipping
function returns a list of shipping methods and the estimated shipping costs, based on the country ID. The function calls the estimateShippingMethods
export const getEstimateShipping = async ( address: EstimateAddressInput): Promise<any | null>
The EstimateAddressInput
object has the following parameters:
Returns a promise that contains shipping data or null. The EstimatedShipping
object has the following shape:
type EstimatedShipping = { cartId: string; address: { countryCode: string; postcode?: string; region?: { region?: string; code?: string; id?: number; }; }; shippingMethod: { carrierCode: string; methodCode: string; };};
The event bus emits the shipping/estimate
event, which contains data about the address and shipping method.
To get an estimate of the shipping costs:
import { getEstimateShipping } from '@/cart/api/getEstimateShipping';
getEstimateShipping({ countryCode: 'US', region: { code: 'NY', },});
The getStoreConfig
function returns information about a store’s configuration. The function calls the storeConfig
export const getStoreConfig = async (): Promise<StoreConfigModel | null>
Returns a promise that resolves to a StoreConfigModel
object or null. The StoreConfigModel
object has the following shape:
type StoreConfigModel = { displayMiniCart: boolean; miniCartMaxItemsDisplay: number; cartExpiresInDays: number; cartSummaryDisplayTotal: number; defaultCountry: string; categoryFixedProductTaxDisplaySetting: string; productFixedProductTaxDisplaySetting: string; salesFixedProductTaxDisplaySetting: string; shoppingCartDisplaySetting: { fullSummary: boolean; grandTotal: boolean; price: number | string; shipping: number | string; subtotal: number | string; taxGiftWrapping: string; zeroTax: boolean; };};
To get cart-related configuration values:
import { getStoreConfig } from '@/cart/api/getStoreConfig';
The initializeCart
function initializes a guest or customer cart. This function is automatically called during the initialize phase of a dropin’s lifecycle. You do not need to call this manually. It also emits the cart/initialized and cart/data events.
export const initializeCart = async (): Promise<CartModel | null>
Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel
object or null. The CartModel
object has the following shape:
export interface CartModel { id: string; totalQuantity: number; errors?: ItemError[]; items: Item[]; miniCartMaxItems: Item[]; total: { includingTax: Price; excludingTax: Price; }; discount?: Price; subtotal: { excludingTax: Price; includingTax: Price; includingDiscountOnly: Price; }; appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[]; totalTax?: Price; appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[]; shipping?: Price; isVirtual?: boolean; addresses: { shipping?: { countryCode: string; zipCode?: string; regionCode?: string; }[]; }; isGuestCart?: boolean; hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean; hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean; appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];}
interface TotalPriceModifier { amount: Price; label: string; coupon?: Coupon;}
interface FixedProductTax { amount: Price; label: string;}
export interface Item { taxedPrice: Price; rowTotal: Price; rowTotalIncludingTax: Price; itemType: string; uid: string; url: ItemURL; quantity: number; sku: string; name: string; image: ItemImage; links?: ItemLinks; price: Price; total: Price; discountedTotal?: Price; discount?: Price; regularPrice: Price; discounted: boolean; bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; message?: string; recipient?: string; recipientEmail?: string; sender?: string; senderEmail?: string; lowInventory?: boolean; insufficientQuantity?: boolean; onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null; outOfStock?: boolean; notAvailableMessage?: string; stockLevel?: String; discountPercentage?: number; savingsAmount?: Price; productAttributes?: Attribute[]; fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];}
interface ItemError { id: string; text: string;}
interface ItemImage { src: string; alt: string;}
export interface Price { value: number; currency: string;}
interface ItemURL { urlKey: string; categories: string[];}
interface ItemLinks { count: number; result: string;}
interface AttributeOption { value: string; label: string;}
interface Attribute { code: string; value?: string; selected_options?: AttributeOption[];}
interface Coupon { code: string;}
The event bus emits the cart/initialized
event and the cart/data
event, which contains data about the address and shipping method.
To initialize a cart:
import { initializeCart } from '@/cart/api/initializeCart';
The refreshCart
function refreshes the cart data.
export const refreshCart = async (): Promise<CartModel | null>
Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel
object or null. The CartModel
object has the following shape:
export interface CartModel { id: string; totalQuantity: number; errors?: ItemError[]; items: Item[]; miniCartMaxItems: Item[]; total: { includingTax: Price; excludingTax: Price; }; discount?: Price; subtotal: { excludingTax: Price; includingTax: Price; includingDiscountOnly: Price; }; appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[]; totalTax?: Price; appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[]; shipping?: Price; isVirtual?: boolean; addresses: { shipping?: { countryCode: string; zipCode?: string; regionCode?: string; }[]; }; isGuestCart?: boolean; hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean; hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean; appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];}
interface TotalPriceModifier { amount: Price; label: string; coupon?: Coupon;}
interface FixedProductTax { amount: Price; label: string;}
export interface Item { taxedPrice: Price; rowTotal: Price; rowTotalIncludingTax: Price; itemType: string; uid: string; url: ItemURL; quantity: number; sku: string; name: string; image: ItemImage; links?: ItemLinks; price: Price; total: Price; discountedTotal?: Price; discount?: Price; regularPrice: Price; discounted: boolean; bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; message?: string; recipient?: string; recipientEmail?: string; sender?: string; senderEmail?: string; lowInventory?: boolean; insufficientQuantity?: boolean; onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null; outOfStock?: boolean; notAvailableMessage?: string; stockLevel?: String; discountPercentage?: number; savingsAmount?: Price; productAttributes?: Attribute[]; fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];}
interface ItemError { id: string; text: string;}
interface ItemImage { src: string; alt: string;}
export interface Price { value: number; currency: string;}
interface ItemURL { urlKey: string; categories: string[];}
interface ItemLinks { count: number; result: string;}
interface AttributeOption { value: string; label: string;}
interface Attribute { code: string; value?: string; selected_options?: AttributeOption[];}
interface Coupon { code: string;}
The event bus emits the cart/updated
and cart/data
To refresh the cart data:
import { refreshCart } from '@/cart/api/refreshCart';
This function resets the cart drop-in. As a result, the cart ID is set to null and the authenticated status is set to false.
