Error Codes

Below are lists of REST API error codes, and an explanation of how errors are returned back to applications.

Handling and Logging Exceptions

When developing for Marketo, it’s important that requests and responses get logged when an unexpected exception is encountered. While certain types of exceptions, such as expired authentication, can be safely handled by re-authentication, others may require support interactions, and requests and responses will always be requested in this scenario.

Error Types

The Marketo REST API can return three different types of errors under normal operation:

  • HTTP-Level: These errors are indicated by a 4xx code.
  • Response-Level: These errors are included in the “errors” array of the JSON response.
  • Record-Level: These errors are included in the “result” array of the JSON response, and are indicated on an individual record basis with the “status” field and “reasons” array.

For Response-Level and Record-Level error types, an HTTP status code of 200 is returned. For all error types, the HTTP reason phrase should not be evaluated as it is optional and subject to change.

HTTP-Level errors

Under normal operating circumstances Marketo should only return two HTTP status code errors, 413 Request Entity Too Large, and 414 Request URI Too Long. These are both recoverable through catching the error, modifying the request and retrying, but with smart coding practices, you should never encounter these in the wild.

Marketo will return 413 if the Request Payload exceeds 1MB, or 10MB in the case of Import Lead. In most scenarios it is unlikely to hit these limits, but adding a check to the size of the request and moving any records, which cause the limit to be exceeded to a new request should prevent any circumstances, which lead to this error being returned by any endpoints.

414 will be returned when the URI of a GET request exceeds 8KB. To avoid it, check against the length of your query string to see if it exceeds this limit. If it does change your request to a POST method, then input your query string as the request body with the additional parameter _method=GET. This forgoes the limitation on URIs. It’s rare to hit this limit in most cases, but it is somewhat common when retrieving large batches of records with long individual filter values such as a GUID.
The Identity endpoint can return a 401 Unauthorized error. This is typically due to an invalid Client Id or invalid Client Secret. HTTP-Level Error Codes

Response Code
Request Entity Too Large
The payload exceeded the 1MB limit.
Request-URI Too Long
The URI of the request exceeded 8k. The request should be retried as a POST with param `_method=GET` in the URL, and the rest of the query string in the body of the request.

Response-Level errors

Response level errors are present when the success parameter of the response is set to false, and are structured like:

    "requestId": "e42b#14272d07d78",
    "success": false,
    "errors": [
            "code": "601",
            "message": "Unauthorized"

Each object in the “errors” array has two members, code, which is a quoted integer from 601 to 799 and a message giving the plaintext reason for the error. 6xx codes always indicate that a request failed completely and were not executed. An example is a 601, “Access token invalid,” which is recoverable by re-authenticating and passing the new access token with the request. 7xx errors indicate that the request failed, either because no data was returned, or the request was incorrectly parameterized, such as including an invalid date, or missing a required parameter.

Response-Level Error Codes

An API call that returns this response code is not counted against your daily quota, or your rate limit.

Response Code
Bad Gateway
The remote server returned an error. Likely a timeout. The request should be retried with exponential backoff.
Access token invalid
An Access Token parameter was included in the request, but the value was not a valid access token.
Access token expired
The Access Token included in the call is no longer valid due to expiration.
Access denied
Authentication is successful but the user doesn't have sufficient permission to call this API. [Additional permissions]( may need to be assigned to the user role, or Allowlist for IP-Based API Access may be enabled.
Request time-out
The request was running for too long (for example, encountered database contention), or exceeded the time-out period specified in the header of the call.
HTTP Method not supported
GET is not supported for the Sync Leads endpoint. POST must be used.
Max rate limit `%s`; exceeded with in `%s` secs
The number of calls in the past 20 seconds was greater than 100
Daily quota reached
The number of calls today exceeded the subscription's quota (resets daily at 12:00AM CST).>Your quota can be found in your Admin->Web Services menu. You can increase your quota through your account manager.
API Temporarily Unavailable
Invalid JSON
The body included in the request is not valid JSON.
Requested resource not found
The URI in the call did not match a REST API resource type. This is often due to an incorrectly spelled or incorrectly formatted request URI
System error
All unhandled exceptions
Invalid Content Type
If you see this error, add a content type header specifying JSON format to your request. For example, try using `content type: application/json`. See this StackOverflow question for more details.
Invalid Multipart Request
The multipart content of the POST was not formatted correctly
Invalid Subscription
The destination subscription cannot be found or is unreachable. This usually indicates temporary inaccessibility.
Concurrent access limit reached
At most, requests are processed by any subscription 10 at a time. This is returned if there are already 10 ongoing requests.
Invalid subscription type
The appropriate Marketo subscription type is required to access the Custom Object Metadata API. Consult your CSM for details.
%s cannot be blank
The reported field must not be empty in the request
No data found for a given search scenario
No records matched the given search parameters. Note: Many failed search operations return `success = true` and no errors and set a warnings informational string.
The feature is not enabled for the subscription
A beta feature that has not been in enabled in a user's subscription
Invalid date format
  • A date was specified that was not in the correct format
  • An invalid dynamic content id was specified
Business Rule Violation

The call cannot be fulfilled because it violates a requirement to create or update an asset, for example, trying to create an email without a template. It is also possible to get this error when trying to:

