Release Notes 2022 release-notes-2022

This page lists all the features and improvements for Journey Optimizer released in 2022.

October 2022 Release oct-2022-release

Improvements oct-2022-improvements


  • The Force reentrance on recurrence option has been added in recurring read audience schedule parameters. This option allows you to make all the profiles still present in the journey automatically exit it on the next execution. When the option is deactivated, profiles must finish the journey before they can reenter in another occurrence. Learn more


  • A message was added to the user interface to warn that subdomain, landing page subdomain, PTR record and IP pool configurations are common to all sandboxes and thus any modification to one of these configurations will also impact the production sandboxes.
  • The steps to upload the suppression list as a CSV file from the user interface have been modified. Learn more


  • You can now archive completed and stopped campaigns. Learn more

September 2022 Release sept-2022-release

New capabilities sept-2022-features

Dynamic content & new conditional rule builder

You can now create dynamic content to adapt the content of your messages based on conditional rules.

Conditional rules are created using a visual rule builder within the Expression Editor, where you can store them for further reuse across your journeys and campaigns.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

API-triggered campaigns

In addition to existing scheduled campaigns, you can now create API-triggered campaigns in Journey Optimizer and invoke them from an external system using APIs.

This allows you to cover various operational and transactional messaging needs like password resets, OTP token, among others.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Data Access Control

Through attribute-based access control, administrators can control access to specific objects based on certain attributes. These attributes can be metadata added to an object, such as labels. Starting this release, administrators can also define user roles that have access to only specific fields and/or objects, and data that correspond to those fields and/or objects.

The use of Attribute-based access control is currently restricted to selected customers, and will be deployed to all environments in a future release.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Data Governance and Privacy

With its Data Usage Labelling and Enforcement (DULE) governance framework, Journey Optimizer can now leverage Adobe Experience Platform governance policies to prevent sensitive fields from being exported to third-party systems through custom actions. If the system identifies a restricted field in the custom action parameters, an error is displayed preventing you from publishing the journey.

The use of Data Usage Labelling and Enforcement (DULE) is currently restricted to selected customers, and will be deployed to all environments in a future release.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Automated Consent Enforcement (Consent Policies)

Adobe Experience Platform allows you to easily adopt and enforce marketing policies to respect the consent preferences of your customers. Consent policies are defined in Adobe Experience Platform. In Journey Optimizer, you can apply these consent policies to your custom actions. For example you can define consent policies to exclude customers who have not consented to receive email, push or SMS communication.

Automated Consent Enforcement is currently only available for organizations that have purchased the Healthcare Shield add-on offering.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Permission Management

Journey Optimizer supports defining user roles and access policies to manage permissions for features and objects. Through Adobe Experience Cloud Permissions, you can create and manage roles, as well as assign the desired resource permissions for these roles. Permissions also allow you to manage the labels, sandboxes, and users associated with a specific role.

The use of Permissions is currently restricted to selected customers, and will be deployed to all environments in a future release.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Alerting and Monitoring

As a Journey Optimizer user, you can now access system alerts through the user interface to get notified when journeys don't work as expected. You can view the available alerts and subscribe to them. The first alert available with this release will warn you if a Read Audience activity has not processed any profile during the defined time frame. More will come now that this workflow is unlocked.

Improvements sept-2022-improvements


  • The Entity Dataset is now available as an out-of-the-box dataset in Adobe Journey Optimizer. This lookup dataset includes meta data to enrich the tracking and feedback datasets information. This will help you improve your reports and queries with more comprehensible data. Learn more
  • A new guardrail has been added to unitary journeys (starting with an event or an audience qualification) to prevent journeys from being erroneously triggered multiple times for the same event. Profile reentrance will now be temporally blocked by default for 5 minutes. Learn more


  • When activating or deactivating the allowed list, a new warning now displays to detail the impacts of each action. Learn more
  • The user interface for creating channel configurations, creating IP pools, managing the suppression list and the allowed list, and configuring the SMS channel has been updated.
  • Now when creating the first channel configuration for a given subdomain, the processing time will take 10 minutes to 10 days, and only up to 3 hours for subsequent surfaces using that subdomain. Learn more
  • The user interface for creating landing page presets and landing page subdomains has been updated. Learn more

Audit controls

  • With Journey Optimizer, you can identify actions performed by users in the system on various services and capabilities like campaigns, journeys, messages, landing pages etc. Audit log resources now include changes on various other actions, and are recorded automatically as the activity occurs. Learn more in this page.