export const resetCart = (): Promise<CartModel | null>
Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel
object or null. The CartModel
object has the following shape:
export interface CartModel { id: string; totalQuantity: number; errors?: ItemError[]; items: Item[]; miniCartMaxItems: Item[]; total: { includingTax: Price; excludingTax: Price; }; discount?: Price; subtotal: { excludingTax: Price; includingTax: Price; includingDiscountOnly: Price; }; appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[]; totalTax?: Price; appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[]; shipping?: Price; isVirtual?: boolean; addresses: { shipping?: { countryCode: string; zipCode?: string; regionCode?: string; }[]; }; isGuestCart?: boolean; hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean; hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean; appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];}
interface TotalPriceModifier { amount: Price; label: string; coupon?: Coupon;}
interface FixedProductTax { amount: Price; label: string;}
export interface Item { taxedPrice: Price; rowTotal: Price; rowTotalIncludingTax: Price; itemType: string; uid: string; url: ItemURL; quantity: number; sku: string; name: string; image: ItemImage; links?: ItemLinks; price: Price; total: Price; discountedTotal?: Price; discount?: Price; regularPrice: Price; discounted: boolean; bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; message?: string; recipient?: string; recipientEmail?: string; sender?: string; senderEmail?: string; lowInventory?: boolean; insufficientQuantity?: boolean; onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null; outOfStock?: boolean; notAvailableMessage?: string; stockLevel?: String; discountPercentage?: number; savingsAmount?: Price; productAttributes?: Attribute[]; fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];}
interface ItemError { id: string; text: string;}
interface ItemImage { src: string; alt: string;}
export interface Price { value: number; currency: string;}
interface ItemURL { urlKey: string; categories: string[];}
interface ItemLinks { count: number; result: string;}
interface AttributeOption { value: string; label: string;}
interface Attribute { code: string; value?: string; selected_options?: AttributeOption[];}
interface Coupon { code: string;}
To reset the cart:
import { resetCart } from '@/cart/api/resetCart';
The updateProductsFromCart
function updates the quantity of a product in the cart. The specified quantity replaces the current quantity. Setting the quantity to 0 removes an item from the cart. The function calls the updateCartItems
export const updateProductsFromCart = async ( items: UpdateProductsFromCart): Promise<CartModel | null>
The UpdateProductsFromCart
object has the following parameters:
Returns a promise that resolves to a CartModel
object or null. The CartModel
object has the following shape:
export interface CartModel { id: string; totalQuantity: number; errors?: ItemError[]; items: Item[]; miniCartMaxItems: Item[]; total: { includingTax: Price; excludingTax: Price; }; discount?: Price; subtotal: { excludingTax: Price; includingTax: Price; includingDiscountOnly: Price; }; appliedTaxes: TotalPriceModifier[]; totalTax?: Price; appliedDiscounts: TotalPriceModifier[]; shipping?: Price; isVirtual?: boolean; addresses: { shipping?: { countryCode: string; zipCode?: string; regionCode?: string; }[]; }; isGuestCart?: boolean; hasOutOfStockItems?: boolean; hasFullyOutOfStockItems?: boolean; appliedCoupons?: Coupon[];}
interface TotalPriceModifier { amount: Price; label: string; coupon?: Coupon;}
interface FixedProductTax { amount: Price; label: string;}
export interface Item { taxedPrice: Price; rowTotal: Price; rowTotalIncludingTax: Price; itemType: string; uid: string; url: ItemURL; quantity: number; sku: string; name: string; image: ItemImage; links?: ItemLinks; price: Price; total: Price; discountedTotal?: Price; discount?: Price; regularPrice: Price; discounted: boolean; bundleOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; selectedOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; customizableOptions?: { [key: string]: any }; message?: string; recipient?: string; recipientEmail?: string; sender?: string; senderEmail?: string; lowInventory?: boolean; insufficientQuantity?: boolean; onlyXLeftInStock?: number | null; outOfStock?: boolean; notAvailableMessage?: string; stockLevel?: String; discountPercentage?: number; savingsAmount?: Price; productAttributes?: Attribute[]; fixedProductTaxes?: FixedProductTax[];}
interface ItemError { id: string; text: string;}
interface ItemImage { src: string; alt: string;}
export interface Price { value: number; currency: string;}
interface ItemURL { urlKey: string; categories: string[];}
interface ItemLinks { count: number; result: string;}
interface AttributeOption { value: string; label: string;}
interface Attribute { code: string; value?: string; selected_options?: AttributeOption[];}
interface Coupon { code: string;}
This function emits the cart/updated
and cart/data
events. It also publishes add-to-cart or remove-from-cart events to the Adobe Client Data Layer (ACDL).
To set the quantity of an item in the cart to 3.
import { updateProductsFromCart } from '@/cart/api/updateProductsFromCart';
updateProductsFromCart([ { uid: ''VA19-GO-NA, quantity: 3, },]);
To remove the item from the cart.
import { updateProductsFromCart } from '@/cart/api/updateProductsFromCart';
updateProductsFromCart([ { uid: 'VA19-GO-NA', quantity: 0, },]);