  • Retrieve content for landing pages that contain social content.
  • Clone a program that contains certain asset types (see Program Clone for more information).
  • Approve an asset that has no draft (that is, has already been approved).
Parent Folder Not Found
The specified parent folder could not be found
Incompatible Folder Type
The specified folder was not of the correct type to fulfill the request
Merge to person Account operation is invalid
A Merge Leads call failed because of an attempt to merge leads that are Salesforce Person Accounts. Salesforce Person Accounts must be merged in Salesforce.
Transient Error
A system resource was temporarily unavailable at the time of the API call. When this error is encountered, it is advised to wait for time and then retry the request.
Unable to find the default record type
A Merge Leads call failed because it was unable to find a default record type.
ExternalSalesPersonID not found
A Sync Opportunities call was made with a non-existent `ExternalSalesPersonID` value.
Lock wait timeout exception
A Clone Program call was made and timed out waiting for a lock.

Record-Level record_level_errors

Record level errors indicate that an operation could not be completed for an individual record, but the request itself was valid. A response with record-level errors follows this pattern:


               "message":"Lead already exists"

Records included in the result array of calls are ordered in the same way as the input array of a request.
Each record in a successful request may succeed or fail on an individual basis, which is indicated by the status field of each record included in the result array of a response. The “status” field of these records will be “skipped” and a “reasons” array is present. Each reason contains a “code” member, and a “message” member. The code is always 1xxx, and the message indicates why the record was skipped. An example would be where a Sync Leads request has “action” set to “createOnly” but a lead already exists for one of the keys in the submitted records. This case returns a code of 1005, and a message of “Lead already exists” as displayed above.

Record-Level Error Codes

Response Code
Invalid value ‘%s'. Required of type ‘%s'
Error is generated whenever a parameter value has a type mismatch. For example the string value specified for an integer parameter.
Missing value for the required parameter ‘%s'
Error is generated when a required parameter is missing from the request
Invalid data
When the data submitted is not a valid type for the given endpoint or mode; such as when id is submitted for a lead with action designated as createOnly or when using Request Campaign on a batch campaign.
Lead not found
For syncLead, when action is “updateOnly” and if lead is not found
Lead already exists
For syncLead, when action is “createOnly” and if a lead already exists
Field ‘%s' not found
An included field in the call is not a valid field.
Multiple leads match the lookup criteria
Multiple leads match the lookup criteria. Updates can only be performed when the key matches a single record
Access denied to partition ‘%s'
The user for the custom service does not have access to a workspace with the partition where the record exists.
Partition name must be specified
Partition update not allowed
The specified record already exists in a separate lead partition.
Field ‘%s' not supported
When lookup field or `filterType` specified with unsupported standard fields (ex: firstName, lastName)
Invalid cookie value ‘%s'
Can occur when calling the Associate Lead with an invalid value for the `cookie` parameter. This also occurs when calling Get Leads by Filter Type with `filterType=cookies` and an invalid value for the `filterValues` parameter.
Object not found
Get object (list, campaign) by id returns this error code
Failed to create Object
Failed to create Object (list)
Lead not in list
The designated lead is not a member of the target list
Too many imports
There are too many imports queued. A maximum of 10 is allowed
Object already exists
Creation failed because the record already exists
CRM Enabled
The action could not be carried out, because the instance has a native CRM integration enabled.
Import in progress
The target list is already being imported to
Too many clones to program
The subscription has reached the allotted use of `cloneToProgramName` in the Schedule Program for the day
Company update not allowed
Company update not allowed during syncLead
Object in use
Delete is not allowed when an object is in use by another object
Program status not found
A status was specified to Change Lead Program Status that did not match a status available for the program's channel.
Custom object not enabled
The action could not be carried out, because the instance does not have custom objects integration enabled.
Max Activity Type Limit Reached
The subscription has reached the maximum number of available custom activity types.
Max field limit reached
Custom activities have a maximum of 20 secondary attributes.
  • Too many jobs in queue
  • Export daily quota exceeded
  • Subscriptions are allowed a maximum of 10 bulk extract jobs in the queue at any given time.
  • By default extract jobs are limited to 500MB per day (resets daily at 12:00AM CST).
Unsupported filter type
In some subscriptions, the following Bulk Lead Extract filter types are not supported: updatedAt, smartListId, smartListName.
Duplicate object found in input
A call was made to update two or more records using the same foreign key. For example, a Sync Companies call using the same externalCompanyId for more than one company.
Lead was skipped
The Lead was skipped because it is already in or past this status.
Invalid runAt date
The runAt date specified for Schedule Campaign was too far into the future (the maximum is 2 years).
Custom Object Discard Draft Failed
A call was made to discard the draft version of a custom object.
Failed to Create Activity
Attributes array too long. The array of attributes passed to the record exceeded the max length of 65536 bytes
Merge Leads call with mergeInCRM flag is 4.
You are creating a duplicate record. It is recommended that you use an existing record instead. This is the error msg, which Marketo receives when merging in Salesforce.
Merge Leads call failed due to `SFDC Field` length
A Merge Leads call with mergeInCRM set to true failed due to `SFDC Field` exceeding the limit of allowed characters. To correct, reduce the length of `SFDC Field`, or set mergeInCRM to false.
Merge Leads call failed due to deleted entity, not a lead/contact, or field filter criteria doesn't match.
Merge failure, unable to perform merge operation in natively synced CRM This is the error msg, which Marketo receives when merging in Salesforce.