Archiving support

  • The new Entity Dataset includes a Template field which enables you to export the format ad structure of the sent messages on all channels for archiving purpose. Learn more

Landing pages

  • You can now use contextual data coming from another page within the same landing page. For example, if you link a checkbox to a subscription list on the primary landing page, you can use that subscription list on the “thank you” subpage. Learn more

Other changes sept-2022-other

  • Journey Burst Mode has been replaced by Campaign Rapid delivery mode. Learn more
  • To improve performance, Experience event field groups can no longer be used in journeys starting with a Read audience, an Audience qualification or a business event activity. This change only applies to new journeys. Existing ones will keep the current behaviour. Learn more
  • The 1 hour limitation for scheduled read audience journeys has been removed. These journeys can now be executed with no delay.

August 2022 Release aug-2022-release

New capabilities

Create and manage campaigns in Journey Optimizer

Use Journey Optimizer campaigns to deliver one-time content to a specific audience using various channels. When using journeys, actions are designed to be executed in sequence. With campaigns, actions are performed simultaneously, either immediately, or based on a specified schedule.

Learn how to create a campaign in the detailed documentation and feature video.

Send SMS to your users (general availability)

You can now create, personalize, and send SMS in Journey Optimizer, through an integration with Sinch or Twilio.

Learn how to create and send a SMS in this detailed documentation.



  • Consent policies table and graph are now available in Journey global reports. These widgets allow you to track the excluded profiles from the policies in your custom actions. Learn more

    To have access to the latest widgets, please note that you will have to reset the different reporting dashboards. For more information on dashboard customization, refer to the detailed documentation.


  • It is now possible to update the primary phone number to use for the SMS channel. Learn more

July 2022 Release july-2022-release

New capabilities

New in-line messaging flow

Journey Optimizer provides a new flow for message authoring in Journeys. In-line messaging will save users significant time and streamline the workflow process to create and deliver an email, a push notification or an SMS in Journey Optimizer. By removing Messages as a separate step and instead making them editable in-line as part of an action on the Journey Canvas, users will need to click fewer buttons and navigate fewer screens to design and edit their content.

Attribute-based access control (limited availability)

You can now identify schema fields with labels that define organizational or data usage scopes. Administrators can use the Permissions interface to define access policies covering XDM schema fields and better manage the access given to users or groups of users (internal, external, or third-party users), and manage access to specific types of data (i.e. Sensitive Personal Data/SPD).

The use of Attribute-based access control is currently restricted to selected users, and will be deployed to all environments in a future release.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Batch decisioning jobs

You can now run batch decisioning jobs from the user interface, so that I do not need a developer to run batch api jobs and I can reduce the time needed for marketing. This new interface allows you to create jobs and manage current/past jobs.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Automatically use the best performing offer in your decisions (limited availability)

You can now use personalized optimization model systems in decision management. This new type of model allows you to optimize and personalize offers based on audiences and offer performance.

The use of personalized optimization AI models is currently restricted to selected users, and will be deployed to all environments in a future release.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.



  • Ending a journey - In the journey canvas, the End activity has been removed from the palette. End tags are now added by default at the end of each path and cannot be removed. This improvement allows better reporting of where a customer dropped out of the journey, without any action required from the journey practitioner. Refer to the documentation and feature video.

  • The Profile time zone option is now unchecked by default in journey properties. Learn more


  • Message presets are now channel configurations. Learn more


  • PTR record edition - Now when updating a PTR record, the processing time will only take up to 3 hours. Learn more

  • Allowed list UI - You can now use the Journey Optimizer user interface to add new email addresses or domains to the allowed list. Learn more

  • Allowed list logic update - Now the allowed list logic applies as soon as the feature is enabled, even if the list is empty. Learn more

  • URL tracking parameters - You can now use the Expression Editor to configure URL tracking parameters in your email surfaces (i.e presets). Learn more

Decision management

  • Audience size - A new audience size estimate component is now displayed in the user interface when creating a decision rule, when selecting an audience or a rule to set an offer eligibility, or when adding an audience or a rule to a decision scope.

