Endpoint Reference

Endpoint Reference

Marketo uses Swagger to provide a formal definition of the public interface for its REST APIs. Swagger provides a rich definition model for URL structures, request models, and response models, and has a developed ecosystem of tools for use with API interaction, testing, and client generation.

The endpoint reference uses the Swagger-UI JavaScript package to generate the reference pages on the client-side. Each public endpoint is listed and gives the structure of the response model, required request parameters, and the request model if necessary.

Using Marketo’s Swagger Definitions

The Swagger standard requires a host to be provided, or for the host to be generated by the host serving the file. It is important to correct the host in the definition before employing any existing tools, as Marketo provides an empty host parameter with the definition. The REST API host for each Marketo instance is unique, and follows the pattern:

{Munchkin ID}.mktorest.com

Asset APIs

The Marketo Asset APIs use application/x-www-url-formencoded style parameters in requests for endpoints which require a POST method. In some cases however, such as folder parameters, the value for the parameter may be a JSON array or object. These parameters are noted in the endpoint reference.
