OrderSummaryLine container
The OrderSummaryLine
container displays a line item in the order summary. The OrderSummaryLine
container behaves like a wrapper for the OrderSummaryLine
component. The component ultimately decides how to render the line item, based on the children
OrderSummaryLine container
The OrderSummaryLine
container provides the following configuration options:
Example configuration
The following example adds the Fixed Product Tax (PDT) line to the order summary:
updateLineItems: (lineItems) => { const totalFpt = ctx.data.items.reduce((allItemsFpt, item) => { const itemFpt = item.fixedProductTaxes.reduce((accumulator, fpt) => { accumulator.labels.push(fpt.label); accumulator.total += fpt.amount.value; return accumulator; }, { labels: [], total: 0 }); allItemsFpt.labels = [...allItemsFpt.labels, ...itemFpt.labels]; allItemsFpt.total += itemFpt.total; return allItemsFpt; }, { labels: [], total: 0 });
lineItems.push({ key: 'fpt', sortOrder: 350, title: 'Fixed Product Tax', content: OrderSummaryLine({label: "FPT(" + totalFpt.labels.join(',') + ')', price: Price({amount: totalFpt.total}), classSuffix: 'fpt'}) })
return lineItems;};