June 2022 Release june-2022-release

New capabilities

Send SMS to your users (limited availability)

You can now create, personalize, and send SMS in Journey Optimizer, through an integration with Sinch or Twilio.

The SMS channel is currently only available for a set of organizations (Limited Availability). For more information, contact your Adobe representative.

Learn how to create and send a SMS in this detailed documentation.

Find more impactful images faster with Adobe Stock integration

The Adobe Stock and Adobe Journey Optimizer Email Designer integration plugin provides customers an easy way to navigate, license and save imagery for use in message authoring.
The new Find similar Stock photos option also allows you to locate Stock photos that will match the content, color, and composition of your images.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Use Email BCC on all your emails

You can now use the Email BCC (blind carbon copy) capability to store emails sent by Adobe Journey Optimizer. Enable this option in your email presets so that every email sent is blind-copied to your BCC address.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Copy objects between sandboxes

You can now re-create the experiences from a Journey Optimizer sandbox to another, for example from a non-production sandbox to a production sandbox. This new capability copies an entire Journey, including any objects the Journey depends on to run correctly, from one environment to another. In addition to Journeys, you can also copy other components, such as Offers, Messages, Schemas, Datasets, Data Sources, Events, and Actions.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.


Decision management

  • HTML and JSON files support - You can now drag and drop external HTML and JSON files from the Adobe Experience Cloud Asset library into the offer representation content. Learn more


  • Save as template - You can now save an email content as a template and reuse it when creating other messages. Learn more


  • Preview tracking URL parameters - When configuring a message preset, if you define URL tracking parameters, a dynamic preview of the resulting tracking URL is now displayed. Learn more

  • Message preset edition - Now when updating a message preset, the processing time can only take up to 3 hours. Learn more

  • IP pool edition - Now when updating an IP pool, the processing time can only take up to 3 hours. Learn more

May 2022 Release may-2022-release

New capabilities

Message Frequency Rules

You can now set cross-channel business rules that will automatically exclude over-solicited profiles from messages and actions.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Decision Management - AI Ranking auto-optimization model

You can now use trained model systems in Decision Management. This new capability ranks offers to display for a given profile.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Journey Optimizer Audit Logs

You can now monitor actions performed by users on Adobe Journey Optimizer resources.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.



  • New helper function for characters hiding - The mask helper function allows you to replace a part of a string with “X” characters. Learn more

Landing pages

  • Landing pages without a form - You can now create and publish a landing page which does not contain a form, and requires no action from visitors.
  • Landing page templates - You can now save a landing page as a template and reuse it when creating other landing pages. Learn more
  • Back to the primary page - You can now add a link to the primary page from any subpage within the same landing page.
  • Custom JavaScript support - You can now add custom JavaScript to your landing page content to perform advanced styling or add custom behaviors to your landing pages. Learn more


  • Read audience - One-shot Read audience journeys now move to the Finished status 30 days after the journey execution. For scheduled Read audiences, it is 30 days after the execution of the last occurrence. Learn more
  • Expression editor - The limit function has been added to allow you to limit the number of items of a list. The sort function now allows you to sort out a list object. The support of listObject has also been added to the disctinct and distinctWithNull functions.


  • License usage dashboard update – The License usage dashboard available in the Adobe Journey Optimizer user interface now reflects the accurate value for the Licensed Average profile richness. You will see a drop in this metric representation, which means the license limit is now correctly reported. Learn more

April 2022 Release april-2022-release


Landing pages

  • New option for opt-in/opt-out checkboxes - You can now insert a single checkbox for opt-in/opt-out in subscription landing pages. Users need to check the box to consent (opt-in), and uncheck it to remove their consent (opt-out). Learn more

  • Pre-fill landing pages fields - It is now possible to give users the ability to pre-fill the landing page fields with profile information. Learn more

Decision management

  • Decisioning API on Edge - Edge Decisioning API can deliver and render personalized offers that are managed in decision management. You can create your offers and other related objects using the decision management user interface (UI) or APIs. Learn more


  • PTR submit duration - The duration for PTR edit to be effective is now a few hours. Learn more

Email Design

  • 20 new email templates are now available to design your email content in Journey Optimizer.

User interface

  • Contextual help in Journey Optimizer UI - Contextual help links have been added to multiple pages in Journey Optimizer. When available, click the “i” icon to view a quick description of the current functionality and access related articles.

Integration with Adobe Campaign Standard

As an Adobe Campaign Standard customer, you can now send emails, push notifications and SMS using Journey Optimizer. Use the new built-in actions to leverage Campaign Standard Transactional Messaging capabilities into Journey Optimizer. Learn more

March 2022 Release march-2022-release



  • To avoid having unnecessary fields in the unified profile schema, the Journey Step Event schema is no longer enabled for profiles by default. If needed, you can activate it. Learn more
  • New step events related to export jobs are now sent by Journey Optimizer to Adobe Experience Platform. Examples of queries have been added to documentation. Learn more

Decision management

  • You can now specify if offer capping is applied across all users or to one specific profile, and to all placements or per placement. Learn more
  • The Batch Decisioning API allows organizations to use decision management functionality for all profiles in a given audience in one call. The offer content for each profiles in the audience is placed in an AEP dataset where it is available for custom batch workflows. Learn more


  • You can now enable/disable the unsubscribe link in/from the email header at the message preset level, and set a custom unsubscribe URL at the message level. Learn more
  • The allowed list will can now be enabled and disabled through the Journey Optimizer interface on production and non-production sandboxes. Learn more


  • You can now save more than 40 personalization expressions in the library. Learn more

February 2022 Release feb-2022-release

New capabilities

Subscription Landing Pages

You can now create and design landing pages in Journey Optimizer, and direct your users to online forms where they can opt-in or opt-out from receiving your communications, or subscribe to a specific service such as a newsletter.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation and related sample use case.

New Personalization Expression Library

Journey Optimizer now provides a library where you can access predefined personalization expressions. These expressions are configured by Admin users.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Pass information to track your messages with UTM Tracking Parameters

In Journey Optimizer message content, you can now add UTM parameters to your links: they can provide additional data about that link, and help you identify where and why a person clicked on your link.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.



  • To optimize performance, all journeys in test mode that have not been triggered for a week will now switch back to the Draft status. Read more
  • The integration between Journey Optimizer and Adobe Campaign v7/v8 has been optimized to improve performance. The capping default configuration has been changed to 4000 calls / 5 minutes. Read more


  • Deliveries can now be filtered depending on their status:

    • From the Message Execution list, you can now exclude proofs from your deliveries’ list.
    • From your Live/Global reports, you can choose to exclude test events.
  • You can now access to reports on Send Time Optimization data: the number of persons who were messages immediately and the number of persons who were messaged with 1-hour optimization, 2 hours optimization, etc.

Decision management

  • Rankings and AI ranking are now grouped together into a single tab.

January 2022 Release january-2022-release

New capabilities

Journeys - Optimize your IP ramp up with Profile cap conditions

When configuring a Condition activity in a journey, you can now define a profile cap. This new condition type allows you to set a maximum number of profiles for a journey path. When this limit is reached, the entering profiles take an alternate path. This allows you to ramp up the volume of your deliveries (IP ramp up). For example, you may want to ramp up your deliveries on a domain by splitting the execution: send 1000 messages on day 1, 2000 on day 2, etc.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.

Journeys - Read audience improvement

The Incremental read option has been added to recurring Read audience activities. This option allows you to only target the individuals who entered the audience since the last execution of the journey. The first execution always targets all audience members.

For more information, refer to the detailed documentation.



  • Journey Optimizer step events can now be linked to other datasets in Adobe Customer Journey Analytics. The profileID field, in the built-in Journey Step Event schema, is now defined as an identity field. Learn more

Decision management

  • When you update an offer, fallback offer, offer collection, or offer decision which is directly or indirectly referenced in a published message, the updates are now automatically reflected in the corresponding message, without the need to republish it. Learn more

  • When simulating which offers will be delivered for a given test profile, you can now modify the default simulation settings, and view the code corresponding to your simulations that can be used for troubleshooting purpose. Learn more


  • Administrators can now edit PTR records with a CNAME set up subdomain. Learn more


  • Add to favorites - To help improve efficiency when working with personalization we’ve introduced the concept of saving favorites. Adding different attributes to your favorites menu provides quick access to your most frequency used items. Learn more